3 October 2024
September 26, 2024
Harbour Vista HOA
Rules and Regulations



      1. A Ten (10) M.P.H. speed limit within the complex driveways.

      2. Parking vehicles is not permitted in entrances, streets, cul-de-sacs or in front of garage areas, all of which are considered Fire Lanes and must always be kept clear. Violators will be towed.

      3. Recreational (boat, camper, trailer) commercial, box truck, or vehicles with commercial signage are not allowed to park overnight. Larger or longer vehicles should be placed in storage or parked off the property.

      4. Board or Management Company representatives may cause a vehicle parked in violation of these rules to be towed from the premises in accordance with the provisions of Section 22658.2 of the California Vehicle Code.

      5. Pedestrian gates shall remain closed and always locked.

    2. GARAGES

      1. Residents should park in assigned garages and assigned parking spaces.

      2. Garages must be closed and locked unless attended by a Resident.

      3. No excessive noise in the garage area between 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

      4. No commercial business shall be conducted in the garages.

      5. Light automotive repair is permitted inside of your garage space only, not in parking spaces.

      6. The storage of gasoline and other volatile, flammable fluids is strictly prohibited.

      7. Residents shall not be permitted to install any heavy electrical equipment, which may overload the electrical circuits of the garage. This includes:
        1. Shop equipment, CB radios or television equipment,

        2. Heavy-duty office equipment

        3. Refrigerators, freezers, wine coolers etc.

        4. Meat smokers of any kind. (If a smoker is used it must be outside of the garage on the asphalt it must ALWAYS be attended to by an adult.)

      8. No charging of electric vehicles (EVs) is allowed using the common area electrical outlets in the garages unless this has been authorized and approved by the HOA and Architectural Committee. A minimum violation of $50 for each violation will be imposed.

    3. UNASSIGNED PARKING (Non-numbered spaces)

      1. ALL Residents are responsible for informing their guests of the parking rules and regulations.

      2. Unassigned parking spaces are limited to seventy-two continuous (72) hours. These spaces are intended for the occasional use of residents and guests only. All vehicles must be operable. Guests may only park in unassigned spaces.

      3. Storage of any vehicles, operable or non-operable, is not approved for any of the unassigned parking spaces. Violators will be towed at the Owner’s expense pursuant to applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code. Non-operable vehicles should be stored in the owner’s garage.
This website and it's contents is not an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has not been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to editor@harbourvistanews.com