Status of Land Lease
Architectural, R&R for Comments
Low Voltage Lights
The HOA Meeting was held December 15th at 6:30 pm in the Cabana Club House and via Teleconferencing with GoToMeeting. In attendance were Board Members: President Mary Williams, Vice President Michael Deitrick, and Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar. Secretary Michel Borzi did not attend as he was out of town and Member-at-Large John Briscoe had a conflicting engagement. Powerstone’s Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting. Eleven members participated via teleconferencing or in person.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer reported as of the end of November 31, 2020, that the HOA had approximately $322K in the operations cash remaining about the same from last mouth and $470 in the Reserves (an increase of approximately $30k).
Architectural Committee
The Board approved the revised Architectural Guidelines for 2021. The Architectural Committee posted the pending Architectural Guidelines for comment at the Clubhouse. They will not be officially approved until the January 28th HOA meeting next year. Chairman Michael Barto present a quote for low voltage lighting system which he felt would be a more reliable method than the low voltage pilot system that was evaluated.
Landscaping Committee
The Landscaping Committee announced that replacement of cement walkways between 4861 and 4831 Lago has just started with the breakup of the old sidewalk. Irrigation issues are still plaguing Harbour Vista and our landscaping service is working to fix this.
Safety Committee Report
There is no Safety Committee Chairman at present. Michael Barto and Michael Deitrick are acting as co-chairs. They announced a Zoom meeting for Thursday, December 17th.
Rules and Regulation Committee
The new Rules and Regulation Committtee has posted the new Rules and Regulation for Comment at the Clubhouse. They will not be officially approved until the January 28th HOA meeting next year.
General Association Business
Deck repairs were approved.
Elevator service repairs were approved.
There was a discussion that the work orders were not being completed or falling through the cracks after approval.
Open Forum
A homeowner asked about the states of any negotiation of the Harbour Vista’s Land Lease. Is there a committee or any current plan? The answer to this was no. The Board and Architectural Chairman provided information about status, a potential plan and need help to define the requirements, collect information and to define the problem. Vice President Michael Deitrick volunteered to collect and provide a consolidated response.
A member asked if the trash bins could be power washed.
A member reminder the Board that they said they were going to change the electronic gate codes. Too many people know this code. Michael Deitrick stated that he was working on a new electronic gate system.
A member stated that the elevators were not being cleaned.
A couple of members asked if the HOA would power wash the garage doors? The conclusion was the it was the homeowner’s responsibility at present. But no final conclusion was stated.
Broken garage doors are the homeowner responsibility and should be covered by their homeowner’s insurance.■
posted 15 December 2020
November 2020 HOA Meeting Summary
Budget Approved
Dues Will Not Increase
Rules and Regulations Release
The HOA Meeting was held November 18th at 6:30 pm in the Cabana Club House and via Teleconferencing with GoToMeeting. In attendance were all the Board Members: President Mary Williams, Vice President Michael Deitrick, Secretary Michel Bozi, Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar and Member-at-Large John Briscoe. Powerstone’s Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer reported as of the end of October 31, 2020, that the HOA had approximately $322K in the operations cash (an increase of $24k from last month) and $447K in the Reserves which did not change this month from last month.
Architectural Committee
The Architectural Committee new Architectural Guidelines for 2021 were approved for distribution. This was too late to go out to the membership for the 29 day comment period. Property Manager Matt Bosma suggested that it was legal to display them in public for comment. It was suggested that they be posted on the clubhouse window and public notice be placed in the Harbour Vista News and at each Bulletin Board.
Landscaping Committee
The Landscaping Committee’s Chairman Cathy Hubbling was concerned that nothing to date has been done about removing some ficus trees.
Safety Committee
There is no Safety Committee Chairman at present. Michael Barto and Michael Deitrick are acting as co-chairs. They intend to hold meeting in December. Michael Barto present a quote from an electrician to install two low voltage light pilots: one near 16542 Blackbeard across from the Cabana Mailbox and one near the walkway across from 16551 Grunion and the large pond.
Rules and Regulation Committee
The new Rules and Regulation with new Pet Rules enforcement will be mailed out for member comments in the next billing cycle. They should be approved by the end of the year.
General Association Business
The Board approved next year’s budget which will not increase the monthly assessments.
The Diversified Water proposal was approved to repair the intake basket of one of the swimming pools.
Show & Tell Proposal was approved for wood repair (approximately $8,000)
The Board approval the installation of WiFi in the clubhouse for teleconferencing and other wifi services such as video surveillance systems.
Approval of $715 was granted for removal of old discontinued water heat pump at Cabana.
The Next meeting of the HOA will be January 28 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse and via teleconferencing.
Editor Note:
The Board stated that they intents to fund installation of electronic gates and installations of a parking space electronic surveillance system.
•Operating cash is calculated after all the monthly bills have been paid for that month. At the first of the month, money is paid into this account from the collection of the member’s assessments.
posted 10 November 2020
(updated 11 /11/20)
November 2020 HOA Budget Meeting Summary
Budget Meeting Summary Assessments?
A meeting was held on Friday, November 6th in the Cabana Clubhouse and via teleconferencing to discuss next year’s HOA Budget. In attendance were President Mary Williams, Vice President Michael Deitrick, Secretary Michel Borzi, and Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar. Powerstone’s Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting. Two HOA members attended in person and one via teleconferencing.
Proposed Budget
Powerstone Property Management and Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar had each created a proposal budget. During the deliberations, both budgets were very much in line with each other. The only significant difference was that Mariette’s budget proposed the excess funds as defined by prior Treasurer, be returned to membership in the form of reduction in monthly assessments, whereas Powerstone’s Budget wanted the excess funds added to increase the monthly allocations to the Reserves.
Reducing Assessments
The number floating around for reducing members' assessment was $25. Reported by the prior Treasurer, the HOA has been carrying significant operating cash for the last couple of years. As of the last financial report on September 30th, the operating cash held approximately $298K. Also the Reserves will be more than fully funded by the end of the year at its present allocation.
Various Viewpoints
President Mary Williams stated that she wanted any excess month assessments to be retained by the HAO to protect it against a future major emergency expenditure. As an example, she used a major replacement of an elevator estimated at around $90K. Vice President Mike Detrick felt that $25 was an insignificant amount to our members (see Editor Note 1 below) and Mary Williams added that most of the membership would not care about receiving such a decrease. Both Mariette and Secretary Mike Borzi expressed their opinion that if the finances support it, the saving could be passed on to the membership in the form of lower assessment.
Open Meeting
Two members present at the meeting expressed their opinion that in fact there were members that had difficulty paying monthly bills.
Finalize on the 18th
The Board will vote on the final budget at the November 18th HOA Open Meeting.
Editor Note:
Michael Deitrick responde to this Article stating that we had misrepresneted his comment by using the word "insignificant". This is his correction "Actually what I said was that I felt $25 was not enough [2021]. I recommended next year [2022] lowering them by $50-$79 a month. I personally pay $579 and said at the meeting I’d like to see that at $500. I did say $25 to me personally wasn’t enough."
Powerstone had provided an access code and pin for this meeting to be teleconferenced which Newsletter did publish. Unfortunately the access code was incorrect. During the meeting, the Newsletter was able to obtain the correct access code and sent it out to the HOA_Discussion List. The meeting was 20 minutes in by the time the correct code was published.
Those concerned about the final budget for next year should attend the next HOA meeting on November 18th. You might also consider sending you comments to the Board directly by email via or send a letter to Powerstone.
posted 10 November 2020
October 2020 HOA Meeting Summary
Architectural Guidelines 2021
Revised Pet Rules
Wye Strainer for the Boilers
Three members attended the HOA Meeting held October 29th at 6:30 pm in the Cabana Club House. This meeting was also Teleconference via GoTo Meeting. In attendance were all the Board Members: President Mary Williams, Vice President Michael Deitrick, Secretary Michel Bozi, Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar and Member-at-Large John Briscoe. Powerstone’s Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer Reported as of the end of September 30, 2020, the HOA had approximately $298K in the operations funds and $447K in the Reserves.
Architectural Committee
The Architectural Committee submitted to the Board their new Architectural Guidelines for 2021, a revised Applications Form whihc now includes email and a revised Charter. The Guidelines added recommedations for Vinyl flooring and retrofit windows. The new Guidelines dropped the requirement for submitting Architectural Requests for approval for lattice fencing.
The Architectural Committee has one application which is pending approval when the unit’s sale is closed.
The Architectural Committee submitted two bids for wifi for the Clubhouse to the Board for approval to support telecommunications of the meetings. Because of an incomplete discussion, and a late bid, this request was tabled.
Landscaping Committee
The Committee’s Chairman Cathy Hubbling was concerned that certain landscaping was not being performed. Member of the Committee and President of the HOA Mary Williams provided a discussion about fixing the sidewalk at Harbour Vista.
Safety Committee
There is no Safety Committee Chairman as present. Michael Barto and Michael Deitrick are acting as co-chairs.
Michael Barto reported that the Solar Light experiments did not work that well. He sugested that Low Voltage lighting as a better solution and requested that a pilot be authorized to investigate itds feasibility.
Michael Barto also asked the Board to obtain some 15 inch globes for the pole lights as we currently only have 12 inch spares.
General Association Business
Installation of Wye Strainer for the Boilers to reduce sand in the hot water was approved.
Cleaning of the outside of the Globes on the pole lights was approved.
There was a discussion about cleaning the outside garage lights which are the homeowner’s responsibility.
The Board approved replacement of the cement walkways between 4831 and 4861 Lago Buildings.
A discussion of retrofitting the elevators with a soft starters was discussed.
Secretary Mike Borzi present a discussion of a water leak issue cause by a buried vent duct as its exit. He presented his recommendation for the replacing exit duct to the Board. Member at Large John Briscoe stated that he had observed similar problems in other buildings and that Mike’s solution should be considered as the correct way to solve this type problem.
The Board approved paying for a member’s faucet replacement due to excessive sand in the hot water line from the Boilers. It was pointed out that this was a special case for this member’s unit, only.
Wood repair and replacement for 4861 Lago #304 was approved
Michael Detrick presented a revised Pet Rules from his ad hoc Pet Rules Committee. The new Pet Rules consited of over two pages. It was approved and delivered to Powerstone to send out for member comment.
Homeowner Forum
Michael Barto announced that the Newsletter was holding a Halloween Decoration Contest.
A discussion was presented about the recent fallen tree and safety concerns about indends left in the landscape when other tree had been removed. Matt Bosma asked Michael Barto to send him pictures of these safety concerns so he could instruct the landscapers.
The Next meeting of the HOA will be October 18 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse and via teleconferencing.
Editor Note:
The Architectural Application was cancelled as the sale of the unit had fallen through as of November 4, 2020.
Because of the small amount (less than $65/month), the Board approved obtaining Wifi for the Clubhouse a couple of days after the HOA meeting. This system will also be used as a starting point to support new electronic gates, security camera systems, sprinklers and lighting systems.
In the Pet Rules discussion, Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar abstained from voting approval. She felt that the new Rules were too complicated and were covered in the CC&R’s except for three items. Property Manager Matt Bosma stated that it was easier to send out violation notices with more detailed rules and regulation. Michael Detrick said that the members and renters have a beter chance of reading the Rules and regulation than the CC&R’s.
posted 1 October 2020
(updated 10/02/20)
HOA 2020
Elections 2020 Summary
Yearly elections for the Harbour Vista Home Owners’ Association Directors were held on September 24, 2020 starting at 6:30. Majority Rule performed the counting ofnthe ballots. The tally was announced around 7pm as follows:
Mariette van den Bersselaar
Michael Deitrick (incumbent)
John Briscoe
Mike Borzi
Mary Williams (incumbent)
Not Elected
Brenda Richardson (incumbent)
Total Ballots cast were 81. No ballots were rejected and there were no write-in candidates.
All elected candidates were seated except for John Briscoe who did not attend the Election meeting.
Organization Meeting
During the Organization Meeting, the following positions were nominated and accepted for those present.
Mary William
Michael Deitrick
Vice President
Mike Borzi
Mariette van den Bersselaar
John Briscoe
Member at Large
Committee Reassignments
With the Election of the new Board, all committees must be reinstated. Brenda Richardson said she wished to step down as the Parking Committee Chairman. Michael Barto asked to be reinstated as the Architectural Committee Chairman with members Mike Borzi, Mike Peduzzi and Brenda Richardson. The Safety Committee Chairman had previously resigned. Michael Deitrick and Michael Barto were asked to recreate this Committee. Cathy Hubling was reinstated as Landscaping Committee Chairman with the members Mary Williams and Rose Reddick. The Rules and Regulations Committee will continue with Michael Deitrick’s continuing as Chairman with members Michael Peduzzi and Mary Williams. ■ Editor Notes:
Only five people attended the election meeting beside the current acting Board members and two property managers. Two members were on-line.
The new President and Vice President did not wear a mask for the meeting even thouogh social distancing was required for the meeting.
posted 25 August 2020
(updated 27 August)
July 2020 HOA Meeting Summary
Election Delayed Pet Policy Tabled
HOA Financials In Great Shape
You missed a good one. Three Board members were present: President Mary Williams, Secretary Michael Deitrick, and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. Treasurer Candice Shultz attended the meeting via phone in through GoToMeeting. About eight people attended the meeting with three physically present plus the Property Manager Christine Margulies. The Vice President Mike Peduzzi did not attend.
Treasurer Report
Candice Shultz reported that the HOA will have paid back the reserves in full by July 31st. By the end of the year, the HOA reserve will have grown to a half a million dollars. Applause came from the audience at her announcements.
Pet Policy Deferred
President Mary Williams tabled the Pet Policy until the next HOA meeting. Most of the board meeting was spent on a back and forth discussion about the a proposed Pet Policy. This was lead by Michael Deitrick. It would do nothing to solve the vicious dog attack that resulted in the other dog being put to sleep.
Architectural Committee Report
The Architectural Committee Chairman Michael Barto stated that the Committee approved two requests: One for retrofit vinyl windows and the other for wood lattice on a patio.
Blanket Approval
The Architectural Committee Chairman Michael Barto suggested that lattice approval for a patio/balcony be a blanket approval from the “Rules and Regulation” so no Architectural Request be required from a homeowner.
Expediting Requests
Though the Board must ratify all approvals, the Architectural Committee suggested that Board not wait to their next meeting for formal approval and provide approval via email at the time the Committee makes it recommendation. This will expedite a homeowner’s request.
Security Camera Pilot
The Architectural Committee provided a quote to the Board for a pilot security camera system for the Cabana Pool. President Mary Williams her credit card to purchase the $500 proposed system and wait for reimbursement from Powerstone.
Bulk Internet
It has come to the attention of the Architectural Committee, that Spectrum offers bulk internet rates to HOA’s. For internet only this is approximately $20 per resident. The Architectural Chairman asked the property manager to provide contact for such services. One of Powerstone’s clients has already installed such service.
Safety Committee Report
The Safety Committee Chairman Cynthia Lee provided copies of membership comments about the proposed Pet Rules Policy to each Board member. Cynthia Lee reporting that there was strong rejection from the members that attended the Safety Committee Zoom Meeting.
Mary's Pet Policy Comments
HOA President Mary Williams said she felt very strongly that it must be passed. She stated that the new Pet Policy was written by our HOA attorney and that the 35 pound pet limit rule is what “ALL” the HOA's are passing. Mary Williams stated that she thinks Harbour Vista is becoming a kennel. Though she like dogs.
Michael Deitrick Comments
Board Secretary Michael Deitrick expressed concern that these rules were not though though. His main objection was the 35 pound pet limit would affect his family if he wanted to purchase a Labrador or Golden Retriever for this 8 year old son. These breeds are recognized as very good pets with children.
Candice Shultz Comments
Board Treasure Candice Shultz voiced other concerns that the membership seems to have not been involved in any of the decisions for a the new Pet Policy. The new rules do not seem to solve the vicious dog issue currently before the Board.
New Pet Stations
The Safety Committee Chairman Cynthia Lee reported that four new pet stations have been installed, three near each of the three Lago Buildings and one near the Grunion entrance gate across from the mailbox.
Community Unauthorized Access
The Safety Committee is concern about unauthorized access to Harbour Vista. Too many people have the gate codes from the delivery services. The Committee asked that the electronic gate code be changed. There was push back from the President as she stated that many residents will just ask the deliver person for the gate code again.
Pool Gate
Too many people that no longer live her have kept their old keys to the pool. The Safety Committee suggested that new key be issue for the pool or that new key code electronic locks be installed.
General Business
A proposal was approved to replace the broken underwater Grunion pool lights with more efficient LED lights.
Asbestos Testing
Treasurer Candice Shultz discussed the proposal Asbestos testing for Harbour Vista to meet the State's 25% requirement. Currently, asbestos testing is automatically required when there are water leaks with plumbling and roofing. The required test cost the HOA approximately $350 per incident. The proposal from Powerstone was approximgtely $750 per unit. When Harbour Vista must has 25% negative results (or 45 units), the testing will no longerr be required. Candice stated that the HOA is very close to that number and it appears that would be cheaper to continue the testings as required to meet this threshold.
Garage Issue
A proposal was request to reroof ten garage for a leak in only one. Candice recommended that only the single garage be repair as it was significantly cheaper than the estimate for the other nine per garages (or bulk price). This was tabled.
Election Misplaced?
At open forum, a member ask why he had not received their ballot for the August 27th elections. Ballots must be mailed by 30 days prior to the election. The Property Manager informed the Board and the members attending that the compnay resp[onsible for mananging out elections “Majority Rule”, had not yet printed or sent out the ballots. The Board then moved the elections to Tuesday September 15th.
More Open Forum
In open forum, a member stated that it is only a manner of time before the HOA is sue over this vicious dog. Ths dog in question has inflicted wounds on a another dog which resulted in the dog being put to sleep. Numerious times the dog has escaped from the owner’s control. The dog has tried to break through an outside screen door to get to another dog.■
Editor Note:
When this article was published it was noted that the vicious dog was no longer on the property. I was notified today as of August 27th, that the dog is back on the property.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2020 AT 6:30PM. Registration at 6:15PM at the Cabana Clubhouse with the Inspector of Elections Majority Rules, LLC.
posted 26 February 2020
January 2020 HOA Meeting Summary
New Community Manager
Vendors Answer Questions
Pathway Lighting
Thirteen members attended the HOA meeting on January 30 at the Cabana Clubhouse . All five Board member were present: President Mary Williams, Vice President Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Santillo, Treasurer Candice Shultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. .
New Community Manager
Also in attendance from Powerstone Property Manager was Britany Harmon and Christine Margulies. Britany Harmon announced that she will no longer be the Community Manager for Harbour Vista. She has been promoted as one of the Directors of Community Management at Powerstone. She introduced Christine Margulies as the new Community Manager for Harbour Vista.
Christine Margulies has been in HOA Property Management for about 2-1/2. Previously she worked in Banking as a Client Relation Manager. A significant highlight of her career is Christine is also Vice President of of her own HOA, having been a board member for 7 to 8 years. This means she know both side of the issues.
Benrich Vendor Presentation
Motivated by the recent Grunion hot water boiler failures, John Valencia from Benrich Service Company (our HOA boiler and plumber provided) answered questions from the Board and the attending audience. One member asked why the Harbour Vista water system when turn off can not be isolated to individual buildings in stead of affecting two buildings at a time. Benrich express that they water line system at Harbour Vista may have been installed in series instead of parallel when the community was built.
Antis Roofing Vendor
Motivated by the recent roof leaks and repairs, Drew Smith from Antis Roofing answer question of the Board and trending audience. The Board express concern about the cost of the work being inconsistent from one job to another. Similar work has a wide range of costs. Also there is concern that work has been invoiced but never performed. The vendor informed that membership that they perform drone fly over their work before charging the HOA.
Treasurer’s Report
HOA Treasure Candice Shultz complained about that last Audit Report as not factual. She wants the next audit to be performed on site. The HOA was about $10k over budget this month due to roofing and boiler repairs. But since most the budgets are running below estimates, this has little or no impact on the HOA’ financial health as this time.
Parking Committee
The Parking Committee Chairman Brenda Richardson said she may start to ticket vehicles that have expired registrations. Violators can be towed at their expense.
Safety Committee
The Public Safety Committee proposed that the restriction to membership as residents only be removed from their charter. They also requested that the named of the committee be changed from Public Safety to just the Safety Committee. The President said she was fine with those changes.
Two news members joined the Safety Committee: Mike Borzi and Michael Deitrick.
To eliminate an unlighted area around the Cabana mailboxes, the Safety committee was authorized to purchase some solar pedestal light to install them.
One Pet Stations is being relocated and one new one is being installed. All the pet stations have had their original installed bungee cords replaced polyvinyl coated braided metal wire.
Landscaping Committee
he Board approved some more Tree trimming for around $1200.
Other Board Business
Two additional mailbox system replacements were approved for the Cabana Mailboxes.
Horizon Lighting proposal installation of time clock system to replacement the failing photo cell system. This proposal was approved by the Board along with installation of additional lighting.
The property management company was requested to obtain another quote for a roofing proposal.
The vendor “Show and Tell” proposal for a bridge replacement, a door replacement and some deck resurfacing. These were tabled.
A homeowner requested that Board repair cracking concrete at 4791 Lago Building. This was discussed. A proposal was requested.
A Cabana clubhouse and restroom proposal was tabled.
Open Forum
Members expressed concern about some termite repairs.
A new homeowner asked that the HOA pay to replace his front door and its frame of his new condo as it was damaged by a roof leak prior to him moving in. The roof leak was subsequently repair by the HOA and had been created a nail through the gutter system. His request was approved.
A member asked if anything is going on with the Land Lease. The Architectural Chairman Michael Barto, asked that those that are interesting where any Land negotiation is going. contact him. He is looking for some help with this issue. There is a plan that is being developed and a proposal. But he cannot do all of this by himself (email:, cell 714-883-1949).
Next Meeting
The Next meeting of the HOA will be February 27 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
Editor Notes:
The two vendors that were at the meeting also meet in Executive Session with the Board after the meeting.
Antis Roofing does perform drone fly over of their repairs. It been suggested that the HOA should ask maybe a member or resident of the HOA, to do a fly over. Are there any Harbour Vista drone enthusiast?
With Michael Barto also on the Architectural Committee, the committee now has three Mikes (Mike Barto, Mike Borzi and Mike Deitrick). The Chairman of the Committee, Cynthia Lee needs to find some new members whose first named is Cynthia.
posted 28 January 2020
December 2019 HOA Meeting Summary
Water Shutoff/Turn On Volunteers
Election Rules Released
Five members attended the HOA meeting on December 19 at the Cabana Clubhouse along with all five Board member: President Mary Williams, Vice Mike Peduzzi, Secretary Pier Antilogs, Treasurer Candice Schultz and Member at Large Brenda Richardson. The Powers-tone Property Manager Brittany Harmon was in attendance to take the minutes.
Ratify Repairs
The Board ratified approximately $8,868 for replacement of improperly slopped concrete drain area and repair to stucco/weep screed.
Parking Committee
The Chairman of the parking Committee Brenda Richardson expressed concerns about an illegally parked box truck that she would have to ticket.
Safety Committee Report
The Safety Committee proposed installing additional lights specifically between the Cabana Mailbox and 16542 Blackboard Building.
The Board approved funds to replacement emergency signs for some of the elevators.
The Board approved the Safety Committee printing and distributing a Fire Safety notice about the fireplaces and requirements for units smoke detectors. See Notice.
The Committee stated that it is look for some more volunteers to turn the water and the boilers turn on/off during an emergency. There are two volunteers, now but more will be needed. Training will be provided by the vendor.
Landscaping Committee
Tree trimming and gutter cleaning has starting.
Other Board Business
The Board approved the Election Rules for distribution for comments for the forthcoming June elections. The previous election rules prevented offsite owner from holding a position on the board. This restrictions has been removed. The new Election rules will be approve at the February Meeting after comments are received.
A Horizon Lighting proposal was approved to replacement two pool lights. The Board discussed replacing some bad underground lighting conduit on Blackbeard and Grunion. Some photocells for lighting also need replaced.
A proposal was approved for $5700 for a new deck at 4791 Lago Unit 207.
Open Forum
It was brought to the Board’s attention that one of the Gas meter signs at the 16551 Grunion Building has fallen down. The Property Manager was requested to contact the appropriate person to have this repaired.
Some light were reported as not working on the Phase I side (Blackbeard, Cabana and Lago). This may be part of the bad conduit issue.
A Garage door was reported as needing repair.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on January 30 at 6:30pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. ■
Editor Note:
Replacement of the Balcony at 4791 Lago Unit 207 has more than double after work was started due to unforeseen issues.
The Newsletter has posted the Proposed Election Rules at this link. Note that many of the changes were because of legislation passed by the Sate of California( e.g. Re-establishing Offsite Owners as qualified to serve on the Board).
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to