January 11, 2023
Electronic Gate Kiosk
Updated January 12, 2024
Corrected 12 January 2024
Electronic Kiosk Systems

Update: January 11, 2024
The Provided for the Cabana, Grunion and Lago Vehicla Gate Kiosks, has updated the phones. Members will need to update their contact information to reflect the change. The new kiosk numbers for the vehicle gates are:
  • Cabana Kiosk 561-960-7664
  • Grunion Kiosk 229-590-8016
  • Lago Kiosk 321-469-2954
The installation of new Electronic Kiosk Intercom systems for the vehicle gates with mobile phone access was completed on August 23, 2021. This system allows the membership to not only to grant access to visitors by calling from the kioks, but provided the capability to open the vehicle gate simply by call its number.
Basic Phone Numbers
For basic kiosk service, a guest or vendor selects your name from the system list and calls you. When you answer a call from the kiosk, the vehicle gate can be opened by entering the number 11” (press 1” twice). You must asked to have yours cell phone or land line programmed into the system per gate.
Use Cell Phone to Open Gate
An additional capability is also provided to use you registered cell phone (with caller id enabled) to open the vehicle gate. This feature only works from a cell phone that has been registered for the particular vehicle gate, and with "Show My Caller ID” enabled.
Current Kiosk Numbers
  • 561-960-7664 (Cabana Gate)
  • 229-590-8016 (Grunion Gate)
  • 321-469-2954 (Lago Gate)
Multiple Phone Numbers and Name per Family
Guests or vendors select the person to call from the Kiosk, by name. One may scroll down the list of names quickly by pressing and holding either the up or down buttons. More than one name and phone number may be added for one residence.
To be added to the gate list, contact the Community Management Company and provide the :
  • gate name,
  • your unit address,
  • first name,
  • last name,
  • phone number (cell or land line)
Note: If you use a land line number, you can only open the gate for your guest with 1-1. You will be unable to to call the gate to open it as the new gate kiosk uses caller id to verify that you have permission.■

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