7 March 2021

TO: All Harbour Vista Residents
FROM: Board of Directors
RE: Public Service Request - Safety
DATE: February 18, 2021

The Board of Directors would like to remind all Harbour Vista Residents that the safety of community residents and members is of paramount importance. The Board has been made aware of situations where unsupervised persons under the age of 18 years old have engaged in the following activities:

  • Jumping the fence into the pool area or slipping between the railings into the pool area. Established pool rules require adult supervision.

  • Running up and down the hallways and playing in the elevators.

  • Dialing in and out of parked cars within the community.
  • Adults and persons under the age of 18 years old have been observed riding bicycles and skateboards on sidewalks between homes.

All of these activities pose a risk to the safety of the persons engaged in the activity and other community residents. If a person is injured while engaged in one of these unsupervised activities, the HOA and its members may be exposed to liability. In addition, these activities may disturb other residents of the community, given that most residents are spending more time at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. We should all strive to consider others and respect the rules and regulations of the community.

Thank you for your consideration of this important community message.

4821-8245-3725, V. 1 Public Safety()

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