posted 1 July 2015
Election Status
At the June 29th Annual Meeting (Election), Quorum was not met. To date with several hand delivered ballots at that meeting, only 71 ballots had been received counting the proxy ballots. For Quorum, 91 ballots were required at this meeting. The Annual Meeting (Elections) has now been rescheduled to Monday July 27th at 6:30pm. At that point quorum requirements will drop to 46 ballots.
Four Formal Declarations
Four members of the Association formally declared themselves as WRITE-IN Candidates at this meeting to Majority Rule Ballot Inspector who was present:
- Ted LaMantia
- Cynthia Lee
- Michael Mengel
- Mary Williams
ByLaws Requirement
Our ByLaws state that if Quorum is not met, the Board must reschedule a continuation of the Annual Meeting no earlier than 5 days or no later then 30 days from the scheduled annual meeting (Section 3.06 Adjourned Meetings). With no explanation provided, the Board rescheduled the Annual Meeting (Elections) for Monday July 27th (28 days later) at 6:30pm. During this period, ballots can still be received, either mailed to Majority Rule or hand delivered at the meeting on July 27th. Members who have already cast their ballots can not re-cast them. They are irrevocable at this point.■ |
posted 28 June 2015
as of June 23
An inquiry was made to "Majority Rules" as to the number of ballots that have been received as of Tuesday June 23. This is what was told:
"There are 42 ballots in so far."
"The polls will close at 7:30 if there are no nominations from the floor. If there are nominations, it will close shortly thereafter. If qourum is not reached, people can still mail in/turn in their ballot until the night of the reconvened election. If not, (most likely scenario at this point), the polls will close on the night of the reconvened election."
"When we sent out a ballot package, we have no idea if anyone is going to declare candidacy, but if someone does, reasonable time is always allotted for those who have not yet voted, to complete their vote."
"Majority Rules
18032-C Lemon Drive PMB#145
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
posted 10 June 2015
Harbor Vista News has been notified by four (4) homeowners who reside at Harbour Vista that they are officially declaring their intent to be "WRITE-IN" candidates for the HOA Board in the upcoming election at the Annual Meeting on June 29, 2015. They have submitted a short bio for your consideration.
Concerned Members
It is good to know that the HOA has concerned members who are willing to serve on our HOA Board of Directors. There may be other homeowners who did not submit their bio to Harbour Vista News who will be write- in candidates.
WRITE-IN Ballots
Since ballots with only one candidate listed were mailed and received by homeowners/property owners a few weeks ago we will explain to the best of our understanding how the Write-In process works.
- If you have discarded your ballot and need a replacement ballot to vote you can call Peggy Shaw at Action (949-450-0202) and request a ballot be mailed to you.
- When you receive the ballot you will see several lines below the one candidate that appears on the ballot. You can write in the name(s) of candidates you want to vote for and fill in the number of your 5 votes you want to give to each candidate.
- Follow the instructions that come with the ballot and mail in by June 24th.
- If you prefer you can attend the annual meeting on June 29th and there will be ballots available at the meeting for those who have not mailed in their ballot.
- Nominations can also be made from the floor at the meeting on June 29th.
It is especially important this election that a Quorum is met at the June 29th meeting. We need 91 valid ballots received by June 29th to meet the Quorum requirement. If you do not want to cast a vote for any of the candidates there is a place on the ballot you can check "for quorum only" and send your ballot in. This will help meet the needed 91 valid ballots for Quorum.
Your participation in our HOA Elections is important and vital to the HOA and all its members.■
Remember: "We are all in this Together" |
posted 22 June 2015
HOA Election FAQ
HOA Election FAQ
Harbour Vista News has received answers to questions regarding the HOA Election from Action Property management. One point point is that they are provided us an email address to the company managing our election Majority Rules (
It seems that a WRITE-IN candidate can nominate themselves via an email to Majority Rules. Here are the questions and answers that were provided. It would had been more transparent if this information would had been provided earlier as of this published date, there are only seven days left before the Annual Meeting (June 29th).
- According to your instructions in the cover letter "Notice of Annual Meeting of the Membership", the poles will open at 7:20PM. Do the poles closed when he Annual Meeting is called to order at 7:30PM on June 29? Or does it remain open after the Annual Meeting is called to order or any adjournment meetings?
The polls will close at 7:30 if there are no nominations from the floor. If there are nominations, it will close shortly thereafter. If quorum is not reached, people can still mail in/turn in their ballot until the night of the reconvened election.
- What is the process when the poles official close?
The polls will be declared closed by a Board member or the property manager and the date of the reconvened election will be announced.
- When does voting stop?
If quorum is reached, it will be 7:30 or shortly after, as noted above, on 6/29. If not, (most likely scenario at this point), the polls will close on the night of the reconvened election.
- if a member has not casted their ballot, can they asked for a ballot to submit when the polls open or on the day of the annual meeting or any adjournment meetings,
Yes, if they have not yet voted. They can also request an replacement ballot via email any time from
- Our ByLaws provide for nominations from the floor. Is this before or after the poles close?
- Does quorum have to be met first to accept nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment meetings?
No. A candidate may declare from the floor or via email ANY TIME before 6/29 at
- If after the poles close, how does one vote for someone who has just been nominated?
You cannot vote for someone AFTER the poles close. If a candidate declares from the floor, you will be given time to vote for them as noted above.
- Having the poles open for only 10 minutes is discouraging participation. Why is this so short?
The poles have actually been open for more than 30 days, and if quorum is not reached, they will have been open for 60 days. This is considered ample time, by law, to vote.■
posted 10 June 2015
More Election Information and Correction
If you mailed your ballot into Majority Rules prior to learning of the known "Write-In" candidates running for a seat on the Board, unfortunately you will not be able to void that ballot and request a replacement ballot.
According to Davis-Sterling Civil Code §5120 and our Election Rules ballots are "Irrevocable" once they are received by the Election Commission (Majority Rule). So, unfortunately those of you who mailed your ballot in and now would like to vote for some of the known write-in candidates you will not be able to do so. However, your valid ballot will count toward reaching Quorum at the Annual Meeting.
According to Davis-Sterling Civil Code §5120. Counting Ballots; Irrevocable, once the ballot is received by the Election Commission (in this case "Majority Rules").
At the February 2015 HOA Meeting, when the date for the Annual Meeting was set, our proeprty Manager asked if any of hte Board memebrs were retiring. Gayle Poytner say no. Ballots were sent out May 23. At the May 25 HOA Meeting, there was not announce or contingency instructions provided. This was also true for the previous meeting in April. It is unfortunate, that obtaining information as what to do with only one person on the ballot was not forcomming from our Baord or the Action Property Management Company.■ |
posted 10 June 2015
As of this date, four HOA members have stepped up to run as "Write-In" candidates in the upcoming June 29th Election for Board of Directors.
In alphabetical order they are:
- Ted LaMantia
- Cynthia Lee
- Michael Mengel
- Mary Williams
Short Candidate's Statement
Each of these candidates submitted a short statement for publication in the Harbour Vista News printed version and on the Harbour Vista News web site. Harbour Vista News is pleased to publish these bios for your consideration.■
Ted LaMantia
"I am seeking a position as member of the Harbour Vista HOA board as a concerned and conscientious homeowner. My wife and I have been homeowners at Harbour Vista since 2011, and I have been an active HOA Resident Volunteer since 2012 providing help with numerous community projects. I have a strong background in Marketing Communications, Public Relations, and Business Development. Thank you for your support." |
Cynthia Lee
"My name is Cynthia Lee and I have resided at the Harbour Vista for 10 years. I have served on the HOA Board of Directors from 2006-2012 as a Secretary, where my duties included preparing meeting minutes and taking notes. I possess an Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies and I'm employed as an Operational Support Technician. I feel our community needs to return to our governing documents in order to keep a smooth running HOA that's environmentally friendly and compliant. I will be a loyal and approachable Board member who will proudly represent all residents. I will attend all Board meetings and ensure all residents' concerns are addressed. I believe I will act in good faith to make sure the decisions I make are in the best interest of the Association. It is my desire to work with fellow residents in a positive manner so that we all live in a pleasant and safe environment." |
Michael Mengel
"My name is Mike Mengel and I have resided in Harbour Vista since 1993. I have served multiple turns on the HOA Board of Directors; as secretary, member-at-large, and three terms as president. When I first got on the board, the Harbour Vista reserves were at about $14,000 and the association was barely able to keep the lights on. Our board at the time worked to get the association back on sound financial footing and got caught up on many years of neglected maintenance. We also managed to survive the real estate recession of the mid 1990's and again in the mid 2000's when many homeowners were walking away from their units. We accomplished this by working with homeowners, a pro-active management company and a positive attitude." |
Mary Williams
"My name is Mary Williams. I have been a resident for 12 years. I served on the board in 2005 to 2012 during which time the board worked to keep Harbour Vista HOA from going into bankruptcy due to the nationwide economic downturn and the large number of vacancies in the complex. I am employed by a specialty contractor in the private sector. I am on the Board of Directors and responsible for all the accounting, payroll, taxes etc., including a portion of the purchasing and handling all the contracts issued and received. The board needs to be responsible to everyone and make decisions based on what is best for the entire community. We all have a financial interest in keeping Harbour Vista a well run association and any decision that I would make as board member would be based on that ideal." |