The December HOA monthly meeting was held on December 21’st. in the Cabana Clubhouse. Four Board Members were present: Mike Mengel, Cynthia Lee, Mike Peduzzi, and Mary Williams. Vice President Ted LaMantia did not attend. Also in attendance were Peggy Shaw from Action Property Management and 12 residents/members.
The Board noted that this is the first time that can be remembered where the HOA held a meeting in December. The reason for a December meeting is there are too many outstanding immediate issues.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer reported a lost for the HOA for the year. This was attributed to high legal expenses and no budget allocation for roof repairs. As a result, the dues will increase by approximately 1% starting in January 2016. A notice was sent out to property owner notifying them of the change. There will be no grace period if a property owner mistakenly under-pays the new amount in the January statement. A $10 fine is automatically levied for late payment. Those property owners whose payment process is processed by Action will automatically have the amount adjusted. But property owners who use their banks to automatically issue checks will need to update the amount prior to paying the January statement.
Maintenance Updates
The Board noted that this month a concrete driveway had been repaired, five broken mailboxes have been replaced, the trash bins had been repaired and the Grunion Jacuzzi fixed. A discussion was provided for the month long repair of the Lago Gate water leak. As the Plummer repaired one leak, another leak would appear with a final total of five leaks occurring along the line. In the end, the whole line was replaced. There is a concern that the 30 year old underground pipes at Harbour Vista may start to experience similar deterioration.
Committee Reports
The Parking Committee Chairman reported that he had contacted the HB Fire Department for possible release of some fire lane areas for new parking spaces. The Architectural, Landscaping and Parking Committees have not held any formal meeting. The Board again asked for volunteers for these committee. Of concern is the Architectural Committee has only one announced volunteer. The Committee needs to convene as soon as possible to establish guidelines and approve requests. Action Property Management was asked to prepare a letter to all members asking for committee volunteers.
Unfinished Business
A unit Handrail repair was approved
Gutter Cleaning approval was deferred because of a lack of response from bidders.
New Business
A Patio Fence repair was approved
Two balcony repairs were approved
A pool actuator valve replacement was approved
Landscaping tree removal was approved
The next meeting of the HOA is scheduled for January 25, 2016 starting at 6:30PM to be held in the Cabana Club House. ■
posted 30 August 2015
November HOA Meeting Highlights
Board Email Addresses
The November HOA monthly meeting was held in the Cabana Clubhouse at 6:30pm. All Board Members were present: Mike Mengel, Ted LaMantia, Cynthia Lee, Mike Peduzzi, and Mary Williams. Also in attendance were Peggy Shaw from Action Property Management and 14 residents and homeowners.
The Board announced that they were going to hold an additional HOA meeting in December, normally, there is no December meeting. The President believed there is too much work to be completed to deny a resolution which will require this additional meeting. December 21 was suggested as tentative date.
Due to water restriction from the city, It was announced that watering of the property will only be twice a week. The city has also restricted the Harbour Vista from any new plantings.
Committee Reports
The HOA continues to ask for volunteers for the Architecture and the LandscapingCommittee. One additional person did volunteer for the landscaping committee at the meeting.
There is only one volunteer for the Architecture committee. The President expressed that the Architecture committees need to meet right away to publish guidelines to the community specifically for the Building Code and inspection requirement and use of attic spaces for remodeling project.
Board member Mary Williams announced that the Landscaping committee who she chairs will meet Monday November 30th for a walk through of the property.
Open Forum
A member expressed concern that there was no way to send emails to individual Board members. The Board explained that individual emails had been set up, but had not been published. This is to be corrected. Note: The Newsletter has updated this email information. (See information in right column).
A member complained that visitor parking restrictions were not being enforced. Several ideas were expressed as in previous meetings. The President create a new Parking Committee with Ray Koagel from the attending membership volunteered as chairman. The Committee will be responsible for proving guidance to the Board for the use of parking areas and any enforcement methods.
A renter asked if they could become a volunteer. There was a mixed response from the Board. Some Board members did not want a renter to be a volunteer, whereas the President had no issue. One member in the audience supported the use of renters as volunteers.
Some members complained about landscaping issues with the new landscapers (Artisian). It was told that the absence of a landscaper for more than a month and the heavy rains, that plant growth had got out of control. The new landscapers are just getting to the point where they can get control of the problem. The Board asked the members to be patient for a couple of months until the new Landscaper gets better acclimated with the job.
Some home owner complained about non-compliant notices that they received that may have been in error or out of their control. The Board said they would look into this.
Unfinished Business
Floor repair for a unit was approved.
Repair of the concrete walkway on Grunion side was approved.
Repair of some trash bin enclosures was approved.
New Business
The following new items were approved:
New roof repair.
New Drywall repair.
New Light Pole replacement.
New handrail repair.
One lean was approved.
The next General Meeting of the HOA is scheduled for Monday December 21 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse.■
posted 27 August 2015
October HOA Meeting Highlights
Grunion Bathroom Vandalized
Property Management Complaint
The October HOA monthly meeting was held in the Cabana Clubhouse at 6:30pm. All Board Members were present: Mike Mengel, Ted LaMantia, Cynthia Lee, Mike Peduzzi, and Mary Williams. Also in attendance were Peggy Shaw from Action Property Management and 17 residents.
The Board announced that a white male vagrant has been reported sleeping in the Grunion Bathrooms. He is approximately 5'5"-5'6", with dark brown buzzed hair, stocky build, approximately late 20s-early 30's with missing teeth. Evidently he has obtained a key to the pool area and bathrooms. He has been seen with a young woman. There is no description of the young woman. The Grunion bathrooms plumbing was vandalized and one of the doors broken. The Police have been notified to arrest him as a trespasser if caught on site. Any resident observing this man should immediately call 911.
Committee Reports
The Board asked for volunteers for the two committee: The Architectural Committee and the Landscaping Committee. Any interested member should contact Action Property Management (800-400-2284).
Open Forum
A new homeowner relayed a story where the main outside circuit breaking for their unit in the locked outside cabinet had tripped. He had no way to turn it back as the cabinet was locked. When he contacted Action Property Management, they provided him with little help and basically left him on his own to call an electrician. The Property Manager Peggy Shaw says this was inappropriate and would get this fixed immediately.
Two homeowners asked that a flyer be provided to new homeowners with contact information and so forth. A member volunteered to create one that could be distributed to each new homeowner and posted on the bulletin Board. Action Property Management stated that they provide this information already in a welcome packet to new residents.
A member asked if he could get the new gate code, as it has been changed. The Board said that this code was only for vendors coming on the property and delivery services. Member are not given this code.
The homeowners who are in litigation with the HOA, stated that the HOA forensic investigator had not shown up or contacted them that he was cancelling the appointment. The Board said they would look into it.
Unfinished Business
The Board announced that discussion of the 2016 budget will be scheduled for a special Executive Session meeting and will be closed to the general membership.
The Board approved a previous plumbing proposal from last month.
The Board approved a previous roof and facia proposal from last month.
New Business
The following new items were approved:
Repair and replacement of the BBQ’s.
A light pole repair/replacement.
Repair of Grunion Pool Filter system.
New plumbing repair
New Drywall repair.
Three leans were approved. ■
posted 7 October 2015
September HOA Meeting Highlights
Many Maintenance Actions Approved
The regular monthly meeting of the HOA was held on September 28th and starting at the new time of 6:30pm. All five Board Members were present: Mike Mengel, Ted LaMantia, Cynthia Lee, Mike Peduzzi, and Mary Williams. Also in attendance was Peggy Shaw from Action Property Management and 14 residents.
New Landscape Contract Awarded
After review of four competitive bids, the Board Landscaping contract was awarded to Artistic Maintenance, Inc. They are scheduled to officially start on October 1st. The property management said that she would asked them to come out this week to do some basic cleaning up.
Need Volunteers
Following the request for volunteers for the Architectural and Landscaping Committees was announced at last month's general meeting, one person had submitted their name. The Board asked the property management company to prepare a mailing voicing a request for volunteers to all members.
Open Forum
A homeowner provided a list of maintenance items that were not being performed. This include the broken Grunion sidewalk from a plumbing repair and a broken trash bin. The Board said the they have raise the property managements spending authority to $2000 which avoids the time delays of the approval process. This should expedite many repairs.
A resident stated that visitor parking was being used by residents and he wants them ticketed.
A homeowner requested the Board to installed inside quick latch release locks on the exit gates on the Grunion/Heil side of the complex. Quick latch release locks like this had been installed on the Blackbeard-Cabana-Lago side a couple of years ago, but not installed on the Grunion side. The Board asked the Property Manager to look into this for approval.
A property owner expressed concern that the pending trial in February with the HOA and a property owner for remodeling issues has not been resolved with legal expenses continuing to be incurred. The Board stated that they could not talk about the case, but were required to do their "due diligence" to protect the members.
Homeowner's Insurance
The Board expressed that the each property owner and renter should carry insurance on their property. This is either homeowners insurance or renter's insurance. The Board described a possible situation where an upstairs unit has a water leak that affects the unit below them and the unit owner is not only responsible for the repairs to their unit, but also the unit below.
Pending El Nino
Because of the pending El Nino rain storms, the Board announced that they are seeking bids for roof and gutter repair before the rain season starts.
Unfinished Business
The Board approved a sewer pipe repair.
The Board approved some dry wall repair.
New Business
In addition to awarding a new landscape contract, the Board approved
Vault Light Repair/Replacement
Repair of Grunion Spa
Removal of excess plant growth in the streams.
Approval of the concrete repair of a side walk on the Grunion side.
Repair of a Gas Water Heater enclosure.
The Board approved retrofitting a homeowner's balcony by adding a cross railing to match the common balcony design in the complex. Sometime ago, four balconies were repaired using a different design. This design has since been abandoned.
One lean was approved.
The next General Meeting of the HOA is scheduled for Monday October 26 at 6:30pm. ■
posted 28 August 2015
August HOA Meeting Highlights
Backlog of Work Orders
Deferred Maintenance
The regular monthly meeting of the HOA took place on August 24th. The new Board Members were introduced: Mike Mengel, President; Ted LaMantia, Vice President; Cynthia Lee, Secretary; Mike Peduzzi, Treasurer and Mary Williams, Member at Large. Also in attendance were Peggy Shaw from Action and 25 residents.
The Board announced a change in the time for the public/open session of the monthly board meeting to 6:30 p.m. from the current 7:30 p.m. time. The closed/ executive session will follow immediately after the public/open session.
The Board announced they will be as fully transparent to the HOA membership as possible. Further explaining that issues discussed in executive session are confidential and therefore the Board will not be able to discuss those issues in public.
The Board pointed out that several of them have served on the Board previously and are knowledgeable about our HOA and complex and therefore are ready to govern our HOA. They will need a little time to assess where the HOA is currently but expect to move forward quickly with issues facing the HOA.
Open Forum
Some items brought to the attention of the Board by residents in attendance were:
A homeowner reported there were a couple of syringes back behind the Cabana pool and was concerned that children at the pool might pick them up. (Note, a Board member notified the Police Department the next morning and an officer came and removed them.)
Hallways throughout the complex need to be cleaned and maintained. The Board will have Peggy Shaw discuss this with the maintenance/cleaning company.
Complaints were expressed about the repair of balconies and railings in the complex by Pro Pilot Deck Repairs. The Board explained they were aware of these problems and that the whole crew who was doing the work has been replaced. The Board will closely monitor the ongoing work.
A homeowner asked about the 4 month old work order to repair her patio slab from damage caused by HOA tree roots. Another homeowner asked about a request for a repair of a clog drain and balcony railings that need repair,4 months ago. And another homeowner brought up the issue of a dryer vent that still needed to be cleaned out properly. Peggy Shaw stated that the previous board had declined to approve work orders for these repairs. The Board asked Peggy Shaw to have these repairs done and that the new Board will make sure delays like these don't occur in the future.
A homeowner complained about the overgrown foliage that is blocking the sidewalks in the complex. The Board stated they have concerns about the job being done by the landscape vendor and will be addressing that issue.
Another resident complained about a backup of dirty water in their bathtub. The Board asked Peggy Shaw to have the plumbing company look into it.
Committee Reports
The Board explained they want to have time to develop a list of renovations homeowners can do to their condos without going to the Architectural Committee for approval and better clarification for renovations that need to go to the Committee for approval. So, at this time they will wait to appoint members to the Committee.
Unfinished Business
Board approved work orders for Island Pacific for work on several units.
Board approved work order for Scott English plumbing for sewer line replacement on Grunion.
New Business
Board tabled the Audit report proposal and the Electronic Gate proposal asking Peggy Shaw to get them more information on these two items.
Board approved proposal from Scott English plumbing for repairs of the boiler for the 4791 and 4831 Lago buildings.
Board approved proposals from Aquatic Balance for repairs/resurfacing of the Grunion spa and repairs to the Cabana spa.
Board tabled proposal from Diversified Waterscapes.
Board approved repair of a utility door by Island Pacific.
The Annual Meeting and election of the new Board Members took place on July 27th. There were 72 ballots received and counted and the Election Inspector announced the results that Cynthia Lee, Ted LaMantia, Mke Mengel, Mike Peduzzi and Mary Williams were elected to serve on the Board for the 2015-2016 term. (see results below)
In attendance at the meeting were the four retiring board members along with Julie Carter and Peggy Shaw from Action Property Management, the Election Inspector from Majority Rules and 19 community members.
After the Meeting
Though proposed in the announcement for the Annual Meeting posted at the mailboxes, no organization meeting was held at the close of the Annual Meeting. An Organization meeting is held to establish the structure of the Board (e.g. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large).
Once again Board President, Gayle Poynter talked about the increase in the reserve account and that she hopes the new board will continue to be financially conservative and continue to build the reserve account.
Organization Meeting
The new board has 10 days to have an organizational meeting to appoint a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large. (see By-Laws)
During the Counting
While the ballots were being counted two community members brought up two issues concerning them.
One stated that some young children have been at the pool without their parent or designated adult watching them. This is against the HOA Rules and Regulations and a safety issue.
The other community member said he had a problem when the fire alarm in his building went off. It was after hours for Action so he did not get a call back from them. The Fire Department was called out to turn the alarm off. He thinks there should be better communication and procedure on how to handle emergencies like this.
Also in attendance was the HOA attorney who wanted to schedule an executive session with the new Board to go over "legal matters". The meeting was scheduled for Wednesday August 5th. ■
posted 8 July 2015
June HOA Meeting Highlights
Toddlers In the Pool
Twenty three residents/homeowners, all four board members and Peggy Shaw the community manager were in attendance. Also in attendance was the Election Inspector from Majority Rules. The meeting opened at 7:20 PM when homeowners who brought their ballots to the meeting gave them to the Election Inspector.
Annual Meeting Called to Order
The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM and the Election Inspector took nominations from the floor from homeowners who indicated they are running for a seat on the board as "write-in" candidates. The names of Mike Mengel, Cynthia Lee, Ted LaMantia and Mary Williams were accepted as candidates by the Election Inspector. It was announced that 71 ballots had been received and that did not meet the needed quorum for the election. Therefore the ballots were not opened or counted and the meeting was adjourned to July 27th when quorum will be met. It was noted that homeowners who have not mailed in their ballot can still do so or can attend the June 27th meeting and turn their ballot in at that time.
Regular Meeting
The regular HOA Board meeting commenced after the adjournment of the annual meeting.
Peggy Shaw gave a brief financial report on the cash on hand in the operating fund and the money in the reserve accounts. She indicated the reserve account continues to increase.
The Board President announced the authorized date for a Community Wide Garage Sale on July 18th from 8AM-1PM. Mike Peduzzi will be in charge of organizing the advertising of the sale and will open the fire gates and gates on Lago, Cabana and Grunion on the day of the sale. All homeowners and residents are welcome to participate.
Open Forum
A homeowner expressed his frustration with Action Property Management for not returning his calls when he had an emergency hot water problem. He and other units in his building had no hot water on a weekend recently. He called Action to report it and when he didn't receive a call-back from Action he called one of the HOA plumbing companies directly to see what was going on and if they had been contacted by Action. He said he had no hot water for the entire weekend. Peggy Shaw said she would look into the matter.
Another homeowner expressed a concern about parents allowing their toddlers in the pool and spa who are not wearing the proper swim diapers. For hygiene reasons toddlers should be wearing swim diapers not just regular diapers when they are in the pool and spa.
One of the announced write-in candidates, Ted LaMantia, congratulated Mike Peduzzi on his forthcoming re-election to the board. Since Mike Peduzzi was the only candidate on the official ballot (the other three current board members chose not to run for re-election) it is a forgone conclusion that Mike Peduzzi will serve another term on the board.
Deck repairs and fascia board repairs were deferred.
A rain gutter repair over a balcony was approved.
Plumbing repairs were approved.
Additional tree trimming was approved.
Lighting proposal was approved.
The reconvened Annual Meeting and Election of the new Board of Directors will take place on July 27th at 6:30 PM.
posted 31 May 2015
May HOA Meeting Highlights
Water Shut Off Notices Revised More Maintenance Deferred
There were 12 residents/homeowners the four board members and community manager Peggy Shaw in attendance.
The board announced they would no longer be posting the non-emergency water shutoff notices on the 1st Monday of each month on individual buildings affected. Only one notice will be posted at the mailboxes informing residents of the building(s) affected by the water shutoff. Gayle Poynter stated the reason for discontinuing the service was because it was time consuming for the board and cost money to print the notices.
It was clarified that non-emergency water shut offs would only occur between 10 AM and 4 PM.
Open Forum
Michael Barto (editor of the Harbour Vista News) gave a short discussion on the proposed change to the Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) policy and procedure proposed by the board (see link). His point was to encourage the Board to include language that would encourage the Board to work with homeowners instead of battling them. Even though a notice with the proposed change letting homeowners know the Board would adopt the new language at this meeting, it seems the item was not on the Agenda and so it will not be adopted until next month's meeting.
Parking violations of large trucks parked inside the complex was discussed. The Board is not issuing parking citations at this time while they review the parking policy.
HOA Board Sues Homeowner
A new homeowner announced that the Board/HOA had initiated Court action to stop them from renovating their newly purchased condo. The couple expressed that this HOA Board was not acting in "good faith" and was not working with them to resolve their issues. They stated they have the proper permits, inspection reports from the City of Huntington Beach, architectural plans and structural engineering survey for the renovation. They said the Board has not clearly identified the concerns they have and were requesting an unreasonable solution to the concerns they have. The Board responded to the couple telling them they had turned the issue over to the HOA legal counsel and it was out of their hands.
More Deferred Maintenance
Several maintenance items were discussed. Balcony repairs, stream maintenance and boiler repairs were discussed. Most of these were deferred and the board asked for additional proposals/bids or more information. The Board approved servicing of the fire extinguishers, repair of a fountain and Reserve Study computer updates.
Safety issue
The Board will only approve balcony repairs if it is a safety hazard. (They did not state how it would be determined if there was a safety hazard).
Board approved one lien on an account.■
Note: The Board did not mention that three of them (Gayle Poynter, Ron Rolewicz and Adele Shifman) did not submit their names for the ballot for the upcoming Board election. Only one member, Mike Puduzzi, submitted his candidate's statement and is on the ballot.
posted 3 May 2015
April HOA Meeting Highlights
Complaints About Speeding
There were 23 residents/homeowners along with the four board members and the new HOA Community Manager, Peggy Shaw in attendance. Julie Carter from Action was also in attendance.
The board announced that the repair of a pipe and the filling in of the hole by the 16512 Blackbeard building has been delayed due to problems gaining access to the condo the pipe is under.
Open Forum
Many residents in attendance addressed the board with objections to the board's strict enforcement policy regarding no resident parking in the visitor parking places.
Some of the objections and points raised were:
Their vehicle is too large to fit in their garage
They have a family member staying with them while recuperating from surgery and are using a visitor parking space for their car to let the family member's car use their assigned space
Some homeowners think the homeowners should be allowed to use the visitor parking spaces first before visitors who do not pay HOA dues.
The number (56) of visitor parking spaces should be reduced allowing more parking spaces for residents.
One mother stated she has to park several blocks down on Green and walk with her young daughter back to the complex. One evening they were followed and harassed by a man.
Sell parking permits for some of the visitor parking spaces to residents.
Another resident asked if the basketball court and grass area could be turned into additional parking.
The board took notes of the concerns and suggestions and will reconsider the matter.
In the meantime the board is giving a "FREE PASS" to residents who park in the visitor parking spaces. They will not issue the green violation notices or have cars towed from the visitor parking spaces while they reconsider the matter.
Speeding Vehicles
A resident said there are cars speeding on Lago and Blackbeard and parents are concerned their children might get hit by a car when they are going to and from their car.
Committee Reports
Architectural Committee- no new requests for Architectural review.
Landscape Committee – Mike Peduzzi has a scheduled walk through with landscapers.
New Business
Board approved preventative maintenance on the Jacuzzis. A board member stated that the jets in the Cabana Jacuzzi are not working properly.
Approved repair of a sewage backup due to tree root intrusion.
Approved repair of a pipe in a 2nd floor unit that is leaking down into the unit below.
A patio slab is being pushed up by tree roots. Homeowner asked the board to remove the tree roots and repair the patio slab. The board wants more information before they make a decision.
Approved boiler maintenance by Scott English plumbing.
Approved water leaks, mold and threshold repairs to two units.
Issue with removal of bees in the 4861 Lago building was tabled. Board wants more information. Bees had a large hive in this same area a few months ago. The hive was removed but a hole where the bees gained access was not plugged up properly.
Tree trimming of 23 fichus trees began this week. The board stated the tree trimming vendor must give residents a 24 hour notice to move their cars when trees by cars are going to be trimmed.
Water Conservation Issues
The board asked Peggy Shaw how the Governor's statewide water restrictions would impact Harbour Vista. Peggy Shaw said there is a 25% mandatory reduction in water usage statewide and for those who do not make the required reduction they will be charged extra for water they use over the required reduction. ■
Editor's Note: Visit "" for suggestions for water conservation.
posted 30 March 2015
March HOA Meeting Highlights
More on Parking Violations
Three homeowners, all four Board Members and the acting Community Manager, Julie Carter were in attendance along with Peggy Shaw our new Community Manager. The open meeting started 25 minutes late due to a lengthy executive session.
New Community Manager
The Board introduced our new Community Manager Peggy Shaw. Peggy Shaw stated she has over eight years of property management experience in California. She is also a new hire to Action Property Management.
The Board discussed the Parking Notice mailed to residents and property owners. Residents are still parking in the Visitor Parking spaces in violation of the parking rules. The Board will start putting the green parking violation notice on cars and if the car is not moved within 24 hrs. the car will be towed. The Board will monitor the license plate numbers of the cars parked in visitor parking to identify repeat offenders and those cars will be towed. Only board members have the green parking violation notices and only they can place them on cars.
Homeowners Responsibility
The reserved parking spaces assigned to each condo are the responsibility of individual homeowners. If a car is parked in a homeowners reserved space the homeowner can put a note on the car informing them the space is reserved and not to park in it. Or a homeowner can call the HB Police Department and ask for the car to be towed. A board member may advise a homeowner but they cannot have a car towed from a reserved parking space.
Open Forum
A homeowner asked how much advance notice was needed for the monthly water shut off. The board stated the water shut off notices need to be posted at least 24hrs prior to the water shut off on the first Monday of each month.
A homeowner said they are having a problem with the neighbor below their condo. This neighbor barbeques often and there is an excessive amount of smoke that comes into their condo. Also this neighbor smokes often and the smoke comes into their condo. Julie Carter said she would attempt to contact the owner to ask if they would be willing to discuss the issue with the homeowner.
It was announced the brick wall at the Grunion entrance gate will be repaired soon.
One board member stated they had observed the landscapers blowing leaves into the streams. Julie Carter said she would advise Tierre Verde.
New Business
The board received a proposal for major repairs on balconies. Julie Carter informed the board that funds from the reserve account can be used for these repairs and that the balcony repairs will not include any balcony re-design. Action is obtaining additional proposals so no action was taken.
Roof leak repairs for a garage were approved
Roof repair for a unit was repaired
Patio fence repair for ground unit was approved
A roof and patio repairs for two units were deferred until more clarification and bids are obtained
Tree trimming was approved
The Audit draft was approved
Three liens on accounts were approved. It was mentioned that liens on accounts are not filed until the account is 2 months delinquent.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 PM. The board went back into Executive Session.
The next Board meeting will be on April 27th at 6:30 PM. ■
posted 2 March 2015
Februiary HOA Meeting Highlights
Annual Meeting Schedule
Eight residents along with all four board members and the "acting" Community Manager from Action were in attendance.
Parking Violations
The Board announced they will be more strictly enforcing parking violations. The Board has a new Green Parking Violation notice they will use to notify residents that are in violation of the rules. If a resident continues to violate the rules their car will be towed at the owner's expense. The Board further stated that only Board Members are authorized to issue parking violation notices. If a resident is having a problem with parking issues they should contact Action to report the problem. The Board is actively taking down the license plate numbers of cars that are parked in the Visitor Parking spaces since these spaces are for visitors and not residents. Residents have one assigned parking space and one garage for their use. Therefore, if a resident parks in the Visitor Parking spaces they are in violation of the parking rules. Also, parking in front of garages is not permitted and is a violation of the Parking rules.
Open Forum
A homeowner asked the Board about an ambiguous letter he received from the general counsel attorney for the HOA. The letter was referring to modifications to his condo. The Board stated that they had previously met with the homeowner during the Architectural Committee meeting and they would not discuss the matter at this time and they consider the matter closed. They told the homeowner he would have to contact the HOA attorney for any further discussion of the matter.
Another homeowner said he had been trying for over 3 weeks to get an answer from Action regarding a problem he is having with the electrical outlet (plug) on his patio. The outlet keeps shorting out. He asked if the lack of response from Action was because we have a "temporary" Community Manager? Julie Carter said she would look into the matter and get back to him.
Other Issues
The Board was notified of a rain gutter that is falling off. The Board said they wanted to get the gutter repaired before the next heavy rains come. Also there are broken tiles on the roof by this rain gutter that need to be repaired.
The Board discussed removing a tree by the 16512 Blackbeard Building.
The landscape company Tera Verde has changed their schedule and will be coming on Tuesday and Thursday now.
New Business
The Board approved the following proposals/work orders:
Garage repair for roof leak
Dry wall and rain damaged repair to a unit
Rain gutter repair
Unit deck/balcony repair
Annual Meeting
The Board scheduled the Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members for June 21, 2015 at 7:30 PM.
The Board authorized hiring of an Election Inspector to count the ballots. There will be 5 positions up for election. The voting will be cumulative per the HOA Bylaws and for a one year term.
The Board will be mailing out two mailers. All Residents will be receiving a copy of the HOA Rules and Regulations including the Parking Rules and the Property Owners will also receive the Election materials.
The Board approved recording Liens on one property for past dues assessments.
The next HOA Board meeting is scheduled for March 24th.■ Editor Notes:
The Board should have 5 members. However one Board Member resigned and moved several months ago leaving a vacancy on the board. The Board has the authority to appoint a homeowner to fill the vacancy but has not done so to date and indicated they didn't think it was necessary.
Although it was announced at the November Board Meeting that Mike Sukey was no longer the Community Manager and that Julie Carter would be the Acting Community Manager until a new Community Manager was chosen, Julie Carter still remains as the Acting Community Manager.
posted 11 March 2015
Note: The editor and contributors were unable to attend the January Board meeting due to illnesses.This recap was taken from the HOA minutes that were recently posted. You may obtain a copy of the official minutes in PDF format from the Action Vivo Web Site with your login id. The following is just a reacp of what was in the minutes.
Committee Appointments
Deck Repair and Light Pole Replacement
The January HOA meeting was attended by 3 Board Members, the Acting Community Manager and 6 residents.
Board appointed members Ron Wolewicz, Adele Shiffman and Gayle Poytner as the Architectural Committee and adopted the Charter for the committee. Board appointed Mike Peduzzi to the Landscape Committee and adopted the Charter for the committee.
Deck Repair – Priority List
Board member Gayle Poytner and volunteer Bill McCord prepared a priority list of deck repairs for the Board to review. The Community Manager will request proposals/bids from 4 companies to have the repairs done.
Diversified Water Scape
The Board approved work orders for a new base for pump vault and PVC pipe replacement for upper waterfall and removal of tree roots for discharge line.
Dog Issues-Left Unattended and Neglected
The Board discussed how to best address barking dogs and neglected dogs. Julie Carter gave the Board materials from Orange County Animal Care on the subject.
Light Pole Replacement
The Board approved the replacement of one light pole in the pool area.
Island Pacific Repair Estimates
The Board approved the repair of roof leaks, wall repair and water damage repair for 6 units at an estimated cost of $9300.
Solar Panel Removal
The Board reviewed a bid for the removal of the solar panels on garages that use to heat the pool. The panels are no longer functional. The Board decided not to have the panels removed at this time.
The Board approved filing of liens on five accounts. ■
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to