Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary shall be chosen from membership.
One Year
Issues warnings
Harbour Vista News encourages all interested parties to support these committees by participating or just attending. Committee membership improves knowledge of the community and most important provides a voice to influence how the HOA is run.
Architectural Committee
This Committee will limit its membership to HOA members only. This committee reviews and approves architectural and remodeling requests.
Finance Committee This Committee
assists and reports directly to the HOA Treasurer. Review HOA financial, cash flow and expenditures. Provide resouces for development of the HOA Yearly Budget. Works with Management Company on Fiancial Issue.
Landscaping Committee
This Committee provides recommendation to the landscaping services. By Charter, they are required to participate in property walk-thrus with the Property Management Company and vendors.
Parking Committee This Committtee assists in controlling parking problems and parking violations in thecommunity.
Rules and Regulations
This Committee provides recommendation for updates. revision and creation of rules and regulation.
Safety Committee
This committee concentrates on safety issues, awareness and earthquake preparation.
All of these Committees may not be active. When that happens the Board assumes the responsibility.
Everytime a board is reorganized or there is an election, each Committee is disolved pending the new Board re-creation of the committtees.
This website and it's contents is not an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, LLC. The content has not been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to