Updated 30 September 2024

Harbour Vista HOA
Architectural Guidelines
Water Shut-off Procedure

Water Shutoff

There are five boilers in the Harbour Vista Community. The maps below shows are service by the individual boilers

Harbour Vista HOA – Phase I

Phase I
Boiler 1
16512 and 16542 Blackbeard
Boiler 2
4791 and 4831 Lago
Boiler 3
4861 Lago and 4852 Cabana
Harbour Vista HOA – Phase II

Phase 2
Boiler 4
16521 Grunion and the north half of 16551 Grunion
Boiler 5
16581 Grunion and the south half of 16551 Grunion

General Procedure

Cold-water shutoffs located around each building that will shut down a stack of 3 units for the buildings central stack for the 1 and 2 bedroom units and a stack of 2 units for the outer wings for 3 bedroom units. These cold-water shutoffs are located near the gas meters for the 3 bedrooms or on the first floor patios of the one and two bedroom unit stack.

Full water shutoff for a unit becomes a common area issue and falls under the HOA to be coordinate. This requires that a homeowner submit a water turn off notification to the Property Management Company (Tel:  800-369-7260). This will initiate an association representative to post signs and to make sure that boilers are turned off and on properly. If the boilers are not properly turned off and on, the boiler units may be damages and stress will be put on the entire water system. This would aggregate creating leaks. This is particularly true when turning the water back on and the boilers.

The general policy for property owners to schedule water shutoffs the first Monday of the Month. If a holiday is on that Monday, the water shutoff will be scheduled for the following Monday. This should be coordinated through the Property Management (Tel: 800-369-7200)

Resident/Requester Responsibility.

  • Resident must contact the Property Management Company (Tel: 800-369-7260) to request water turn off.
  • Resident must provide the name and contact information of the plumber to the Property Management Company.
  • Resident must provide reasonable notification to meet 24 hour posted notification.
  • Resident must identify the Unit number and address.
  • Resident must identify how long water is to be shut down.
  • If required, the resident must request that an association representative accompany plumber for the water turn off and provide tutorial unless already trained (at the discretion of the volunteer).

Management Company Responsibility.

  • The Property Management Company (Tel: 800-369-7260; Emergency Number:  800-369-7260 after hours and weekends) will contact the volunteer coordination to have signs posted for water turn off.
  • The Property Management Company (Tel:  800-369-7260; Emergency Number:  800-369-7260 after hours and weekends) must receive confirmation from volunteer that signs will be posted in a timely manner and that water will be turned off properly or turnoff will not be scheduled.

Phase I Buildings (Blackbeard, Cabana and Lago Buildings)

For Phase I (Cabana, Lago, and Blackbeard buildings), there is no way to turn the hot water off for an individual unit. When a homeowner needs the hot water turned off in their unit for maintenance, repair, or a remodeling project, the boiler must be shutdown. This affects the 40 units that share that boiler. At their own expense, some homeowners have installed shutoff valves, which are accessed through removable wall panels so that building shutoff is not required for repairs of bathtubs, washing machines, or kitchen ice makers. See Plumbing Ideas at http://harbourvistanews.com/Ideas/index.html

If a unit resident in Phase I Building of Harbour Vista requires that their water be turned off, notification must be provided to the residences of the affected buildings by posting on stairwells and in the elevator doors with at least a 24-hour notification. The Property Management Company must also be notified to make sure it is coordinated with the HOA.

The HOA has established for Phase I Buildings a special water shutoff protocol for the Cabana, Blackbeard and Lago Buildings as follows:

  • Anyone performing plumbing work in their unit must notify the Property Management Company prior to the work starting. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. You cannot piggy back on someone else request.
  • An HOA plumber will be on-site for the water shutoff.

    The contact number is: 949-395-7911 (cell) (Cruz Olivarez).

    This information is also posted on all the water shutoff notices.
  • If the homeowner’s plumbing work need leak testing, they should contact the HOA plumber for coordination with the other worked performed in the buildings. The HOA plumber can provide temporary cold water through the hot water lines if so requested for leak detection.
  • Cold water shutoff is the homeowner’s responsibility. The cold water shutoffs are located at the gas meters for the three bedroom and in the bottom patio for the one and two bedrooms.
  • Hot water will be turned off starting at 9AM and will not resume until 4PM.

The cold water shutoff valves are located in the gas lines enclosures for three bedroom stacks on in the patio of for two and three bedroom stacks.

Phase II Buildings (Grunion Buildings)

Unless there is some significant reason affecting the entire buildings, there is NO reason that a scheduled HOA water turn-off is required for the Grunion Buildings at Harbour Vista. 

The Grunion side was built about a year later after Phase I and it was decided to put in both (1) hot, (2) hot return, and (3) cold water shutoff valves for what is called a stack in each building. The three bedrooms are a two-unit stack. Whereas two bedrooms are a three-unit stack. 

The valves are located in the gas lines enclosures around the building and also in the patio in the bottom unit depending on the stack type. The owner working on his plumbing must ask permission of the member below them for their plumber to enter the patio, when the valves are located. 

This photo below is an example for water turn off valves for Grunion buildings. 

For members wishing to perform plumbing work in their unit that requires that the water be turned off, only need to contact their neighbors in the stack and ask them for permission and scheduling. This is a homeowner’s responsibility, not the HOA, and can be done at any convenient time with the cooperation of one or two neighbors. The owner’s plumber can then perform the work and will be the one responsible for turning off and on these valves. 

This website and it's contents is not an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc.. The content has not been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to editor@harbourvistanews.com