Raising Dues Defended Garage Inspections Questioned
Members Confortational
The Regular December HOA Open Meeting was held on Thursday December 27, 2018. Approximately seventeen members/residents attended along with three members of the Board: President Terri Piper-Johnson, Vice President Mary Williams and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. Linda Alexander from Powerstone Property Management was also present. Currently there are two open seats on the Board.
Board Land Lease Ballot
The President announced that Linda Alexander from Powerstone will count the Land Lease Ballot during Executive Session because of the meetings time constraints.
Vice President Mary Williams provided a Financial report. The HOA currenly has:
$143K in operating funds
$151K in reserves funds
The HOA has $683K in assets including monies owed to reserves, which is $373K
Liabilities are about $400K
Committees Reports
Landscape-It was announced that President Terri Piper-Johnson and Vice President Mary Williams will be doing property walk throughs. The Board talked of fixing the car wash areas at Cabana and Grunion.
Architecture-Terri reported meeting held December 20, 2018. See Posted report.
Consent Calendar
General Session meeting minutes November 29, 2018 was approved
General Session Special Meeting Minutes November 12, 2018 was approved
General Session Special Meeting Minutes October 27,2018 was approved
The October 28,2018 HOA General Open Land Lease Meeting was approved
The Architecture committee minutes were approved
Raising Dues
The Board revealed that there was a meeting of the Board at Powerstone, with a CPA and attorney. It was not revealed who was in attendance or what date this took place.
Terri, stated Powerstone CPA recommend 20 percent due increase, the Board said no and settled on 3 or 4 percent. The Board voted voted at the November 29, 2018 HOA General Meeting for a 4 percent increase.
Terri asked the Board members, if there was a reason why the Board needed to discuss why one and two bedroom units are assess at higher rates than the three bedrooms exceeding 4%. Mary answered NO.
The Board ratified DWI pumps repairs for Grunion and Blackbeard.
The Board ratified Grunion Electronic gate repair.
The Board ratified Lago Gate Repairs. But this gate is still broken. The vendor needs to come back to fix it.
Old Business
The Board approved $18,600 for two Title 22 pool controllers (one for each pool). This is a legal requirement.
The Board voted to approve the bid from Newport Pest to provide 70 rodent pest control boxes for $280.00 per month
New Business
The Board approved a bid for "pool heater inspection" twice a year for $170 for each pool.
The Board approved wood repair for 4831 Lago Unit 103
Terri reiterated that all the HOA vendors will be told that they must notify residents before entering the individual properties or exclusive use areas (e.g. balconies). One HOA vendor working on an upper floor balcony surprised a member through the window leaving their condo shower.
Terri announced that she wanted the Board to approve Garages inspections for Termites and Safety. Mary says No and wish to move this discussion to Executive Session.
It was brought up that a member's garage needs repairs to close escrow. Linda Alexander said she will tell them that repairs will be decided in early 2019.
Linda Alexander states that the rules for Satellite Disk needs to be reinforced in Architectural Applications.
Terri talks of creating new Home Owner Packet.
Terri wants to assign trained people to shut off water and boilers in emergencies.
Terri announced changing the pool gate lock. New keys would be provided members after garage inspections. This prompted concerns about the number of keys. Nothing was finalized or passed.
Terri confirmed that unregistered vehicle in members parking spaces would not be towed. But violation of this rule is enforced though hearing and fines.
Open Forum
Open Forum was very confrontational with the Board and those present. Some questions were not fully answered:
What is the Board looking for in the garages. Do we need to clean them out before inspections? Who is doing the inspection
Why are you changing the pool gate locks and are you limiting the number of keys a member can obtain.
Why are you taking "Visitor Parking spaces away from members to please just a special group of owners?
A member complained that the water leaks in his unit is the responsibility of the HOA and they need to reimburse him. The President said no.
Some members complained about a panel truck (commercial vehicle?) parked on the property.■
Editor Notes:
Counting ballots in Executive Session is not an Executive Session Function.
Discussion of Garage inspection definitely does not fall under an Executive Session Function.
It should be pointed out that misuse of Executive Session is a violation of Davis-Stirling Act and an aboard can be fine from $500 for each violation. These Board members need some training in how to be a Board member. The Property Management Company should provide the training or legal council.
posted 1 January 2019
November 2018 HOA Meeting Summary
Reserve Study
The turnout for this meeting was light at eight members. Rain and holidays are probably most to do with that number.
This meeting was much better organized than the previous ones. Powerstone actually provided copies of the agendas to the attendees.
Some members attending had not receive the recent Ballot to grant permission for the HOA fund legal expenses to revise the HOA ByLaws and CC&R's as the first step to purchase the land lease.
Because of a letter sent by HOA attorney to the Board, there was some discussion that this ballot was really not a ballot, but a survey. A question arose as to who is authorized to open and tally them.
Two Questions
Two questions were directed to the Board about the Ballot/Survey:
How much will it cost in legal fees to revise the ByLaws and the CC&R's. No answer was provided.
Another question was what would happen if the ballot/survey does not pass. The President Terri Piper-Johnson stated that the "proposal would be dead".
The deadline to submit the ballot/survey is around December 8th.
Financial Reports and Reserve Study
The Board approved the financial reports for July, August, September, and October according to Treasurer Peir Santillo as "sufficiently correct". The Board also approved the Reserve Study for 2019 with the same reason.
Plumbing Protocol
A discussion incurred about plumbing protocol to provide clarification to Powerstone Property Management for plumbing that is the HOA responsibly and which vendors should be use.
Editor Note: By the way, the HOA did send out their new Board Newsletter to the members recently with members packet. If you have not seen it or received a copy, Harbour Vista News has posted it at this link.
posted 20 November 2018
November 2018 HOA Special Meeting Summary
Dues Raise 4%
The HOA held a “Special Open Meeting” to approve the Budget for 2019. Held on November 15th, three Board members were present: President Terri Piper-Piper-Johnson, Treasurer Pier Santillo and Member at Large Brenda Richardson (a quorum). Six HOA members attended. The new Budget was approved by the Board. It will raise the HOA member Assessments by four percent (4%).
Editor Notes:
At the budget meeting on November 7th where only two HOA members attended, the Board had implied that the dues would not increase.
The 4% represents new increases in vendor expenses for next year.
The Board by is required to mail out for comment the approved 2019 budget, thirty days prior to its implementation on January 1, 2019.
Members do not vote on the budget. Only the Board.
The financial statements from August, and September were not approved at this meeting. The HOA move from a Cash based accounting system under Action Property Management to an Accrual accounting system under Powerstone.
The reserve study for 2018 has not been approved.
The following is an estimate impact of the raise and may not represent the actually amounts.
Unit Type
Each members Land Sublease assessment will remain the same for 2019 at $220 a month.
posted 13 November 2018
October 2018 HOA Meeting Summary
Disorganized and Confrontational
All Board members were present for the HOA meeting, held October 25 which was somewhat disorganized. The Property Manager Linda Alexander arrived twenty minutes lates. Much of the Board’s time was wasted decoding the wrong agenda. This was very embarrassing to all who attended. A heated argument occurred in the “Open Forum” about the Land Lease which the Property Management Company did not intervene to halt.
Powerstone Property Management
Powerstone Property Management after almost three months finally has its Web Site working as of October 23 (http://harbourvista.powerstonepm.com. Powerstone utilizes something called a “Service Request” that replaces Action’s “Work Order” system. The web site does have some of the Governing Documents and as of this writing.The HOA Financial statements have not been posted as of yet.
It was brought up that there are issues where Powerstone does not return calls to the members for at least 24 hours or more.
The HOA Finance status is still up in the air. As of this meeting, there are no approved financial statement since July 31, 2018. The Treasurer Peir Santillo told Powerstone at last month’s meeting to correct August statement. But Powerstone still submitted an incorrect August statement with the same errors. The Board did not approved the August statement or the new September statement as it also showed similar mistakes.
Reserve Study
It was mentioned that the Reserve study for 2018 delivered at the November 2017 HOA meeting has still not been approved. The study also does not show the recent improvements at Harbour Vista.
Budget for 2019
It was announced that former President Helen Revalus had prepare a Budget for 2019. This will be used as the proposed budget at a November 7th open Budget meeting. Powerstone also stated that they will also submit a budget for the HOA. But Property Manager Linda Alexander added that they feel the Harbour Vista Board would reject it. See note 3 below.
Treasurer Peir Santillo asked the HOA to fund a profession service to review the HOA finances.
Committee Meetings
The Board Secretary Candice Shultz announced that the Landscaping/Christmas Decoration committee would hold at meeting November 14th. But this meeting was cancelled later as Candice Shultz resigned from the Board a couple of days later. See note 2, below.
It was announced that the Architectural/Parking Committee will hold a meeting on November 14 at 6:00 PM at the President Terri Piper Johnson’s Condo at 16521 Grunion #207.
Former President Helen Revelus will chair the Safety committee which was later announced to be held on Saturday November 17th at the Cabana Clubhouse at 10:00AM.
Land Lease Meeting Announcement
The Board announced that it will host a Land Lease Open Forum at the Cabana Clubhouse on October 17th. The Board will allow only one question per homeowner at this Meeting.
Open Forum
The HOA Meeting almost brought the President to tears as former President Gayle Poytner (2012- 2015) and Ron Rolewicz (former Vice President) became very confrontational and refuting any answer the Board provided. This discussion was in regards to the Land Lease. This is unacceptable behavior at a Board meeting by the attendees. See note 3
After the Fact
These items were approved after the fact:
Pond crack repair was funded for $1200.
Emergency Boiler installation was funded for $22K.
Red curb painting and wheel stop removals was funded.
Cement trip hazard repaired was funded. complained about tree sap on her car.
Old Business
A monthly handyman service was not selected as all quotes were too expensive. The HOA will continue to us an on-call service.
Dryer vent proposal was tabled.
New Business
Termite Inspection was tabled.
4861 Lago #101 patio pillar repair/replacement was approved.
Some wood repairs approved.
Another cement trip hazard repairs approved.
An Architectural application for 16452
Blackbeard #201 wood flooring was approved.
Service bill backs to a couple of homeowners were approved.
Some tree removal approved.
Board Discussion
The Board discussed designating homeowner’s balconies as no smoking areas. The pools areas are already no smoking areas. No action was taken.■
Editor Notes:
The former HOA President Gayle Poytner seem to be on a cause to not to allow any land lease negotiations to go forward even with preliminary discussion. It should be noted that negotiation had stop under her leadership in 2013 as she refused to continue any further discussion with the lease holder.
In an occurrence a couple of days after the meeting, Secretary Candice Shultz resigned from the Board. She also cancelled her participation in the Landscaping committee which resulted in its meeting being cancelled. There appear to be an issue between her and the President. This does look favorably with the HOA. It is unfortunate having recently been re-elected, Candice did not choose to finish her term.
Former President Helen Revalus present her budget on November 7th with only two HOA members present along with the Board. Though expenses will increase by approximately $21K for 2019, the Board felt that no dues increases (assessments) were warranted. These increase cost will be absorbed from the HOA contingency funds.
The HOA must approved a Budget for 2019 and mail it to the members for comments thirty days prior to it going into affect. That means that it must be approved no later than by December 1, 2018. It was later announced after this meeting, that a open Budget approval Meeting will be held on Thursday November 15th at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse.
posted 8 October 2018
September 2018 HOA Meeting Summary
Call Jensen
Financial Report Not Approved
No Visitor Spots Labeled
The September HOA open meeting was held in the Cabana Club House on September 27th at 6:30pm. Board Members in attendance were President Terri-Piper Johnson, Vice President Mary Williams, Secretary Candice Shultz, Treasurer Pier Santillo, and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. Powerstone’s Property Manager Linda Alexander was present along with twelve HOA members.
Call Jensen Simon Instead
The Property Manager Linda Alexander expressed that members have trouble get a hold her. Because she manages other properties beside Harbour Vista, she is not always in the office. She suggested that owners and residents contact her assistant
would be active by Friday. This deadline was not met, but is was active by Sunday September 30th.
Board Newsletter
Powerstone agreed that their contract with our HOA requires that a printed newsletter be distribute to the property owners. It was agreed that the Board would provide quick notes to Powerstone and that Linda Alexander would “put something together”.
Financial Report Not Approved
Our new Treasurer Pier Santillo did not approve the Powerstone Financial Statement for Harbour Vista ending August 30. Powerstone statement appears to no fully respresent the reserve account and other financial accounts. Powerstone was requested to revise it.
October Meet and Greet
The Board announced that they will host a Saturday “get-together” on October 20th at 10AM in the Cabana clubhouse for members and residents. This will be an informal "meet and greet" with coffee and donuts where those attending can asked questions of the Board. The HOA committees will be introduced and formed. The HOA is looking for volunteers for the committees.
New Business
The Board discussed Title 22 automated chlorinator system proposal from Powerstone. More information and research was requested.
Selecting of a Pest Control services was tabled.
The Board wants to engage a Handyman services. Powerstone will obtain bids for HOA to review.
An emergency Boiler system replacement for 16551 (north side) and 16521 Grunion Buildings was approved. The old system had caught fire. This work was completed on October 5th.
Repair of the Cabana Gate was ratified which is now completed.
Terminate treatments for areas at Harbour Vista were approved.
Other Discussions
Visitor parking spaces were not labeled with the new paving. President Terri Piper Johnson said that it is being considered that we rent the visitor spaces to members to bring in more funds for the HOA.
Members need to pick up after their pets.
Some ficus trees are to be cut down because they are interfering the the sewer lines.
The board discussed installing surveillance cameras.
Open Forum
A member asked how they could obtain extra gate keys and clickers. It was announced that Member at Large Brenda Richardson was responsible for their distribution. There are fees associated with obtaining extra keys and clickers. You can contact her by cell or text message at (714) 501-7018.
A member complained about a Harbour Visra Palm tree not being maintained.
A member complained about tree sap on her car.
posted 2 August 2018
July 2018 HOA Meeting Summary
President Resigns
New Parking Committee
Commotion Issues
The HOA meeting was held July 23rd. The President Helen Revalus was not present. Vice President Mike Peduzzi acted as President for this meeting, along with four Board members. Others in attendance were Action Property Manager representative Rhonda Hart and sixteen attendees.
President Resigns
Secretary Candice Shultz announced that Helen Revalus had resigned as President of the HOA on Sunday-the day before this Board meeting. Helen stated that she could no longer provide the time and effort for the HOA because of health concerns which require her full attention at this time. Helen’s resignation was met as a surprise as much to the Board as it was to the attendees at the meeting.
It should be pointed out that Helen was the “top vote getter" for this election whose numbers were announced later at this meeting in the continuation of the Annual Meeting. See Election Results.
Financial Report
The Board Treasurer Mary Williams stated that the operating capital for the HOA had ended with a positive balance of $90K (approximately) at the end of May. This is up from last month.
Landscaping Committee
Candice Shultz announced that because of the heat, algae has developed in the newly cleaned Streams and ponds (Blackbeard and Lago). Candice has asked DWI Pond Service to add some chemicals to reduce the algae growth and reduce the ph of the water. This will take some time to stabilize this issues. Also mosquito fish have been added to the ponds and streams.
A new sprinkler controller and sprinklers were approved by the Board to be installed on the Grunion side.
Safety Committee
There was nothing to report from the Safety Committee. Mike Peduzzi will no longer be the chairman as his term on the Board ended with this meeting. He did not run for reelection.
Unfinished Business
Candice Shultz provide a map and schedule for the Asphalt repaving starting September 25th. It will be done in three phases:
Phase 1 September 25th through September 22th (Blackbeard and the first part of Grunion)
Phase II October 2nd through October 4th (Lago and the remaining Grunion)
Phase III October 9th through October 9th (Cabana).
Members will not be allowed to park in the areas while the work is being performed. Fire gates will be open for residents to access their garage when entrances are closed off. Candice pointed out that the repaving of the driveways and parking spaces is not a slurry coat, but is actually new asphalt. See Repaving Map and Schedule.
The HOA liability insurance was approved.
tree trimming around Grunion was approved.
New Business
The Grunion pond stream cleaning was approved.
Property Management Transition
At the meeting, Terri Pipier-Johnson asked the Action Property Manager representative Rhonda Hart, if she knew anything about the transition to the new property management company Powerstone scheduled for August 1st? Rhonda Hart responded that Action is providing Powerstone with any information they request.
Candice Shultz stated that she had met our new property manager (Linda Alexander) and was impressed with her because she was around the age of the Board members.
Parking Discussion
Board members Terri-Piper-Johnson is reinstating the Parking committee which will hold its first meeting on August 9th at 6pm at her Condo (16521 Grunion #207). Her concerns are residents who have vehicles that cannot fit in their garage, setting up a procedure to rent parking spaces and inventorying of vehicles and license plates.
Pool Discussion
Because of a recent commotion where outside person (not members, not residents or a guests) had gained access to the pools, Candice Shultz proposed setting up a “card-key” for entrance to Harbour Vista pools. There is also a concern about oversize pool toys.
Open Forum
A concern was expressed about a group of people starting their motorcycle around 10pm at night and being a nuance and threatening.
A member was concerned about large dogs at Harbour Vista that might be vicious.
A complaint was expressed where a resident had attached cardboard to a windows. It was agreed that this needs to be remove as it reflects poorly on the community.
A member asked about the status of a Solar Heating Panels proposal for the pools that was presented at the last meeting. The Board stated that the project is deferred until a budget can be established.
A member asked about the commotion at the Cabana pool where a person was escorted by residents from the pool for disorderly conduct and about and the broken men’s pool restroom door. A member suggested that for commotion issues, that persons could contact the Police Department’s Main Desk and ask for advice without needing to initiating an emergency call to the Police. The Police Department’s Main Desk phone number is 714-960-8843.
Next Meeting
The next HOA is tentatively schedule for August 27th at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. This will depend on the availability of the new property manager and is subject to change.■
Postmark August 22 (the day of the Board Meeting), the new property management company Powerstone sent out a statements to all member with payment information due August 1st. On these statement were UserID’s <account number> and a temporary password for members to register with the new property management company (e.g. http://www.powerstonepm.com/my-account).
In a related issue, Action Property Management continued to maintain the Vivo site till August 1st with member's August statement posted for the money to be sent to them (cute!).
With Helen surprise resignation, the July meeting was somewhat muted without Helen’s leadership.
It appears that no one on the Board really knew what is happening with the transition to the new property management Powerstone on August 1.
With the pool commotion, vicious dog complaints, a group of motorcyclist and noise, that even as a joke from one of the Board member saying “Welcome to Harbour Vista” was inappropriate to me. The Board must make it a priority that residents and visitors must feel safe at Harbour Vista.
Though I have been at odds with the HOA President Helen Revalus because of her heavy handedness, over reaction and splitting the membership into factions, Helen has worked very hard for the Association: walking the property, making sure contractors meet their requirements, creating a budget and sticking to it, validating expense and running an effect Board. If Helen had not issued a personal attack against me, sent me harassment letters through the HOA attorney and refused to sit down and discuss our differences, I would really be more generous in praising her. Having myself, served on Board, Helen made a significant and positive contribution to Harbour Vista and I really wish her well.
posted 11 July 2018
July 2018 HOA Meeting Summary
Rollup Shades Approved
Solar Pool Heating
President Rids Down Signs
Only about seven people attended the HOA meeting held June 25th. All five Board members were present with the Action Property Manager Lenese King.
Financial Report
No longer included with the published Financial Reports from Action, the Board did announce the financial summary. Taking notes on these numbersis almost impossible. But it seems that the HOA has $74K in surplus funds at the end of May. Do not hold me on that number.
Garage Sale Approved
President Helen Ruvelas announced that no one had asked her for permission to hold this Saturday’s Garage Sale on June 30th and she had torn down all the announcements. But Board member Candice Shultz said she had been asked and had given permission. President Helen and Treasurer Mary Williams were against the Garage Sale and did not want to open the gates. Of course by this time, notices have been places in local Newspapers and Community Bulletin Board. Action Property Manager Lanese King chimed in to say: “that for liability reasons, resident should be the ones to open the gate each time for their guest”. The logistics of this comment eluded most of those present. Candice Shultz then told Helen that this (e.g. Harbour Vista) is not a “police state”. The Board then voted the authorization of the Garage Sale.
Landscaping Committee
Board Member Terri Piper-Johnson asked for funds to remove some trees prior to the Roadway/Parking Space repaving in September. Board Member Candice Shultz said that she would work this out.
Safety Committee
The Board changed the regular meeting of the Safety Committee from the 2nd Tuesday of the Month to the 2nd Thursday of the month starting at 6:30am in the Cabana Clubhouse.
Rollup Shades Approved
The Board approved rollup shades. To install them requires that an Architectural Request form be submitted. According to a posting from the Board at the Bulletin Boards, shade can only be used during the day and must be rolled up at night. Treasurer Mary Williams was against approving rollup shades and abstained.
Insurance Renewal
The HOA annual insurance policy was approved for $50K. One interesting point was that the other quotes were around $137k to $141k.
Solar Pool Hearting
The Board complimented a member at the meeting for providing them detailed information for purchase and installation of a Solar Pool heating system. With rebates and everything, the price would be $4000 for the Grunion pool. The other pool is twice the size and would have to be budgeted at another time. The installation of the panels would be done on the roof above the equipment / bathroom building. It would not be installed in the same area as the last heating system. Prior to installing the panels, there is a wood beam that is rotting and needs replacement. I was told this replacement was on the agenda to be repaired in July along with other rotting wood around the complex. This cost has already been budgeted. Once the panels are installed, there is no cost to heat the pool, or to use the panels. It is all done by the Sun. ■
It was announced that there only 55 ballots were casted in the Election which is not enough for a quorum. The Election Meeting (Annual Meeting) was then rescheduled to the next HOA Meeting July 23th.
The new fire alarm system does work, but it not in compliance as the phone system has not been enabled.
In response from a member from the floor about Board communication, Helen stated that the new Property Management Company Powerstone will provide a newsletter to the members.
posted 10 March 2018
January 2018 HOA Meeting Highlights
Drones Banned
Pool Referbish
End of Year 17.5% Budget Surplus
It was announced that both pool areas were be close for refurbishment starting January 25. The announced closure affect the use of the Jacuzzis, showers, bathrooms, barbecues and the Cabana Clubhouse.
The HOA did not hold a February Open HOA meeting because of the Cabana Clubhouse closure. The next meeting of the HOA will be in March 26th on the fourth Monday of the month.
A New boiler system for buildings 4831 and 4791 Lago was scheduled to be installed on Thursday January 25. This boiler will be three times the capacity of the previous system. On January 26, one of the boilers removed from 4831 and 4791 Lago buildings will be installed for 4861 Lago and 4852 Cabana which will enhance their capacity. On January 30th, 16581 and 16551 Grunion Buildings will have installed a new boiler system.
Clearing of roofs and gutter will start the week of January 29th.
Financial Report
The HOA enjoyed an operating funds surplus increase from 13% from last month to 17.5% at the close of the year at the end of December 2017. This is before the increase in dues that started January 1, 2018. The Treasurer announce that 24 accounts were over budget in the December 31st statement. This include 16 slab leaks since the beginning of last year. These values may change with the required audit HOA.
Committee Reports
Landscaping Committee
Secretary Candice Shultz announced that the Cabana-Lago creaks-pond are being drained to be clean. All sprinkler were turned off due to maintenance issues with the controllers. They are being repaired. Additional trees are being trimmed.
Public Safety Committee The Safety Committee announced two new Building monitors. The Safety Committee will not hold a meeting in February due to the Clubhouse closure for the pool refurbishing.
Unfinished Business
President Helen Revalus announced the Board is reviewing a Land Lease Survey prepare by the HOA attorney that would be sent out to the property owners. She stated that this four paragraphs documented is too legalize. She is rewording it to make easier for the average person to understand it. She did not read the original letter to the members present.
Discussion of Roll-Up Shades was tabled.
The Wrought fences at the pools were approved to be painted using two part paint which will extend the life of the painting by 10 years.
New additions to the rules and regulations were approved unanimously by the Board. Two items included were:
Frying of Drones is prohibited. A member did sent in a letter asking for clarification of this proposed rules and why he was opposing it. One member of the Board asked that this letter be read, Helen Ruvelas stated that their had been taking too long to get this approved and she did not want to read even though it was in the time frame for comments.
Offsite owners are required to provide tenant information to the property management company and provide information to they tenants including a copy of the "Rules and Regulations”.
The proposal for Asphalt Patching and Slurry Seal was tabled. The HOA did received one estimate for approximately $367K to repave the entire parking spaces and roads instead of Slurry Seal.
New Business
Discussion of Community Dumpsters was tabled. The board complained that residents should not throw construction materials in the dumpsters.
Five Leans were approved.
The pond and creak cleaning proposal was discussed by the Board. S. A. Landscapers propose to cleaning all three pond-creaks system for $22,500 (Blackbeard, Cabana-Lago and Grunion). There proposal was approved. Cleaning of the Cabana-Lago pond-creaks system will start first.
Replacement of one a Blackbeard pond pump and motor was approved.
Wood and Termite Repair was approved.
Fire Panel installation was approved. Under City ordinance, the new system will include remote monitoring system. A member was concern about the aesthetics of the current installation and its replacement.
Architectural Board Report
The Board has assumed responsibility for the Architectural Committee. Three Architectural requests were approved. The Board discuss their concern about a new property owner who contracted had cause flooding of the unit and the unit below during the renovation. Fortunately this owner has made good on this damage to the owner below, putting them into a hotel for a week and returning their unit “to whole” at his expense.
Open Forum
One member asked about the trimming of a tree near his condo on Blackbeard that he uses for shade in the summer. Secretary Candice Shultz said the shade would return when the leaves grow back in the spring and summer.
The next open meeting of the HOA will be held Monday March 26th in the Cabana Clubhouse starting at 6:30pm.
The next meeting of the HOA is scheduled for March 26, 2018 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
The pools have been repaired and are open.
Painting of the Wrought Iron pool fencing has been completed.
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to editor@harbourvistanews.com