The Board of Directors welcomes resident attendance at the Board meetings, to observe business matters that take place involving the corporation.
In order to give you an opportunity to address the Board, and in accordance with Civil Code Section 4925, we've set aside a period of time at the beginning of each Board meeting (called Open Forum).
The Open Forum at the beginning of the meeting can address topics on the agenda, or those which may become future agenda items. If you want your concerns known on an agenda item before the Board takes action, the Open Forum is the place for you to express an opinion.
The procedure for Open Forum is simple:
- Raise your hand to be recognized by the President of the Board.
- State your concern in clear and simple terms, and please limit it to three (3) minutes.
- If someone else has already stated the concern, but you have something new to be added to the concern already expressed, then please raise your hand to be recognized, however, the Chair may limit participation to once per owner.
- Please don't interrupt others while they are speaking.
- Maintenance related items are to be directed to Action Property Management by calling or writing to their Customer Service. (Open Forum is not the proper venue to report maintenance items.)
- Please realize that while the Open Forum is a time for you to express an opinion or concern to the Board, you may not receive an immediate response or decision. The Board will take your concerns into consideration, but may not necessarily act upon them at the meeting, unless the concern is vital to an agenda item decision.
- Board meetings cannot be recorded. No audio or video recording is allowed by attendees. However, the Secretary may record the meeting to aid in the preparation of minutes. The recording is deleted once the minutes have been prepared.
- Attendees may not engage in obscene gestures, shouting, profanity or other disruptive behavior. If attendees become disruptive, they may be expelled from the meeting and fined.
Understanding Board Meeting Conduct:
- The Board meeting is a meeting of the Directors of the Corporation.
- As homeowners, you have a vested interest in your community, and you elected the Board members to take care of those interests.
- Business matters come before the Board when a motion is made, and seconded. Each motion has a discussion period before a vote is taken. This discussion is to take place only between the Board members (and with Management, if needed).
- When a vote on a motion is taken, it is voted on by the Board members only.
- If you would like an item to be considered by the Board to be on a future agenda for a decision, please submit your request or suggestion in writing at least a month before the next meeting. If you only want to verbally address the Board, without their making a decision at the meeting, your written input can be received up until the day before the Board meeting.
(Note: The Board may be unable to make decisions on items until they have done the proper research and had time to consider their findings.)