Garage Level 1 Electric Vehicle Charging Application |
Updated 15 May 2023 |

Garage Level 1 EV Charging Permission Request
(click for PDF[ ])
Please complete this request form and attach one (1) copy of your proposed improvement plan(s). The forty-five (45) day review period does not commence until a completed application has been received by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). To assure prompt consideration, please review all submittal materials for completeness before submission.
Mail, fax, email or deliver the application and one (1) set of plans to the ARC c/o Association's Property Management Company:
Harbour Vista Homewoners’ Association
c/o 2698 Junipero Avenue #101-A
Signal Hill, CA 90755
Tel: 800-665-2149 Fax: 714-528-5522
Email: |
Please Complete the Following: |
Owner: |
Date: |
Mailing Address: |
Home Phone: |
Work/Mobil: Phone: |
Email: |
Property Address: |
I, the owner, would like to request permission to use plug-in level 1 charging (trickle charging) for my electric vehicle from an HOA outlet in my garage, unit #______.
- I understand that I may only use the level 1 charging delivery system that is provided with my vehicle and that I can only plug into the garage outlet and not hardwired.
- I understand that the HOA provides electricity to the garages as part of the monthly HOA assessment.
- I agree to the additional $50 per month assessment fee to cover the cost to the HOA for using this privilege.
- I understand that the level 1 charging delivery system is only 120 volts and must not exceed 12 amps by the charging circuit in my electric vehicle. Level 1 is limited to 4 miles an hour for charging per electric vehicle.
- I understand that the power provided to the receptacles in my garage are part of a shared electric circuit by several garages on a 20 amp circuit breaker.
- I understand that delivery of electricity for charging may be prevented if another electric vehicle is charging at the same time on the shared circuit. This allocation is controlled by the charging circuits in some electric vehicle models.
- I understand that I am responsible for the electric circuits in my garage and they must maintained in proper order.
- I understand that the electric vehicle charging delivery system must use a dedicated electrical socket in my garage and CANNOT be plugged into a power strip.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Owner Signature |
Date |
Print Name: |