Water Shutoff/Turn On Volunteers
Election Rules Released
Five members attended the HOA meeting on December 19 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with all five Board member: President Mary Williams, Vice Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Schultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powers-tone Property Manager Brittany Harmon was in attendance to take the minutes.
Ratify Repairs
The Board ratified approximately $8,868 for replacement of improperly slopped concrete drain area and repair to stucco/weep screed.
Parking Committee
The Chairman of the parking Committee Brenda Richardson expressed concerns about an illegally parked box truck that she would have to ticket.
Safety Committee Report
The Safety Committee proposed installing additional lights specifically between the Cabana Mailbox and 16542 Blackboard Building.
The Board approved funds to replacement emergency signs for some of the elevators.
The Board approved the Safety Committee printing and distributing a Fire Safety notice about the fireplaces and requirements for units smoke detectors. See Notice.
The Committee stated that it is look for some more volunteers to turn the water and the boilers turn on/off during an emergency. There are two volunteers, now but more will be needed. Training will be provided by the vendor.
Landscaping Committee
Tree trimming and gutter cleaning has starting.
Other Board Business
The Board approved the Election Rules for distribution for comments for the forthcoming June elections. The previous election rules prevented offsite owner from holding a position on the board. This restrictions has been removed. The new Election rules will be approve at the February Meeting after comments are received.
A Horizon Lighting proposal was approved to replacement two pool lights. The Board discussed replacing some bad underground lighting conduit on Blackbeard and Grunion. Some photocells for lighting also need replaced.
A proposal was approved for $5700 for a new deck at 4791 Lago Unit 207.
Open Forum
It was brought to the Board’s attention that one of the Gas meter signs at the 16551 Grunion Building has fallen down. The Property Manager was requested to contact the appropriate person to have this repaired.
Some light were reported as not working on the Phase I side (Blackbeard, Cabana and Lago). This may be part of the bad conduit issue.
A Garage door was reported as needing repair.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on January 30 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
Editor Note:
Replacement of the Balcony at 4791 Lago Unit 207 has more than double after work was started due to unforeseen issues.
The Newsletter has posted the Proposed Election Rules at this link. Note that many of the changes were because of legislation passed by the Sate of California( e.g. Re-establishing Offsite Owners as qualified to serve on the Board).
Three members attended the HOA meeting on November 21 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with all Board member: President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powerstone Property Manager Britany Harmon was in attendance to take the minutes.
Ratify Repairs
The Board ratified approximately $6,000 of repairs for various reasons and asked Powerstone to decline approximately $1500 for one repair with the Spectrum for mole and leak repairs.
Architectural Committee Report
The Architectural Committee Chairman Michael Barto reported that he had installed six pet stations at Harbour Vista. Two on the Grunion Side and four on the Blackbeard-Cabana-Lago side.
Safety Committee Report
Michael Barto spoke for the Safety Committee as the Chairman Cynthia Lee could not attend due to illness. Michael Barto spoke for the Safety Committee as the Chairman Cynthia Lee could not attend due to illness.
Heat Detectors
Michael Barto explain that he had meet and walk the hallways of the one bedroom units with the Red Hawk Fire & Security to discussion proposed installation of hallway heat detectors. Red Hawk provided a quote was $20,341 for 36 heat detectors which the Board felt was expensive. Red Hawk said that the HOA already met City Fire code and there was no Fire Code requirement for heat sectors in the the hallways at Harbour Vista.
Fire Department Discussion
Michael Barto also had discussed this issue with the Fire Department, who said that if there was an unlikely hood of a fire in a hallway where a resident was blocked from exiting, the firewall of each unit would protect each unit from fire intrusion. The Huntington Beach Fire Department will be at Harbour Vista within 5 minutes of an alarm and would provide any rescuing of a trapped in a unit. The Fire Department best suggestion is: if a resident is blocked from existing their unit via the front door or the balcony, it is best for them to move farthest from the door and wait for the fire department arrives. From this discussion, it was agreed that addition heat detectors would not be necessary.
Landscaping Committee
The Landscaping Committee stated that more tree trimming is planned for approximately $8000
Pool and Spa Restrooms
The Board requested a quote to refurbish the Pool and Spa bathrooms including new toilets, flooring, painting the walls and new fixtures.
Dryer Vents
The previous maintenance funding of each unit dryer vents seems to have forgot about the upper units vent. The Board approved $5,400 for vent cleaning to correct this oversight.
Other Board Business
$27,000 was approved for Gutter Cleaning
The Horizon Lighting Proposal was deferred
The Board did not approved funds for Strategic Sanitation Christmas Tree disposal.
Show and Tell Grunion Pool Building dry rot repair was approved.
Elevator Flooring repair was approved for $525.
The Bugman was accepted as the pest control company for Harbour Vista.The Board pointed out that there is no service to clean the elevators.
Legal expense in the order of $700 was authorized to meet California legal code (Davis-Sterling). One of these changes was the re-inclusion of offsite owners.
Open Forum
A member pointed out that she had had an inspection of her ceiling for what appeared to be mold. But it was discovered that it was really an ending hold in the drywall. She requested that the HOA cancel the request for Spectrum to provide mole remediation as it was unnecessary.
A resident of a bottom floor unit expressed concern about a drain overflow issue from the the upstairs unit.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on January 30 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
posted 20 October 2019
October 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Dues Will Not Be Raised
Pet Stations Expansion
Only four members attended the HOA meeting on October 24 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with all Board member: President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powerstone Property Manager Britany Harmon was in attendance to take the minutes.
Ratify Repairs
The Board ratified approximately $6,000 of repairs for various reasons and asked Powerstone to decline approximately $1500 for one repair with the Spectrum for mole and leak repairs.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer Candice Shultz stated that as of October 24, that HOA only owes $147K from a loan from the reserves. By the end of the year that will be down to $147K. By the July or August of next year the loan will be fully paid. The HOA funds the reserves at approximately $17K a month and will continue to fund the reserves in that amount for the new budget. By the end of 2020, they will have a reserve account of approximately $510K.
Next Year Budget
The Board approved the next years Budget for 2020. This new budget will not increase assessment to the membership (monthly dues). At the same time dues for one bedroom units will be reduced. In last years 2019 budget, contribution from the one bedrooms were over calculated and this reduction is corrected this issue in the new 2020 budget. The assessments starting for next starting on January 1, 2020 will be:
1 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
Several of the Harbour Vista vendors notified the Board that they will raise their expenses for next year. The highest increase came from S. A. Landscaping which increased its monthly fees by $700.
As has been expressed in previous meeting, the HOA has been running a large monthly surplus for all year. Because of this it was felt in all case for increase expenses, cost of living increases (e.g. water, gas) and planned future improvements (e.g. the club house improvements) - all these increase can be absorb by the present operating funds so dues will not need to be increased.
Architectural Committee Report
The Architectural Committee Chairman Michael Barto reported that the new Real Estate Placard signs at the corner of Heil and Green are being used and seem to be effective in promoting unit sales. The Architectural Committee updates the posting twice a month from what is published in the MLS (Master Real Estate Listing).
Pet Stations Expansion
The Architectural Committee single Pet Station pilot between the two Blackbeard buildings has been received well by the community. Residence had contributed surplus bags to the test unit. The HOA President said she has noticed that the bags have been used and replaced. The Architectural Committee Chairman said he wanted to expand the the number of stations to from six to eight and asked for the Board to authorize approximately $200 for funding. This was approved.
Safety Committee Report
Michael Barto spoke for the Safety Committee as the Chairman Cynthia Lee could not attend due to illness. He stated that there was a concern about lack of smoke detectors in the hallways and he wish to hold a discussion the vendor Red Hawk Fire and Security about adding these additional sensors.
Parking Committee
The Parking Committee Chairman Brenda Richardson (also the HOA Member at Large), stated that she is having issue with a panel truck with a signage violation parking at Harbour Vista (Rules and Regularion IIIA3). The member has ignore the violation notices. She is asking to call a hearing with the owner of the unit.
Landscaping Committee
The Landscaping Committee will now asked the the Landscaping service to clean inside the Boiler enclosures and President Mary Williams asked for a quote for fabric material or similar product to prevent weeds from growing in each boiler enclosure.
Other Board Business
“Action” duct dryer vent cleaning was approved
Gutter Cleaning was tabled
“Antis” roof repairs was approved
The 2019 Audit and Tax Proposal was accepted
The "Bug Man" termite proposal accepted.
A quote for Grunion Pool repair was requested for crumbling deck face.
A “Show and Tell” proposal was tabled for pool bathroom maintenance and repairs.
Open Forum
A member expressed concern about mole in her unit in the ceiling.
A member pointed out the the Cabana Barbecues still do not work.
Member Michael Barto ask Vice President Mike Peduzzi if he had look into renewing the old Harbour Vista internet domain( e.g harbourvistahoa.com) and setting up an HOA email system that was proposed by him two months ago. Mike Peduzzi said that nothing has been done at this time.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on November 21 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
Editor Note:
The Grunion Pool repairs turn into quite a complex issues with the pool rising from its flooring.
The HOA has no HOA email system. Right nows only Harbour Vista News is providing an unofficial service to provided email contact the Board or the Committees without going through the Powerstone.
Powerstone Tells HOA To Raise Dues
New Barbecue Not Working
Fire Alarms
Only three members attended the HOA meeting on September 26 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with Board member President Mary Williams, Secretary Pier Santillo, and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powerstone Property Manager Britany Harmon was in attendance to take the minutes. Also at the meeting was the Powerstone CPA/Controller Steve Romero. Treasurer Candice Shultz and Vice President Mike Peduzzi were indisposed for this meeting.
Surprise Meeting
The Property Manager Britany Harmon surprise the Board by inviting the Powerstone CPA/Controller Steve Romero and holding an unannounced discussion (not on the agenda) of the proposed 2020 HOA budget for next year. This seems to be a follow on to a previous discussion at the August HOA meeting where Powerstone had proposed an assessment increases by 20% with a special assessments. This was mostly to fund the reserves. Mary Williams stated that the current financial statements do not support such an argument as the reserves on on track to be paid off and the HOA is running with a $100,000 surplus most every month.
Powerstone Took Issue
Powerstone’s Steve Romero did not seem to understand the financial facts that Mary had provided. Mary pointed out that the recent reserve study did not represent the real status of the HOA, specifically fix assist repairs such as roofs, stucco, pools, boilers, roadways, etc. Many of the suggested reserve account proposed by the Audit was significantly outside of reality-such as $35,000 for replacement of each to stream bridge and one million dollars to paint nine buildings. Also, the HOA had funded many replacement projects out of operating funds which had allowed the reserves to increase much quicker. Mary Williams reiterated that the HOA is intending not to raise the member’s assessment for the 2020 budget.
Ratify Repairs
The Board rejected approximately $10,000 of repairs for various reasons and asked Powerstone to correct these issues. At the same the Board ratified approximately $7000 of valid repairs.
Treasurer Report
The Financial Report ending August 31st was approved. As before, there was a surplus of funds budgeted as compared to fund spent.
Draft Budget for 2020
No draft budget has been developed at this time. But several vendors have submitted increases to their services for next year. It was stated that development of next year budget must be conducted in an Open Meeting observable by the membership and President Mary Williams wanted to make sure that this would be done correctly.
Architectural Committee Report
The Architectural Chairman Michael Barto asked for the status of renewing the HOA domain (harbourvistahoa.com) and re-establishing Internet services for the Board and the Committees. He was informed that this responsibility was tuned over to Vice President Mike Peduzzi who was not present and therefore no status was provided at this time.
Real Estate Placards Post
Michael Barto stated that the two new Real Estate Placards Post is working very well and the Realtor and property owners are using them. He stated that he will refresh the HOA announcement placard at lease once a month, but that the HOA placard update will only state what is in the MRL (Master Real Estate Listing). The MRL has a tendency to lag behind the actual property status.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee Chairman Cynthia Lee provide discussion of their recent meeting with the fire alarm vendor. The vendor explained that the alarms could be silence at the master for each building by entering the code 99. When an alarm goes off whether the master alarm or slaves in the buildings, all alarms will go off for that building and an automatic messages is sent to the fire department.
More Heat Sensors
The vendor stated that the single heat sensor for each building at the master alarm required a lot of heat to activate. Powerstone was asked to obtain a quote to installing additional heat sensor slaves in hallways of each building.
Building Monitor
The Safety committee wants to assigned building monitors who will be responsible for the alarms. As a volunteer function, a typical candidate might be selected from one of the four residents units that surround each master alarm.
Alarm Call List
When the alarm system goes off or a sensor problem occurs, a phone text message is send to a receipt established by the alarm company. At present the only recipient in on this list was the former President Terri Piper Johnson. Powerstone said that they will have the list updated.
Other Board Business
The Board approved replacement of some sections of the concrete walkway because of tree roots invasion which has made them uneven to walk over.
The Board approved replacement of the Fire Extinguisher and its glass housing enclosure at the Cabana Pool.
Light Fixture Cleaning was approved.
Replacement of a utility door was approved.
Painting of faded yellow striping on the curbs was approved.
Open Forum
A member pointed out that the recently installed new Barbecues just outside of the Cabana clubhouse are totally inoperable. It seems that the gas lines are turn off and locked. This may have been an oversight when a cage was installed to sound a master gas valve. The Board said they would look into it.
A member complained about residents not picking up their dog waste. This is a violation of the Rules and Regulations. Members can be fined if reported. The Safety Committee is the process of installing some pet stations to help with this issue. ■
Editor Notes:
CPA/Controller Steve Romero did not want to listen to the Budget arguments that Mary Williams provided and to this reporter was completely out of line. Mary Williams stated that such an unnecessary and outrageous assessments would be harmful to the HAO and might cause their membership to abandon their properties.
The Powerstone Budget proposal consisted of two options:
One was a 20% increase and a 4.7%special assessment of $32.28 per month per member.
The other was a 10% increase and a special assessment of $138.62 per month per member.
Powerstone Budget recommendations came from reserve study that the Board had approved last month with reservations by refuting many of its assumptions as very inaccurate. According to our HOA Treasurer Candice Shultz, Powerstone did not even calculate the refuted reserver study’s recommendations, correctly. They wanted the HOA to fund $300K per year for roof replacement and had not taking into consideration the intensive replacements and repairs that were performed last year using operating funds and not the reserves.
posted 24 September 2019
August 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
No HOA Earthquake Insurance
Web Services Proposals
Email Mailing Proposal
Eight members attended the HOA meeting on August 29 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with Board member President Mary Williams, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powerstone Property Manager Britany Harmon was in attendance taking the minutes. Vice President Mike Peduzzi did not attendance the meeting. No reason was provided.
New Fans in Clubhouse
Members were greeted to two new fan/lights in the Clubhouse replacing the old as originally built candelabras fixtures. These new fan/lights allow the doors to remain closed during the HOA evening meetings even during the summer.
Ratify Repairs
The Board approved approximately $26K for completed work for wood and roof repairs. The Board requested that Drymaster (water repair remuneration) be taken on the list of approved vendors. The also disapproved an invoice from Drymaster for interior repairs for roof leak for $6,409.74 as being the last time they would use them.
Treasurer Report
The Financial Report ending June 30th was approved. As usual there was a surplus of funds budgeted as compared to fund spent.
Reserve Study
The Property Management Company told the Board that they must approve the reserve study by State Law. Reluctantly the HOA approved the study from Research Associates, but expressed how they disagreed with their findings. Their concerns was the estimated replacement cost are too high for painting, roofs, bridges, etc.
Architectural Committee Report
The Architectural Chairman Michael Barto discussed a recent and withdrawn requests for installation of French Doors. The request had been improperly submitted as the submitter was not the current owner. Michael asked the Property Manager to be more diligent in reviewing the applications prior to submitting them to the committee.
French Doors
The Architectural Chairman stated that installation of French Doors under a strict interpretation of Architectural Guidelines are not be allow. But through the the Harbour Vista Newsletter mailing list for residents and members off the HOA, a survey was perform:
Many members said they did not care.
Several members felt that uniformity was very important and they should not be allow, but of this group they all said they would have like to have french doors if they were allowed. One member of this group that wanting uniformity, said they would have installed French doors when they replaced they old balcony doors, but they were told, they were not allowed.
It was asked: Is this a safety issue? Should these doors be open inside or out. Most probably out.
Another point raised was who would see them with plants, table and chairs in front of them, anyway.
The Committee concluded that retrofit Vinyl windows and split air conditioning systems had not been allowed by the Guidelines at Harbour Vista until recently. Both of these change where initiated by approval of a “pilots” with approval of the Board. The Committee suggest, that when a member request French Doors, that the Board authorize this request as a pilot for evaluate. Such a pilot would be at the homeowners expense, and if it was determine to be an “eye sore”, the homeowner would have to replace them at their expense.
Safety Committee Report
The Safety Committee Chairman Cynthia Lee provide discussion about
Training to turn off gas, water and boilers.
Training for the Fire Alarms.
Establishing Block Captains with access to Harbour Vista infrastructure and training.
General Business
Balcony work for 4861 Lago #203 was approved
Purchase of Earthquake insurance was rejected by the Board as too expensive. They quote was $333,591.60 (or $188 per home owner per year) with a $10,000 deductible per building. This does not include any damage inside a unit.
There was a discussion about replacing the remaining mailboxes and was approved for approximately $9000.
More information was request about repairing the concert walkways. More information was requested.
The Board requested information to fund cleaning and painting the large outside walls surrounding the Lago and Blackbeard Drives.
Email Services
Homeowner Michael Barto and owner of Harbour Vista News provides a presentation about update the HOA Email services.
Background: Michael had asked Powerstone to setup some mailing aliases for two committees that he participates, but Powerstone said they could provide this services. They only do the HOA web site under their contract under Powerstone domain (http://harbourvista.powerstone.com).
Proposal: In investigating this mailing list issue, Michale had discovered that Harbour Vista still has registered the harbourvistahoa.com domain. This was obtained 2013 and had been managed by the previous Boards and Action Property Management. Because the HOA still has this domain (through GoDaddy), it can be used these mail aliases using a fairly inexpensive service for $24/year. Michael recommended 1&1 Ionos which provides phone support and an easy to use GUI. This is the same company he uses for his Newsletter.
Motivation: To motivate the HOA to take action, Michael Barto created three new mailing lists under hist control to be used in the interim till the HOA takes control:
The Property Manager Brittany Harmon said she would look into this.
Open Forum
One member asked if the landscaping service could be requested to clean under stairs
There was a complaint about vendors parking in assigned spots or in the red to deliver packages
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on September 25 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
Editor Note: The State of California requires that each HOA fund a Reserve Study every three years. But HOA under recommendations from several Property Managers have been funding reserve studies every year. There is also no legal requirement that an HOA must maintain a reserve. But it is good Business practice to maintain one.
posted 27 August 2019
July 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Rule and Regulations Approved
Real Estate Placards Installed
Cabana BBQ to be Replaced
Eight members attended the HOA meeting on July 25 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with Board members President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powerstone Property Manager Britany Harmon was in attendance taking the minutes. Also in attendance was Kathy Collette from Majority Rule to certify the Elections.
During the meeting, the ballots were counted by Kathy Collette. After the count, the meeting was suspended to announce the results. All current Board members were all re-elected and assumed their same positions. See Election Results for 2019.
Ratify Repairs
The Board approved payment for completed work of approximately $26K dry rot repairs, roof repairs, emergency water remediations mostly for roof leaks.
Treasurer Report
The Financial Report ending June 30th was approved.
Architectural Committee
Two new Real Estate Placard Post have been installed at the corner of Heil and Green for Phase I of Harbour Vista (Blackbeard, Cabana and Logo Buildings) and Phase II (Grunion Buildings). A plexiglass sign on both side will be maintained with a list of current units for sale. See New Real Estate Placard. There is concert that a long time green fern was removed for the installation of one of these placards. The Architectural Committee requested that a new fern be planted at this sign.
Parking Committee
The Parking Committee Chairman Brenda Richardson and also HOA Board member at large stated that the committee will be ticketing vehicles who park over 72 hours in the same spot.
Landscaping Committee
Some old hedging was removed. There are complaints about the landscaping service is not meeting its contract requirement to be on the on the property at the their scheduled time. The Committee is giving the vendor 30 days to correct this deficiency.
Safety Committee Report
The Safety Committee Chairman Cynthia Lee was concerns about training and instructions these safety issues:
Who turns off the gas in an emergency if the Gas Company can not respond promply? Should some homeowners be training.
The Safety Committee has ask for the Fire Alarm Company Red Hawk to provide training or discussion of the system they installed. They have received no response.
Mary Williams announced that she would provide to the Safety Committee, the breakdowns of the all the electrical utility closet to be maintained by the Committee.
General Business
The Rules and Regulations were approved and will be mailed to the members. President Mary Williams stated that there are still some typos errors in them, but the approval of the changes cannot drag on. Soo this apporval was "as is".
President Mary Williams asked that the underground gate sensor for the Cabana Gate have the asphalt covering painted to identify its location. This will prevent confusion when exiting this gate.
President Mary Williams informed the membership that the Elevator permits have been paid, but update to the permits have not yet been received. The Government agency is running about six month behind from issuing the new paperwork.
Garage Stucco repair was approved.
Replacement of concrete rocks with smooth concrete was approved.
Two new Cabana BBQ’s were approved to replace the old 16 years old ones.
The Board asked for a quote to refurbish both the Cabana and Grunion Pool restrooms.
There was a discussion to develop a termite inspection/repair HOA policy.
Open Forum
A member requested that the garage doors at Harbour Vista be power-washed.
A member brought to the attention of the Board, that the large light at the basketball court is broken and need to be repaired.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on August 29 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
posted 18 July 2019
June 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Pet Bags Real Estate Placard
Budget Committee
Five members attended the HOA meeting on June 27 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with Board member President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powerstone Property Manager Britany Harmon was in attendance taking the minutes.
Ratify Emergency Repairs
The Board approved approximately $28K for completed emergency work for remediation for water intrusion, leaks in balcony storage closets, roof leaks and replacement of a leaking reservoir tank for the Blackbeard boiler.
Treasurer Report
The May 2019 Financial report was approve.
Treasurer Candice Shultz stated that reserve funds not be allocated for some roof repairs. She explained that HOA operating funds can easily cover this and it is better to concentrate on paying off the reserve loan at this time.
Safety Committee Report
The Public Safety Committee Chairman Cynthia Lee announce a meeting for July (reschedule to July 11th). The Committee is working on the HOA Newsletter. The Board granted per-approval to go forward with Safety Committee's HOA Newsletter without going back to the Board. Printing and distribution expense will be covered by the HOA.
Cynthia Lee asked about funding and posting of evacuation signs. The Board granted funding and approved posting.
Cynthia Lee also mentioned these items for discussion
Children must be supervised (under 16 years). This is a change to the current Rules and regulations and is State Law.
There are questions in how to for use of Fire Extinguisher
Architectural Committee Report
The Architectural Committee Chairman Michael Barto stated that Committee is working on installation two real estate placards near the Green at the corner of Green and Heil. There is problem with ground too hard for the signs maker (Ups and Downs) to dig the holes. The Chairman asked that the HOA Landscapers be task to dig the holes. He will provide speifications and locations.
Rules and Regulation Committee
The Rules and Regulation Committee that consisted of only Board Members is in the process of distributing the update rules and regulations by mail to all members for comments. They will be approved at the next meeting on July 25.
General Association Business
The Board had previously authorized power washing the Lago Wall facing the Park. They asked the Powerstone Property Manager why it is taking too long.
The Board approved two deck maintain projects, one termite restoration project, one balcony storage door replacement and the 16521 Grunion Building elevator door restoration.
The HOA approved renewal of its insurance.
The Board approved an on-Site Reserver Study.
Budget Committee
President Mary Williams request the establishment of a Budget committee which would include non Board members.
Pet Bags
The Secretary Pier Santillo proposed to establish “pet bag” stations attached to the trees around Harbour Vista. The residents would renewal plastic bags as they use them for pets waste. She stated that this has worked very well when she lived in New York. The Board approved funding this request.
Open Forum
There was a discussion about cleaning up graffiti at Harbour Vista.
Someone asked about the status of the Land Lease. The Board reiterated that they had "wasted their hands of it" and were doing nothing. They asked attending member Michael Barto if he had anything to contribute. He stated that a group of members were looking at funding and a new proposal to the lease holder. But all of this is preliminary. More research needs to be done.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on July 25 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. This will also be the annual election meeting.
Editor Note:
A member driven “ad hoc” Land Lease Committee needs members wants to continue to take an active role to negotiating to buy the land lease from the Lease Holder. A preliminary proposal was posted at "Preliminary LAND LEASE PROPOSAL (April 2019)". At this point nothing is going forward till we more active participants. Please contact the Newsletter, if you are interested in participating.
posted 17 June 2019
May 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Gas Meter Fencing Real Estate Sign Placard
Uniformity Enforcement
Audit Report Ratified
Nine members attended the HOA meeting on May 30 at the Cabana Clubhouse which is down from previous meetinsg of 15 to 20. All Board members were present: President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. Property manager Britany Harmon was in attendance.
Ratify Emergency Repairs
There is still some issue with the charges from some of the vendor. Not all invoices were approved for emergency repairs of roofs and buildings. The Board also told the property manager to no longer accept bids from Dry Master Restoration.
Treasurer Report
The Board reluctantly ratified the fiscal year audit for 2018. There is a legal requirement that this audit must be ratified by a certain date. It was express by the Treasurer Candice Shultz that many items in the audit are in contention. See discussion from April HOA meetings. Candice Shultz made it clear, that the audit for 2019 will require an on-site visit.
Gas Meters Fencing Approved
A presentation was provided by Finyl Vinyl. The vendor provide a temporary installation example at the 16542 Blackbeard Building. The Board approved his quote.
No Change to Legal Council
The Board had received a solicitation from Whitney Petchul legal council. Mary Williams announced that they HOA was not interested in replacing the current legal council Berding & Weil LLP.
See Editor Notes.
Real Estate Placard Approved
The Board approved the installation of the two Real Estate Placards at the corner of Heil and Green. The Architecture Committee was assigned to oversee the project.
Windows Architectural
Architectural Committee Chairman Michael Barto submitted a report about "vertical sliding windows" versus "horizontal sliding window". Most the windows at Harbour Vista are "horizontal sliding windows" except for some of the window at the end of the halls in the three bedroom units. These windows were fixed when original installed, but over time members have replaced them with "vertical sliding windows". Recently the Architectural Committee approved a member to install retrofit Vinyl Windows. The contractor installed most the windows as "horizontal sliding window" except for the living room windows where for some reason the installer installed "vertical sliding windows". From the building outside, this broke the uniformity of the three story building wall.
The Board informed membership that there was already a precedent for uniformity and will they would asked the member to replace this window with "horizontal sliding one".
Still in Review
President Mary Williams is still reviewing the Architecture Guidelines as submitted last month from the Architectural Committee.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee Chairman Cynthia Lee discussed the Neighborhood Watch meeting that was held with the Police department last month. See "Neighborhood Watch".
Cynthia Lee provided a discuss of the pending project to install evacuation signs and go forward with replacing the two remaining gate locks on Heil Avenue with inside latch type. The Board approved these expense.
The Safety Committee has schedule a meeting with the fire department to evaluate some issue with excess foliage in the boiler enclosures.
Gas BBQ Issue
It was brought to the attention of the Board by the Safety Committee a safety concern with the Cabana Pool BBQ. The gas line turn on and off valves are not readily accessible. The Board was very supportive to correcting this issue and ask that Powerstone provide a quote. The Board also asked for Powerstone to obtain quotes to clean the BBQ's for summer.
Rules and Regulation Committee
A close committee of lead by Vice President Mike Peduzzi submitted his revision to the Board to be sent to the members for comment. The Board was not forthcoming at the open meeting as to what changes they have made or new requirements they have added to the thirteen pages of the HOA Rules and Regulations with contains multiple references to things and consist to about of over 100 rules.
Solar Pool Heating
The Board approved installation of solar pool heating system for the Grunion pool. To be followed on by installation of a similar system at the Cabana Pool. This installation is schedule after some wood repair is completed.
Open Forum
It mentioned that some chairs are missing from the Cabana Pool area and Cabana Pool needs an additional umbrella for the Grunion pool.■
Editor Notes:
1. President Mary Williams informed the members that the legal firm Whitney Petchul was a break away from our legal council Berding & Weil LLP and had started their own firm.
Back in 2017, after the Berding & Weil LLP had charged the HOA more than $160K legal fees and a trail for a judgement for "they did not asked for permission", a petition was submitted by the membership to replace this legal council. The Board did not act on the petition. In recent actions, legal cost of $20K was attributed to Berding & Weil LLP for consultation for Land Lease initiative that ultimately failed. See "Who Got What".
Yes legal fees are expense, but one should get value for the money. A law firm is to provide effective counseling for the best interest of the HOA, not just charges for billable hours. And the consulting partnerships with HOA for nonsense issues, can promote complicity between the HOA and the legal council.
The Ratified Fiscal Audit for 2018 was mailed to the membership this month. Harbour Vista News has posted a copy at this link.
posted 21 May 2019
April 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Old Type Mailboxes Approved Pool Solar Heating Presentations
Audit Report Conflict
Independent Land Lease Committee?
Thirteen members attended the April 25 HOA meeting. Five Board members were present: President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. Property manager Britany Harmon was in attendance and took minutes.
Solar Pool Heaters Presentations
Two presentations by Suntrek and Revco Solar started the meeting. Both presenter provided discussion to provide solar pool heating systems for both Harbour Vista pools. The State of California offers solar rebates that will pay for part of the panels and installation. But these rebates are going down the longer the buyer waits. There was some discussion if some roof repair was required prior to the installation. The Board took the quotes under advisement for a decision at next meeting.
Ratify Emergency Repairs
There was approximate $53K of roof repairs to be ratify for previous emergency work. One member suggested that some of these charges look like the HOA is charged twice. The Board approved most of the repairs except for approximately $18K whose work and invoices were to be reviewed.
Financial Report
Treasurer Candice Shultz provided a comprehensive financial report. She stated that there are some significant expenses because of the rains and roof repairs, but the HOA is in good financial position and is not experiencing any financial stress.
Audit Report Issues
Treasurer Candice Shultz lead the Board in a discussion the HOA Audit Report for 2019.This audit report seems to be out of step with actually Harbour Vista property. In the audit, the replacement cost for each stream bridge is estimated be $35K. To paint the entire complex is estimated to be $1 million dollars. The auditor recommend that the reserves be increase to $3 million dollars and proposed a special assessment to fund this new reserve level. The property manager Britany Harmon though that they audit had only a few minor discrepancies, but both Treasure Candice Shultz and Secretary Pier Santillo say that most the items were not correct. The audit was approved with some conditions which will be reflected when it final distribution to the membership.
Two Architectural Applications Approved
The Architectural Committee (consisting of Michael Barto, Mike Borzi and Brenda Richardson announce they had approved two Architectural Requests with two footnotes:
Member must enclose any recess light within a sound proofing enclosure such as a dry wall box or other means. Except with top units.
Replacement windows should be Milgard ® type in look, color and appearance.
Real Estate Placard
The Architectural Committee provided two quotes to construct two six foot high Real Estate Placards for realtors to post their signs. President Mary Williams stated that she want the realtor sign to be the small (18x24) similar to the original placard that was torn down in 2014. But she did mentioned that with the old sign, some realtors had mounted the larger type sign (24x36). The Architectural Chairman Michael Barto stated that he had very little control over what a Realtor might do and the design of the placard was to support the larger size (24X36). The Board is awaiting another bid and will make a decision at the May meeting.
Architectural Guidelines Update
The Architectural Committee submitted an update to the Architectural Guidelines. The update requested that the Board also revise the “Rules and Regulations” because of duplication and conflict with the previous and new Architectural Guideline. Two sections were revised and one new sections added:
Balcony/Patio Shades (rewritten)
Satellite Dish (antenna) (rewritten)
In-Wall/In-Ceiling Speakers (new)
The new version of the Architectural Guidelines added updates to emphasis that members are responsible for any maintenance or removal of any approved items attached to the outside of the building (e.g. satellite dish, balcony pet fences or shades).
President Mary Williams took exception with removal of the duplicated sections in the “Rules and Regulations” and wish to retain them. Dialog between the Committee and Board will go continue till the next meeting when it is assumed that the new Guidelines will be approved for member review. See note below.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee consisting of Chairperson Cynthia Lee, Nancy Graham and Peir Santillo with Michael Barto as guest. Chairperson Cynthia Lee presented the Board with 9 evacuation maps-one for each building. The Committee intends to have the maps review by the Fire department. The committee is preparing material for a forthcoming HOA Newsletter and is obtaining quotes to construct the evacuation signs.
All Latch Keys
For improved safety, the Safety Committee requested that the two remaining gates (on the Heil Avenue side of both phases) at Harbour Vista should be converted so they could be open by a latch from the inside instead of requiring a key. The Board asked for quotes to have the old locks replaced for the next meeting.
Rules and Regulation Committee
The Board is revising the “Rules and Regulations”. No information was disclosed as to any proposed revision, addition or changes. The Board will approved their revised “Rules and Regulation” at next meeting. This version will then be sent to the members for comment. The the final version will then be approved at the following meeting in June.
Replacement Mailbox Approved
At the last month HOA meeting, there, was a presentation to replace the existing mail boxes which no long meet Federal Post Office standards with all new and larger mailboxes. The cost of the new mailboxes would be funded Federal rebate for all the new mailboxes. These new mailboxes include outgoing mail slots and a common large package delivery box. The Board rejected replacing the old mailboxes with the new Federal Standard and decided to replace the two broken mailbox sets (under our grandfather clause), with the same type mailboxes.
The Board approved purchasing two old type mailboxes and will wait for competitive quotes for installation for next months meeting. President Mary Williams stated that the vendor who provide the presentation last month, want to replace the cement slabs for his installation which made his labor bid high to install the new mailboxes even though the mailboxes were free because of the rebates. She also felt that the large common parcel box provided with the new set were really not that useful.
Other Business
The Board approved installation of the Lago gate backflow cage.
The Board table:
Open House/For Rent/For Sign Rules
Solar pool heating proposal. The Board needs time to review each proposal.
Community overall wood repair
Homeowner Forum
The member who had complained last month about the lack of responsiveness with the Dry Master restoration service for a water leaks, complained t this meeting that he has been unable to secure an appointed through the Property Manager for termite repair required to complete Dry Master’s work. He asked the Property Manager schedule repairs immediately so his condo exposed walls could be closed with drywall.
Too Many Rules
One member complained that there are thirteen page of “Rules and Regulations” and they are become overly complex. As an example, he stated that there are with four individual sections for skateboards. He would like the number of rules consolidated and reduction in the number of pages .He stated that HOA member and residents are just people. You cannot expect them to read all these pages. Many of the rules fall under something called “General Nuisance” and does not require an adoption of any specific “rule or regulation” - just a letter and hearing.
More Parking Complaints
Members complaint that parking rules are not being enforce and pointed out several violations. A member asked for a list of how long he might had parked in an unassigned spot and how the rule to prevent circumvent the “72 hour Visitor Parking” by moving a vehicle from one space to another is enforced fair and equality.
Independent Land Lease Committee?
A member asked the Board if there was anything going on with a land lease negotiation? President Mary Williams stated that the Board had washed its hands of pursuing any further effort. But she did say, that members are invited to establish their own independent committee or function if they wish to pursue any further initiative. ■
Editor Notes:
The Annual Audit report is required by law. Its main function will establish the value of the reserve accounts. The value of the reserves account is directly used to define a portion of the member assessments (month dues). There seems to be significant mis calculation in this report with incorrect estimates.
The proposed Architectural Guidelines are posted at Harbour Vista News at: Proposed Architectural Guidelines.html.
Changes and additions are shown in red. Readers of the Newsletter are welcome to send Architectural Committee Chairman Michael Barto comments and suggestions. All responses will be answered.
The Property Management did finally schedule the owner termite repairs for May 2, 2019.
The disclosure of that the Board would not interfere with creation of an “independent land lease committee” is significant. Will the Board be willing to provide the clubhouse, as a meeting place, free of charge? Those of you who would like to establish such a committee and would be willing to provide some work to make it go forward, please send me your request to editor@harbourvistanews.com or mbarto@logiqwest.com. I will be doing everything to set up such a committee, but I do not want to lead it. And anything this proposed committee will do will be totally transparent to all the HOA membership.
posted 21 April 2019
March 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Land Lease Dead
Budget Surplus
Free New Mailboxes?
Swap Meet in June
Only nine members attended the March 28 th HOA meeting. That was a poor turnout as this was actually a good meeting. Five Board members were present: President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo. Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. Property manager bharmon@powerstonepm.com was also in attendance.
Replacement Mail Box
Hillcrest Construction provided a presentation for free Mail box replacements at Harbour Vista. Our mailboxes do not meet current postal code and Post Office does provide rebates to replace them. Though the new boxes will be totally free, there will be incidental expenses associated with their installation. The Board asked for a full quote from this vendor and other potential vendors for next meeting.
Financial Report
Treasurer Candice Shultz provided a comprehensive financial report. She announced that Harbour Vista is running a budget surplus. It appears that the reserve loan is on track to be paid off. Candice discussed the current reserve study (required by law). Reserve studies establish the budgets and members' assessments. She was concern that many of the reserve assumption are overprice such as the cost to replace Harbour Vista's bridges.
Adjustment of Assessments?
From the floor, it was asked about the errors in the calculation for the assessments for the years 2018 and 2019. For the 19.5% assessment increases in 2018, one bedrooms were under-charged and three bedrooms were over charged. For the 2019 4% increase, this was reversed. The rules governing assessment calculations are defined by the State of California. From the floor, it was mentioned that this looks very much like "mis appropriation of funds". Treasurer Candice Shultz stated that "[she] 100% agreed". It will be interesting to see if these words turn into action at the next meeting.
Architectural Committee
The Board asked the Architectural Committee (consisting of Michael Barto, Mike Borzi and Brenda Richardson) to re-establishing a Real Estate placards at the corner of Heil and Green. They were torn down by a former Board in 2013. See News Archive 2014.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee Chairperson Cynthia Lee provided a comprehensive report. The committee visited the Fire Department in March to discuss fire exists and general emergency issues. The committee is finalizing evacuation maps, creating fire exit signs and preparing material for a forthcoming HOA Newsletter. They will have a meeting on Saturday April 6th at 10:30am. All residents are invited. One new member was appointed to the the Committee. The committee now consists of Cynthia Lee, Pier Santillo, Nancy Graham and Michael Barto.
Garage Sale
The Board has approved Member at Large Brenda Richardson request to scheduled a "Garage Sales" for Harbour Vista on June 22, 2019 from 7am to 2pm
Land Lease Ballot/Survey Disclosures
Secretary Pier Santillo lead a discussion about the failed land lease ballot survey in December. A previous undisclosed letter from the HOA legal council Berding & Weil LLP was paraphrased by Pier. It was a road map of the requirements to purchase the land lease with associated costs. One item was that the HOA should spend between $15K to $25K for an appraisal of the Land Lease. Another undisclosed document was a preliminary quote from Great Western Savings to fund the land lease purchase for $10 million dollars. It was based on a valuable interest rate attached to government T bills. This preliminary proposal would have raised each members assessment by $454 per month.
Vote Tally
Michael Barto asked if the Board had tracked who actually had voted. Only 101 votes were cast out of 180. Michael Barto wanted to know how many offsite owners had actually casts voted. Mary Williams stated that no tally was made and cover envelops containing the voter name had been thrown away.
How Did You Vote?
A member asked asked the Board if they had voted "yes" or "no" for the Land Lease Ballot/Survey. The Board refuse to disclose their vote.
"That's That"
At the end of Pier's Land Lease discussion, the Board consider that they would not take any further action for a land lease initiative. President Mary Williams stated "that's that"
Vendor Issue
In Open Forum, two members complained about the Dry Master water damage restoration. One member though they were re-charging for the same work or trying to pad invoices by creating unnecessary work. Another member complained that Dry Master never responded to his service request and finally had to take it upon himself to contact his own contractor.
Solar Heating Panels
A member asked to resurrect the proposal for solar heating panels for the pools. It should be installed before summer. The Board agree and wanted quotes from the property manager for next meeting.
Disenfranchise of Offsite Owners
An offsite owner asked why the Board does not allow offsite owners to serve on the Board. This effectively disenfranchises 46% of the membership. The Board provided no response. He then told them that since, the request for candidates was sent to his "Primary Residents (at Harbour Vista), he will be submitting my candidate statement to run for the Board. ■
Editor Notes:
Some of the mail box sets at Cabana Mailboxes have been tag by the Post Office as broken and need to be replaced.
Display of "drive-by" Real Estate Signs at Harbour Vista increase the pool of perspective buyers which in turn increases property values.
As our representative, for the Board's refusal to disclose their vote for the land lease ballot/survey, kind of shows where some of the 28 "no" votes came from. Seems like the former President Terri Piper-Johnson was by herself trying to go forward to do anything with the Land Lease/Sublease.
posted 22 March 2019
Feburary 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Ask for Volunteers
Land Leased Committee?
The monthly HOA open meeting was held in the Cabana Club House on February 28th at 6:30pm. Board Members in attendance were President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz, and Member-at-Large Brenda Richardson. Powerstone's new Property Manager Linda Alexander was present along with thirteen HOA members and residents.
New Property Manager
New Property Manager Brittany Harmon was introduced to the membership. She stated that the former Property Manager Linda Alexander had taken a better job at another company and was no longer working for Powerstone.
Property Manager Brittany Harmonasked about the Board Newsletter and President Mary Williamssaid distributing one every quarter seem appropriate. Mary also mention that Harbour Vista News might contribute some material. The Newsletter already has a new Homeowners Guide which Mary agree would be useful to distribute to new residents.
Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Candice Shultz presented a very comprehensive financial report. As of January 31, 2019, the HOA shows a budget surplus of approximately $30K. The HOA allocates $17K a month to the reserves.
A fund transfer was approved for the Property Manager for a bookkeeping issue.
Ask for Volunteers
The Board asked for volunteers for the Committees. Only a few attendees volunteered. Both Cynthia Lee (former HOA Board member) and Michael Barto (former Architectural spokesperson) signed up for the Safety Committees along with Board Secretary Pier Santillo. Michael Barto and Mike Borzi signed up for the Architectural Committee. Member-At-Large Brenda Richardson assigned herself to the "parking committee" which is under the Architectural Committee (See CC&R's Section 8.02). Landscaping committee will have the Board President Mary Williams running it as the current member. The Charters for each committee were provide with the sign up sheets. Each Charter requires that each member be appointed by the Board. Though on the agenda, no appointed was approved during this Board meeting.
Board selects the committee members and the Chairperson
time required
Committee Reports
Because the Board was reorganized at the January HOA Meeting, all committees according to President Mary Williams were disbanded. But at this HOA meeting after the reorganization, no committees members were appointed or reaffirmed. Therefore there was no Architectural Committee or any other committee to provide any report to the Board till the Board appoints the members. See Editor Notes.
Election Coming Up
The Board approved hiring "Majority Rules" to manage the forthcoming elections in June. The annual "request for candidates" notice will be mailed out to each members except offsite owners. Since there was no discussion about changing the Election Rules, nor did any member of the Board say they were retiring, it is assumed that the Election Rule will still be in place baring offsite owners from holding a Board position and that all current Board members will run for the Board in the 2019 elections.
General Business
The Board approved a pending architectural request for sliding doors.
Some emergency repairs were approved including a garage roof repair.
Removal of one or two trees was approved along with tree trimming.
Purchasing a new mailbox block sets replacement was discussed. Specifically 4861 Lago Building mailboxes. Powerstone was asked provide estimates of vendors to perform the work.
Open Forum
A member asked how she could have a car towed from her parking space. The Board stated that they must:
First write down the VIN number of the vehicle in violation of their reserve parking space.
Next they must call the Police Department and have a case number assigned.
Finally they must call Best Towing to remove the vehicle.
A member asked who are the approved plumbers at Harbour Vista. The answers was:
Please note that a member or resident can use any plumber they wish for personal plumbing issues.
Resident Plumber
Treasurer Candice Shultz provided information that the there is a renter at Harbour Vista Henry Godina who owns his own plumbing business Pierside Plumbing. She related that a resident had recently used his services and was very please with his work and thoughts price was very reasonable.
Establish Land Lease Committee
Members asked about the follow-on from the January HOA meeting requesting to set up an independent Land Lease Committee. This Committee would report directly to the membership without any filtering our information withheld by the Board. This independent committee request was because the last negotiation were not forthcoming to the membership which has create distrust of the Board. Secretary Pier Santillo said she just inherited this project and would be developing a plan to execute the request.
Land Lease Legal Expenses Revealed
It was revealed that the HOA had spend over $20,000 in the last couple of months with the HOA General Legal Council Berding & Weil LLP. This was for consultation prior to the failure of the Land Lease Ballot/Survey. Some members were infuriated that this kind of money had been spent. ■
Editor Notes:
In September 2016, President Mary Williams rewrote the Charters for all the Committees. The new changes state that the membership of a Committee must be "appointed" by the Board, whereas the old Charters only state that they need to be "approved". Many of the committee powers were stripped. This has resulted this "micro management issues where membership of a committee does not exist till a Board meeting that "appoints" members.
Henry Godina's Pierside Plumbing can be contacted at (714) 782-8008.
A petition was submitted a couple of years ago to dismiss Berding & Weil LLP as the HOA attorney. The petition was dismissed by the Board. After almost two year legal battle for a dispute with a member's remodeling project, the HOA was award a judgement of $100K for the single issue that the member "did not asked for permission". This cost to the HOA was approximately $150K (estimated) which was settled out of court for $30K. The Board eventually approved the owner's remodeling project as it had already been approved and declared safe by the City. See "Who Got What".
Offsite owners represent about 46% of the membership (80 members out of 180) are barred from serving on the Board. These election rules were established by only three Board member votes in 2014. Many offsite owner are businessman, have legal experience and understand real estate property and contractors.
It is too bad that Treasurer Candice Shultz Financial report cannot not be provide to the attendees (either projected or as a printed document) at the meeting. The financial states from the Property Management are very obtuse and it needs someone like Candice to explain it.
posted 24 February 2019
January 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
New Board Recall Canceled
Land Lease Negotiation Dead
Assessment Questioned?
The two remaining Board members (Vice President Mary Williams and Member-at-Large Brenda Richardson), held the January HOA meeting on January 31st at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. Only thirteen members attended.
New Board Appointed
Because of the resignation of the President Terri Piper-Johnson with only two Board members remaining which was not a quorum for business, three new Board members were appointed. With the appointments, the Board was automatically reorganized as:
Mary Williams
(from acting Board)
Mike Peduzzi
Vice President
(new appointment)
Pier Santillo
(new appointment)
Candice Shultz
(new appointment)
Brenda Richardson
Member at Large
(from acting Board)
All these people were selected by the remaining Board members prior to the meeting. No volunteer request was announced before the attendees.
Both Candice Shultz and Pier Santillo were both part of the 2018-2019 (Candice elected and Pier appointed). But they had resigned leaving two seats open. Because of the election in 2018, two open seat were created because there was only four candidates for a five man board and Helen Revalus resigned before she was seated. Mike Peduzzi was vice president from the previous 2017-2018 under President Helen Revalus.
Stopping the Recall
Gayle's Poynter and friends Recall Petition with thirteen signatures was announced to be null and void. With the resignation of President Terri Piper-Johnson on January 8th, each of the homeowners who signed the petition had agreed to have it rescinded.
It was pointed out that HOA regular elections would take place in June and that an April recall election would only have a new board established for two months before another board was elected.
Assessments Discussion
Concerns were expressed about the recent assessment calculations as not correct according to the California Department of Real Estate formula. Candice Shultz confirmed this to be true. These calculation discrepancies mostly affected the one bedroom units paying with a 6% increase for the overall 4% increase in the Budget. Candice did point out that one bedrooms did not pay their fair share for the 19% increase in 2018.
"Slush Fund?"
Treasurer Candice Shultz thinks the approved Reserver Study from the company that provided it, may have some problems. Reserve Studies are used to establish the HOA budget. Both Helen's 2018 and 2019 budgets created a very large, what Candice called, a "slush fund", of $100,000. She thinks it would be more reasonable to be half of this. But she is still looking into this and also what the reserves should really be for Harbour Vista.
Land Lease is Dead?
Mary Williams stated that the Land Lease negotiation was "dead" because there was not enough "YES" votes. It was expressed by the Board that the Terri Piper-Johnson Board had not been transparent to the members about their discussions with the Land Lease holder Mr. William Dickey or a preliminary discussions with a financial institution for funding to purchase the lease.
New Land Lease Committee?
One member from the audience express that even this Board may also be "lying" to them. One member requested that a new Land Lease Committee be created which would report to the members directly-not filtered through a Board. The Board said they would discuss this proposal at the next Board meeting on February 28, 2019.
Committee Reports
Acting Architectural/Parking Committee Spokesperson Michael Barto provide a brief presentation and a written report to the Board.
The Parking Committee is concern about a truck parking in their assigned space. The "Rules and Regulations" are out of date and inaccurate in regards to this manner so the Parking Committee can not enforce anything with this truck violating any existing rule.
An Architectural Requests was submitted to the Board for approval for an attach balcony "pet fencing".
The proposal to rent visitor spots and performed garage inspections was canceled at the Architectural Committee Meeting.
The next meeting of the HOA will be Thursday February 28th at 6:30PM in the Cabana Clubhouse.■
Editor Notes:
The former HOA president Helen Revalus (2017-2018) was paid $550 to create the new 2019 budget which included the current assessment schedule which assess 1 bedrooms at a high rate than the 2 and 3 bedrooms. This was to help with the transition of HOA financial information to the new property management company Powerstone. This was approved in Open Meeting by the Board under President Terri Piper-Johnson.
Helen as President from 2017-2018 was responsible for the developed the 2018 19% assessment increase which improperly assess 1 bedroom lower at a lower rate than the 2 and 3 bedroom.
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to editor@harbourvistanews.com