The count was “150 yes votes” and no “no votes”. The Proposition to extend the HOA beyond 2041 has passed. Ten HOA members attended in person and five members attended via Zoom for the ballot counting held Thursday, November 11 at 6:30 pm in the Cabana Clubhouse. Board member Michael Barto and John Brisco attended in person and Mary Williams jopined via Zoom
The Inspector of Election Lauren K. Roll received some hand collected ballots from two HOA members Cathy Hubbling and Jill Perez. These were added to the ballots received by Powerstone through the mail. Former Vice President Michael Deitrick hand delivered his ballot to the Inspector of Elections. After removing a couple of duplicate ballots and a couple of ballots where the signature and name did not match the owner, the total accepted ballots was 150.
Quorum Met
The Inspector of Election was pleasantly surprised that Harbour Vista had reached quorum on the first go around and with a very high quorum requirement of 135 ballots (75 percent of the membership) for an amendment of the CC&R’s. Doing this work for over eight years, she stated that she had never seen quorum met on the first go around — even with smaller requirements for the election of officers.
Amendment Passed
With the outstanding results of “150 yes votes” and no “no votes” the proposition was easily passed. Once the Inspector of Elections submits her vote certification to the our HOA attorney, he will submit the amendment to the State of California for approval.
Volunteer Team
A volunteer ballot collection team started about two weeks before the ballets were due to collect ballots and knock on doors. This team consisted of Cathy Hubbling, Susan McClendon, Jill Perez and Tina Schwartz. Cathy Hubbling, Jill Perez and Tina Schwartz knock on doors in the community, contacting neighbors and collect ballots. Susan McClendon created and posted signs on the buildings reminding people to mail in their ballots. A phone bank was established. A car pool was run one night to collect ballots from off site owners.
Voting Not Easy
Even though stated in the Ballot instructions, Powerstone mistakenly sent out the ballots without a “self addressed” envelope. Member became confused whether to use their own postage to mail the ballot in or if it was even legal. A second problem was there were many "mailed-in" ballots that were returned from Powerstone to sender as undeliverable or lost in the mail. Fortunately, Daniela Cruz from Powerstone established a list of members whose ballots had not been received. The team used this list to knock on doors, make phone calls and pick up ballots. All member of this team including Daniela Cruz need to be complimented on their hard work and tenaciousness that made the passing of this proposition so successful.
Next Step
Now comes the hard part: The Landlease Committee is in the process of obtaining an appraisal to submit an offer. They will evaluate financing options. At that point we will need to negotiate a price. Once an agreement is reached, again the membership will be asked to approve by vote the contract for the HOA to purchase the Land Lease.
See Inspector of Elections Report () Admendment to CC&R's ()
Congratulations to the Community of Harbour Vista. You can be proud.■
Allow me to share with you my impressions of the installation of the new Board last night which was helf on September 1, 2021. My initial reaction being that the secrecy and intimidation that I experienced as being a hallmark of the previous Board is now being replaced by a promise of openness and encouragement and inclusion.
Thirteen HOA MembersAttended
Matt Bosma was a few minutes late bringing in the Zoom session: President Mary Williams called the meeting to order at 6:40.
By my count, eight HOA members (not including the Board members and candidates) attended the meeting, five via Zoom.
71 Ballots Submitted
The HOA members submitted a total of 71 ballots and the Majority Rules election inspector, who did the vote counting, announced the tally. In the organizational meeting that followed, the Board positions were chosen. As President Mary Williams stated, “I have an idea that most people that live here would like to see the numbers.” These are the numbers and new Board positions:
Michael Barto – 145 votes - President
John Briscoe – 26 – Vice President
Mary Williams – 60 – member at large
Mike Borzi – 56 – continues in the position of Secretary, same as last year
Yolanda Rangel -68 - Treasurer
New Property Manager
Once the new Board was seated, our new Property Manager, Shahla Agha, took over facilitating the meeting.
Discussion Followed
A discussion followed where the new Board discussed new policies:
The new President, Michael Barto, requested a meeting with Shahla Agha asap, to better understand Powerstone’s role in projects and to learn what type of training they provide for Board members.
President Michael Barto emphasized that the number one priority is improving communications between Board members, HOA members and residents, and vendors.
The President announced a new Board policy to have two board members approve violation letters before they go out.
The President stated that prior Treasurer (i.e., myself, Mariette van den B.) would provide mentoring to the new Treasurer Yolanda Rangel on HOA Financials.
The new Vice-President, John Briscoe, requested that future meetings be recorded.
All committee chairs were reinstated.
Mike Borzi withdrew from the Architectural Committee to avoid having three Board members on the committee.
The President announced that Samuel Rivera has joined the Architectural committee.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45. ■
Note: There were challenges with people getting into the meeting via Zoom, and visual and auditory problems. I sincerely hope those get resolved in future meetings.
posted 2 September 2021
HOA Organization Meeting
Results of 2021 Election
On September 1st Annual Election Meeting Results were announced as followed:
2021 Election Results
Ballots Counted
Total Votes Cast
Michael Barto
Yolanda Rangel
Mary Williams
Mike Borzi
John Briscoe
Organization Meeting
The new Board was immediately seated after the results were announced. This was immediately followed by the Organization Meeting to assign Officers.
Organizational Meeting
At the closed of Organization Meeting, Michael Barto was elected President, John Briscoe was elected Vice President, Yolanda Rangel was elected Treasurer, Mike Borzi asked to remained as Secretary and Mary Williams asked to become Member at Large. ■
posted 24 August 2021
July 2021 HOA Meeting Summary
Mariette Assigned Cold Water Issue
Vicious Dogs Problem
The HOA Meeting was held on Thursday, June 29th and started at 6:30pm. Three Board Members were present at first making quorum, President Mary Williams, Mike Borzi and Mariette van Rensselaer. Member at Large John Crisco joining, later. Property Manager Matt Zosma facilitated the meeting. Nine persons attended in person and four member through Zoom.
Announcement Before Open Forum
Before Open Forum began, Property Manager Matt Zosma announced that Board Member Mariette van den Rensselaer was now appointed to be in charge of resolving this cold water issue and that he had scheduled a meeting next Tuesday with the primary boiler and plumbing vendors. This came as a pleasant surprise to Mariette who for several months attempted to address this problem and complied a list of repairs. To most the members in attendance, she was already in charge. Now, the project was hers to run. See "Luke Warm Water".
Open Forum
Again several members expressed their concerns that they had no hot water and little seem to have been done lately to fix this.
Several residents expressed their fears about two American Bull Dogs that had killed a resident's poodle last month. This is the second incident where these dogs had injured another dog.
Residents want the Board to enforce their “Rules and Regulations” and have these dogs muzzled. Powerstone had sent a violation letter to the tenants and the owner of the unit Board member John Briscoe.
John Briscoe from the Board expressed similar concern and had sent his own letter to his tenants. Several members had submitted complaints to Orange County Animal Control but at the time no action was taken.
John Briscoe suggested that a better way to motivate Animal Control to act on this matter was to contact Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley at 714-367-6120. He expressed that her involvement would motivate these Civil servants to do their Job. See Note below.
A proposal was made to elect the new Board by acclamation as there were only five candidates for five positions. No action was taken by the President.
A question was asked of the Property Manager as why no "write-ins" are allowed in this election by our Election Rules. Matt did not provide any answers. It was pointed out that the 2020 Election Rules specifically had this long standing “write-ins" policy removed.
Treasurer Report
Mariette provided the Treasurer Report information ending June 30, 2021:
Total Operating cash: $411,626,80
Total Reserve cash: $563,665.36
Increase over prior period: $2,534.91
Architectural Committee
There were two Architectural Request for Electric Vehicle Charging stations, this month. After talking with Edison, it appears that they no longer provide free meters. Any upgrade to the owner’s garage to charge EV’s will be entirely at owner’s expense. The Chair asked Powerstone to contract an electrician to provide a quote for updating HOA garage circuits.
Land Lease Committee
Homeowner Eric Bonholtzer spoke for the Committee and provide a short status:
The Committee had met with the appraiser and had discussed the property.
Once again it was reiterated that members must vote yes to extend the life of the HOA beyond 2041 to obtain attractive financing.
The Board continued more discussion about the vicious dogs. John Briscoe was asked to abstain because he rents to these dog owners. It was revealed that the tenants have hired an attorney and refused to comply with the muzzling rule. No decision was made during this meeting. Subsequent to this meeting. the Board did contact legal and send an attorney’s letter to the owner (John Briscoe) who passed it on to his tenants. A hearing will be scheduled.
A request was made to obtain quotes for the broken gas line to the Cabana Jacuzzi and the clubhouse. Board member Mike Borzi was assigned to evaluate these proposals. ■
Editor Notes:
Indeed, calling Orange Count Supervisor Katrina Foley at 714-367-6120 provided motivation for an Officer from Animal Control to contact the persons involved.
In a meeting with our current President Mary Williams, she informed me, that the new Elections Rules 2020 that eliminated "write-ins" candidates was done because it could be. It should be pointed out that all the members of the Board that voted at that time except for Mary Williams, were unaware of this this change. It was only stated that the new Election Rules were updated to allow "off-site" owners to run for the Board.
posted 26 January 2021
June 2021 HOA Meeting Summary
Cold Water Open Forum
Land Lease Committee Report
Electric Vehicle Charging
The HOA Meeting on Thursday, June 24th started at 6:30pm. Board Members present were President Mary Williams, Mike Borzi and Mariette van Bersselaar at the beginning. Board member John Brisoe joined the meeting at 8:15pm due to a conflict. Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting and as requested by the Board, his supervisor was also present.
Open Forum
Open Forum was first on the agenda and continued for an hour and 45 minutes till around 8:15pm. Most if not all of Open Forum was dedicated to the Cold Water issue in the Grunion Buildings.
Twenty-One Attendees
Eight HOA members attended in person to express their grievances and thirteen were on-line to expressing their common concerns and issues with the lack of hot water in the Grunion Buildings. These residents were professional in their statements and avoided any personal attacks. This issue has been going on four to five month with no solution in sight.
Many missteps were admitted by the Property Manager Matt Bosma in his handling of the Grunion Cold Water Issue. He stated that he has to improve his communications with the membership. His directing of vendor lacked guidance with no follow through. One frequent complaint is where the vendors are confused as to what they are to do. There appears to be no accountability. Matt stated that his role as the Property Manager is as a facilitator. Therefore Powerstone provides no on-site management for this problem.
Project Management
Homeowners suggested that a project manager be assigned to coordinate this effort. The Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar has informally been performing this task by collecting information, formulating a plan and providing documentation. But she stated that she did not understand why the Property Management did not coordinate this effort with her and ignored her input. Also, why did not Powerstone not ask the vendors to contact her when they arrived at Harbour Vista for insight and direction. Mariette is a former Project Manager for large corporations and is very qualified to act in this manner. But her input was ignored by both the Property Manager and the remainder of the Board. Mariette say she is quite willing to perform this task, but Powerstone must work with her and accept her authority to assign tasks.
Skipped Over
After the Open Forum, the Agenda item for Grunion Cold Water for the regular Board Meeting was skipped over by the President saying this had already been covered in Open Forum. During Open Forum, the Property Manager had again volunteered another plumber to look at the problem.
Treasurer Report
Mariette provided the following Treasurer Report information ending May 30, 2021:
Total operating cash: $389,662.59
Total reserve cash: $586,712.91
Increase/decrease over prior period: $31,952.32
Architectural Committee
The Architectural Committee announced that they had a new member Yolanda Ranger. Her background is as a sales representative for multiple solar power companies. Originally Yolanda was scheduled to provide a short discussion of Solar Power at Harbour Vista, but this was deferred till next meeting.
EV Charging Stations
The Architectural Committee had received two request t to install Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. According to the California Civil Code §4745, the HOA cannot prohibit or unreasonably restrict the installation or use of an electric vehicle charging station for the owner’s purpose (garage or parking space). The problem is that Edison no longer provides a free meter for this purpose as this program was discontinued. The Architectural Committee ask the Property Manager to provide an HOA Electrician to evaluate the existing electrical to the garages.
Safety Committee
Mary Williams has assigned Michael Peduzzi as the Chair of this committee. He said he was going to set up a meeting.
Land Lease Committee Report
Homeowner Eric Bonholtzer spoke for the Committee and was only able to give a brief status report due to time constraint:
Eric Bonholtzer, as spokesman for the committee, held a meeting via phone call with the Lease Holder William P. Dickey.
Mr Dicky is not interested in extending the sublease to the Homeowners beyond 2041 to 2056
Mr Dickey would entertain a fair offer to purchase the lease and an appraisal should be obtained.
Mr Dickey concluded that at the end of the sublease in 2041, if the entire lease through 2041 is not purchased by the HOA, he will turn Harbour Vista into a rental complex for the remainder of the lease.
The Board voted and funded $12,250 to obtain an appraisal of the land lease.
There is a ballot measure to extent the HOA in perpetuity for the August Elections.
Removal of pine tree and its associated wall repair was approved.
Some wood repairs were approved for $8600.■
Editor Notes:
Michael Barto asked the Board and the Property Manager about closing the “Declaration of Candidacy” 36 days before the Ballots are mailed instead of normal convention of 10 days. The Board did not answer or have any discussion of this issue though it was on the agenda. This decision seems to have been made between the Current President and the Property Manager as other Board Members were unaware of this convention. It appears that only five candidates are running for five positions. Unless there is a significant write in, the new Board will be elected by Acclamation.
On July 9th, Jill Perez submitted a "Declaration of Candidacy" which was promptly reject by the Property Manager as it was submitted after the deadline. Jill must now run as a write-in candidate.
Mary Williams announced that she is getting a walker so she can move around the property to write more violation notices.
posted 25 May 2021
April 2021 HOA Meeting Summary
Real Estate Attorney Authorized
Grunion Plumbing Issues
Elections Set for July 29th
The monthly HOA Meeting was held on April 29th at 6:30 pm in the Cabana Clubhouse in person and via Teleconferencing with Zoom. Twenty-one people attended this meeting, four in person and the rest via teleconferencing. Four Board Members were present: President Mary Williams, Secretary Mike Borzi, Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar and Member at Large John Briscoe. It was noted that Michael Deitrick had resigned as the HOA Vice President several days earlier leaving a vacancy on the Board. Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer reported as of the end of March 31, 2021, that the HOA had $340,447 in operations cash and $538,919 in the Reserves. Net decrease in cash of $6,552.
It was also noted that invoices and approvals going back to 2019 have not been fully reconciled with work orders. The Treasurer Mariette and Mat Bosma are working to clean this up.
Architectural Committee
The Chair Michael Barto reported that the Architectural Committee had received one Architecture Request for new flooring for 16521 Grunion #204. This was approved.
Electrical Vehicle Charging
The Architectural Committee also reported that via Harbour Vista News information was provided to residents stating that they could not charge an electric vehicle including “plug in” using HOA power supplied to their garage. Information was provided as to the process to install a second meter in their Garage for charging an electric vehicle. This will be incorporated into the Architectural Guidelines. It is recommend that some of this be incorporated into a future revision of the “Rules and Regulations”.
General Association Business
The Boiler Service Company Brenrick tested the water pressure on April 19th and found it to be within normal range of 75PSI.
Hot water temperature was 140 degree in and 120 degrees out which fall into the normal requirements. The Board authorized that the units serviced by the Boilers for 16521 and half of 16551 Grunion be drain and be evaluated for excessive sediment in the pipes.
Water sample test cqame back from the lab 100% clean meaning it is portable water. PH was good. Alkalinity was good.
The HOA also approved our plumbing service provider to inspect the units of five residents in the 16521 Grunion Building to identify possible crossover of hot and cold water from old faulty shower valves.
The Board approved funding to contact the HOA Attorney to create a ballot to change the CC&R’s expiration date beyond its current August 31, 2041 for a future land lease negotiation either extension or buyout.
The Board authorized funding to contact a Real Estate Attorney to evaluate the options for purchasing or extending the land lease. Director John Briscoe provided a recommendation.
It was announced that two low voltage transformers for pathway lighting had been installed in the two pilot areas (one near 16551 Grunion and the other near 16542 Blackbeard). Matt Bosma was asked to purchase eight low voltage lights for the project and the Landscaping Committee will direct the HOA Landscaping service to where to install them.
A Grunion Garage Roof repair was approved.
A new Gate Call system was improved that will allow long distance phone numbers (e.g. member cell phones) to be used by all the gates and which will allow members to have multiple phone numbers linked to the gate system.
The Board requested quotes to add additional building numbers to each building instead of the one single building number that is currently installed.
The Board approved July 29th as the Election date for the New Board for 2021-2022. Request for candidates will be mailed out
The Homeowner Forum
Members complained about rioting awning at the Grunion Mail Box. A member ask the HOA to look into remodeling the Grunion bathroom as it is becoming very shabby. A complaint was made about excessive mildew at the Grunion Shower.
The next meeting of the HOA will held on May 27. ■ ■ Editor Notes:
Elections are reschedule for August 26, 2021. But you still must submit your "Declaration of Candidacy" by June 19th.
posted 27 April 2021
March 2021 HOA Meeting Summary
Benrick Boiler Service Discussion
New Fencing at Cabana Pool
Safety Committee Co Chair Resigns
The March 2021 HOA Meeting was held on March 25th at 6:30 pm in the Cabana Clubhouse in person and via Teleconferencing with Zoom. All Board Members were present: President Mary Williams, Vice President Michael Deitrick, Secretary Mike Borzi, Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar and Member at Large John Briscoe. Powerstone’s Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting.
New Teleconferencing System
The meeting introduced a new Meeting Teleconferencing Conference system that was just installed. It consists of an automated 360 degree camera with speaker and a 55 inch flat screen TV. The unattended camera automatically follows the speaking from the Board or the audience with split screen display when multiple people are speaking. This is all done through software and no human intervention is required. There were some issue with the TV video, but all and all this new system is a big improvement over previous endeavors. It reduces the cable requirement to just one USB connector to the hosting computer
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer reported as of the end of February 28, 2021, that the HOA had $350,762 in operations cash and $535,263 in the Reserves. Net increase in cash of $52,518.
Architectural Committee
The Architecture Chair Michael Barto reported that the Architectural Committee had not received any Architecture Request for this month. But there were some issues that they became involve:
There was noise complaint with a new owner’s workers going beyond the cut off time of 5pm on a weekday. Two members of the Architectural Committee approached these workers and with phone call to the owner, the problem was resolved.
The Committee filed a Code violation against a homeowners for attic conversion without a permit with City of Huntington Beach.
It was announced that a meeting would b held with Architectural Chairman, HOA Secretary Michal Borzi and Member at Large John Briscoe to discuss future Attic use Guidelines.
Safety Committee Report
There is no Safety Committee Chairman at present. Michael Barto officially resigned as temporary co-chair of the Safety Committee. Michael Deitrick will remain as temporary co-chair. This committee is still looking for a permanent chair. Michael Barto did provide a Safety Committee report prior to stepping down as follows:
Several ideas are floating around about the content of the next Safety Newsletter.
How to use the phone kiosk
How to monitor your children at Harbour Vista. Michael Detrick volunteered to write such an article.
The Committee want to take on development of a New Homeowners Guide. Whose purpose is to just discuss the new homeowners’ move in issues. A copy of a Harbour Vista News New Home Owner’s Guide was provided to the Board and Powerstone as a starting point.
Benrick Service Presentation
Harbour Vista’s Boiler Service provided a discussion of plumbing issue at the meeting. Items covered were:
Shutting off and on the Boilers
Sediment in the water
Water temperature
Many ideas were present as to the reason for the problems. It was decided to check the water pressure and temperature and to analyze the Sediment. All the Boilers at Harbour Vista will be flushed on April 5th.
Secretary Mike Borzi stated that he was not pleased with this vendors answers to many of the questions. It is also not clear what the next step to resolve these issue was going to be.
General Association Business
Cabana Pool Fencing replacement was approved for $22k which would be installed in August or later.
The old security cameras system installed about 15 years ago that never worked was approved to be removed.
Two low voltage transformer pilots were approved. Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar provide a sample system for testing low voltage light locations to the Board.
A member reimbursement for replacing plumbing fixtures destroyed by sediment in the water was denied. ■
Editor Notes:
The City’s code violation investigation concluded that the work was only for repairs and that the owner was not using the attic space for anything but storage.
posted 19 March 2021
Feburary 2021 HOA Meeting Summary
Land Lease Discussion
Gate Code Change
The February HOA Meeting was held on February 25th at 6:30 pm in the Cabana Clubhouse in person and via Teleconferencing with Zoom.
This was long meeting, but an important one. Fifteen members attended remotely, not including the board members and Committee Chairman. This was the biggest electronic turnout so far this year. All the Board Members were physically present, except for Member at Large John Briscoe who teleconference. Those physically present were President Mary Williams, Vice President Michael Deitrick, Secretary Michel Borzi, Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar and Architectural Commitee Chair Michael Barto. Powerstone’s Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting
Problems with Teleconferencing Equipment
The personal Electronic equipment (video, microphone and camera) provided by Michael Barto for the meeting, failed to connect properly to Powerstone’s laptop.Therefore, the Zoom meeting was conducted via’s Powerstone’s laptop.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer reported as of the end of January 31, 2021, that the HOA had $318,399 in the operations cash (an increase of $7,101 from last month) and $515,208 in the Reserve whihc is an increase of $23,257 from last month.
Architectural Committee
The Arch Chair Michael Barto reporterd that the Architectural Committee approved one request for vinyl retrofit windows and sliding doors for 4852 Cabana Drive #204.
Other Arch Actions This Month
A new homeowner asked the Architectural Chair to investigate a leak in the bedroom wall. There was concern that it might be affecting the unit on the other side of the wall. Powerstone was contacted and the issue was resolved.
A homeowner asked if an Architectural Request was required for minor piping relocation for installation of a replacement vanity/sink. The member was told that a request was not required.
A homeowner submitted an Architectural Request to install a new Satellite dish. The homeowner was informed that the new Architectural Guidelines do not require an Architectural Request to be submitted.
Proposed Arch Guidelines
The Arch Chair Michael Barto presented two proposal updates to the Architectural Guidelines for next year
Retrofit windows and sliding glass doors must be installed as same type window (right sliding, left sliding, etc.).
Work performed inside a condo must meets Building Code and does not pierce the unit’s perimeter walls and is not classified as major construction (e.g. removing walls, or cutting openings) do not required Architectural Committee approval except for installation of air conditioning, updates to top floor attic spaces where such exists, any impact of structural integrity (e.g., load bearing walls), non electrical piercing of floor or ceiling joist, major relocation of plumbing such as adding a drain to an island, or installation of in-wall or ceiling heaters.
Safety Committee Report
There is no Safety Committee Chairman at present. Michael Barto and Michael Deitrick are acting as co-chairs. The Safety Committee held a Zoom meeting on February 4th. Items discussued were:
Creation and placement of Maps and Signs
Revision to Safety Committee Charter
Finalizing the content of the New Year Safety Committee Newsletter
Discussion of skateboards on the sidewalks
Children shooting air guns and leave the foam bullets on the property.
It was announced that the Safety Committee will hold an Open Meeting on March 4th. Any member or resident is invited to attend.
General Association Business
Replacement Cabana Pool fencing with same type metal fencing was deferred. The Board requested a quote for artificial material. A sample of the artificial fencing material was provided at the meeting.
A utility door frame replacement was approved for a unit balcony.
The quote for all the Elevators for a soft start system was accepted.
The Board discussed recent Benrich Boiler work and continuing issue with excessive sediment in units at two Grunion Buildings.
Powerstone was asked to change the vendor Code at the Harbour Vista Gate Kiosk. The Property Manager Matt Bosma said he would change the code on March 15th.
Land Lease Discussion
Michael Deitrick’s provided a discussion for a proposal for an HOA to buy out the land lease from the owner. The HOA will offer the owner a fixed amount for the land lease and in-turn to will use the income from the lease to pay back the loan for the purchase. This way no dues will be increase, nor will the sub lease payment schedule be changed to fund the buyout. This buyout would also include the extra 15 years through 2056 where a new land lease payment schedule will use the same formula as the current lease schedule but will extent through 2056. The Board and Michael Detrick will be sending a letters and email to all homeowners with the details. Michael requested wants feedback from all membership.
It was stated that the first step in this process is to extend the termination date of the HOA beyond August 31, 2041. This will require a three quarter vote plus one by the membership to revise the CC&R’s.
The Homeowner Forum
Most all questions from the Homeowner forum were for clarification of the Land Lease buyout proposal.■
Editor Notes:
The problem with the audio/visual equipment will be solved at the next meeting with a new automated system installed in the Cabana Clubhouse. This new installation has only one cable connection to the host computer. The automated unit is self contained and consist of nine microphones, a powerful speaker and 360 Video camera (e.g., The Meeting Owl). A 55 inch Television wil also be part of this clubhouse installation so people attending in person can be seen thoise attending remotely.
The New Year Newsletter was distributed on each unit’s door on February 15th and 16th.
Most in the question in Open Forum were about the Land Lease. These are mostly answered in “Land Lease Challenge” Article posted in this Newsletter and copies mailed and emailed to each owner after the meeting.
posted 22 February 2021
January 2021 HOA Meeting Summary
Air Conditioner System Requires Permit
Rules and Regulation and
Guidelines Approved
The HOA Meeting was held January 28th at 6:30 pm via Teleconferencing with GoToMeeting.
Eleven members were in attendance including all the Board Members: President Mary Williams, Vice President Michael Deitrick, Secretary Michel Borzi, Treasurer Mariette van den Bersselaar, Member-at-Large John Briscoe. Powerstone’s Property Manager Matt Bosma facilitated the meeting.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer reported as of the end of December 31, 2020, that the HOA had approximately $325K in the operations cash (an increase of approximately $4k from last month) and $492K in the Reserves an increase of $22K from last month.
Architectural Committee
The Architectural Guidelines for 2021 were approved by the Board and Powerstone was asked to mail them to the members.
Remodel Violation
New owners started a remodeling project before they moved in. This included the installation of split air conditioning/heating system and new vinyl flooring in their upstairs unit. No Architectural requests was submitted to the HOA. Nor was an Air Conditioner/heater building permit obtained from the City. These homeowners therefore became in violation of the Harbour Vista Architectural Guidelines. Once the member was informed of this violation, he immediately submitted the Architectural Requests. The flooring request was approved as the member had already install the appropriate under flooring soundproofing. But the installation of the Air Conditioner/heater system could not be approved because a permit had not been obtained.
Asked to Appear
The owners informed the Committee that their contractor felt he could not obtain a permit because the City was closed because of Covid-19. The Architectural Committee informed the owner that this could be done via the web. The Committee also stated that until a permit is obtained, the new homeowner will be classified as “not in good standing” and will be asked to appear for a hearing with the Board for next month’s meeting to discuss this issue.
Landscaping Committee
Mary Williams ask to replace the Pool fencing for both pools for approximate $50K as it is in very bad shape. The HOA Treasurer Mariette stated that this has not been budgeted. The Board then discussed using other types of material and possible powder coating the rough iron fencing proposal instead of painting. The Board asked Property Manager Matt Bosma to obtain another quote from the fence vendor with powder coating.
Safety Committee Report
There is no Safety Committee Chairman at present. Michael Barto and Michael Deitrick are acting as co-chairs. It was announced that the Committee will hold a meeting at the start of February.
Low Voltage Lighting
Michael Barto again presented a quote from an electrician to install two low voltage light pilots: one near 16542 Blackbeard across from the Cabana Mailbox and one near the walkway across from 16551 Grunion and the large pond. The Board asked for more detail and the proposal was deferred. Michael Barto also asked Matt Bosma to provide another electrician to quote this installation.
Key Fob Entrance Gates
Michael Deitrick proposed to install security key fob entrance gates. He has held a meeting with a vendor and is waiting for a quote. At the meeting the vendor requested that the HOA contract someone to run the underground cables. Property Manager Matt Bosma was asked to provide an electrician who could provide a quote to run underground cables to the clubhouse from the key fob entrance gates.
Rules and Regulation Committee
The new Rules and Regulation were approved by the Board and Powerstone was asked to mail them to the members.
General Association Business
There was a discussion about installing permanent maps at the mailboxes to aid the delivery vendors and guest visitors to locate units. Property Manager Matt Bosma was asked to provide a contact for a print sign vendor to the Safety Committee.
A proposal was discussed for removal of the old video security cameras mounted on the buildings. This was tabled.
Approval was granted for removal of the discontinued old heat pump systems from the Cabana and Grunion Pools.
A Dryer vent clean out proposal was approved.
A sediment issue on Grunion, is prompting the Board to consider re-plumbing one of the buildings. There is some confusion as to the best action of attack to fix the issue. Should the system be flushed again? Where is the sediment coming from? Are the strainers not working?
Gutter clean out proposal was approved.
Open Forum
The pool lights are still out at the Grunion pool. This was supposed to be fixed last month.
Our custodian service has not shown up for three weeks. Some of the utility doors are in very bad shape and need be repaired or replaced.
Members were informed that the Cabana Gate is taking a long time to repair because the parts are on back order. ■
Editor Notes:
Installing a split air conditioning/heating system requires that the walls of the condo be pierced and new electrical circuits installed. The outside unit part must provide significant sound proofing as to not impact the neighbors. Obtaining a City permit will include a qualified inspection to satisfy these requirements which are also HOA requirements in the Architectural Guidelines.
Both the new “Rules and Regulations” and the “Architectural Guidelines” are posted on Habour Vista News web site.
At the beginning of February, it was discovered that no boiler strainers were ever installed.
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to