Pool Area Clean Up Pear Tree to be Removed
New Outgoing Mailbox for Grunion
The meeting was called to order with three (3) Board Members present, the Action Community Manager and 11 residents were in attendance. A fourth Board Member arrived later in the meeting and one Board Member was absent.
Board Announcements
The Board President talked about the pool areas needing more clean up more frequently. The cleaning company will start coming on Fridays and Mondays to empty the trash bins in the pool areas. Additional trash cans will be purchased for the pool areas. Also, the Board ordered the new umbrellas for the pool areas 3 weeks ago and they should arrive soon. The barbeques will be deep cleaned by the cleaning company.
Homeowner Forum
Several residents brought up other issues about the pool areas. One resident wanted to know how many guests a resident could have at the pool. Our Rules state a resident can have 6 guests at a time at the pool. Another resident asked about the types of pool flotation toys that are allowed at the pool and stated a safety concern about some of the bogie boards and other items being used in the pool. Another resident said they found the gas to the barbeques left on twice and one water facet in the restroom left running one night. They stated they check the barbeques and restroom and showers to make sure they are shut off at night. Also the ash trays at the pool area have disappeared and so there have been lots of cigarette butts on the pool deck, especially around the spa.
New Business
Approved Tierra Verdi removing a Pear tree at the 4831 Lago building, plant additional plants by the large pond by the Lago and Blackbeard buildings. The Board wants to make that area a focal point. Plant ivy and additional plants by the boiler for the 4861 Lago building. This is where there was a pipe leak.
CPR Construction will install an “outgoing” mailbox at the Grunion bulletin board area. There has never been an outgoing mailbox on the Grunion side of the complex.
Scott English plumbing will install new “check valves” at the boilers.
Red Hawk will inspect the fire alarm boxes and systems.■
Comments and Remarks: Michael, there was incorrect information in the newsletter. Originally, there were outgoing mailboxes on both sides of the street. The box on Grunion was broken into, in order to steal checks in the outgoing mail. The box was never replaced. Most of the boxes, that can be purchased and installed are not very sturdy. The HOA board, at that time, felt that the inconvenience was livable since there is a regular mailbox at the Wells Fargo.
Mike Mengel
Former President of the HAO
(posted 8 July 2013)
Date: Monday July 8, 2013 for the Election of a New Association Board
Date: Monday July 8, 2013 for the Election of a New Association Board
New Lighting Vendor No Board Meeting In December
Acknowledgement of Member
Eleven homeowners/residents were in attendance along with four board members and the community manager Taylor DeLauder. The Board approved replacing two stream pumps and one float valve. A proposal from a new lighting vendor was accepted. Volunteer, Mike Peduzzi was acknowledge for his service to the community. The Board approved the replacement of broken concrete parking bumpers. Funding for additional landscape plants was approved. Community Manager, Taylor DeLauder gave the finance report and stated that expenses for the month of October were slightly over budget. The Board Treasurer was absent from the open meeting but did attend the earlier executive session.
The Board announced there would be no December HOA meeting. The next HOA meeting will be on January 27, 2013.
New Stream Pumps and Float Valve
Two new stream pumps will be installed on the Grunion side of the complex. They will increase the water circulation and improve the water quality in the streams and ponds. In another stream issue, there has been a recurring problem with a broken float valve for the stream between the Cabana garages and the 4831 Lago building. The Board approved the replacement of the float valve immediately at a cost of around $2,300, as it is causing the water level in the stream and pond to fluctuate and water to be lost down the overflow drain.
New Electrical/Lighting Vendor
A proposal was approved by the Board for a new Electrical/Lighting vendor, Tyler Lighting Services. This new vendor has their own warehouse where they maintain many of the lighting parts and fixtures needed to maintain the lighting at Harbour Vista. Not having locally stocked parts with the previous vendor caused delays in repairs. Tyler Lighting will include monthly cleaning of the light fixtures, not just cleaning when light bulbs are replaced.
Acknowledgement and Parking Lot Painting
Board member Cheryl Boyd announced that painting of red curbs and yellow speed bumps had to be cancelled due to bad weather but will be rescheduled when weather permits. Cheryl also thanked volunteer Mike Peduzzi for participating in the painting , Boiler shutoff training and providing his own tools for water shut offs.
Cement Bumper Replacements
A recent survey has indicated that there are twenty six damaged or broken cement bumpers in the parking lots. Taylor DeLauder stated it will cost about $85.00 per bumper to replace them. The Board indicated they wanted to proceed ahead with the replacements.
The Board had a lengthy discussion on the landscaping regarding the moving of four Palm trees, and the additional planting of Honeysuckle and Jasmine plants in some of the areas where there are no plants. The cost will be just under $3,000. The Board asked Taylor DeLauder to make sure homeowners are notified about the Palm trees being moved.
The Board approved the painting of the wrought iron perimeter fences.
The Board asked for quotes for the annual audit and Action Property Management has provided the name of a CPA who would charge about half what the HOA was charged last year. The Board approved the recommended CPA.
Open Forum
New homeowner, Mike Friedman, asked if there could be a special assessment for property owners who use their unit(s) as rentals. Taylor DeLauder said that Civil Code prohibits such assessments.
Fireplaces not for Wood Burning
A Board member stated that homeowners /residents should not burn anything but gas logs in the fireplaces. Wood, synthetic logs or any other material pose a fire hazard and is in violation of the HOA Rules and Regulations. It was suggested notices be posted at the mailboxes reminding residents to only burn gas logs.
The Board approved several new liens on properties with delinquent HOA dues.■
posted 31 Ocotber 2013
October HOA Meeting
Dues will not Go Up Light Poles and Ground Leak
Parking Lot Painting
by Michael Barto
Sixteen residents/homeowners with four board members and our community manager were present at the October 28 Harbour Vista Home Owners Association Meeting. The major business for the meeting was the passing of the HOA Budget for 2014. Significant to the 2014 Budget is HOA dues will not go up for 2014. Also, it was announced that on Saturday November 2nd volunteers will paint the red curbs and possibly the yellow speed bumps on the Grunion side of the complex. Several maintenance issues were discussed including the ground leak by the Lago pond, the pole light replacement, and stagnate water in the streams on Grunion.
Budget Passed
The Budget for 2014 does not raise the HOA dues. Additionally a new account will be set up to pay $6360/mo. additional money into the HOA reserve account. Again the additional revenue is the result of lower maintenance costs, collection of delinquent accounts, and deferring some maintenance issues. The Community Manager pointed out that the utility expenses for 2013 remained about the same and the new budget allocated the same for 2014. Also, he stated that the budgeted amount for water/plumbing leaks should be sufficient to cover emergency water/plumbing issues in 2014.
Community Manager, Taylor DeLauder, provided the Treasurer’s report in the Treasurer’s absence. He noted the HOA operating budget for the September 30th closing was again under budget by about $3,000.
Parking Lot Painting
A Volunteer Committee report was given by Board member Cheryl Boyd. She announced that volunteers will start painting of the driveway curbs. This is schedule to start on Saturday November 2 on the Grunion side. Along with the volunteers, the Board invited anyone present who wanted to participate to meet at the Grunion Mail Boxes at 9 a.m. A test has already been done with brush rollers for painting and the work should go quickly. Participates should wear their “paint clothes”.
Vendor Oversite
The Board stated that it is always improving the work/service from vendors. A walk through is done twice a month with Board members, the Community Manager, and the various maintenance vendors where items of concern are discussed and issues pointed out. Most recently three board members met with the Landscape and Stream vendors for a two hour walk through on a Saturday. Such issues as dead bushes, over grown areas and other areas of concern for the Landscape company were placed on a punch list for action. The board will be closely monitoring the list over the next few months. It was pointed out that not all items can be corrected immediately, but improvements are going to be made.
Maintenance Issues
Replacement of six pole lights on Lago and Grunion was approved by the Board. The approved bid was competitive. DJ Lighting was awarded the contract after matching the lowest bid. Replacement poles have been ordered by the contractor and will be installed as soon as they arrive.
A slow underground water leak by the 4791 Lago building near the pond is in the process of being repaired. The large tree over the leak has been removed to expose the leak area. Work will begin soon on the repair. Taylor DeLauder pointed out it was a slow leak and did not present any current hazard. (See Updated: “The Ficus and the Leak”).
Board member, Ramy Esklander, talked about his work with the Stream vendor. A major issue with maintaining clear water in the streams is the accumulation of sediment lying at the bottom. The current Stream vendor is discussing using a new prototype system to vacuum out the streams instead of the old expensive method of draining the water and then removing the accumulated sediment by hand. Harbour Vista would be a test case.
Open Forum
A new resident asked why the tree/shrub trimmings are being left around on the ground for a couple of hours. This new resident also asked about having the asphalt around his parking space repaired. He was having a problem with the hot water in his unit. It does not stay hot but switches between hot and cold. The Board asked the Community Manager to contact him regarding this hot water problem.
A suggestion was made by a resident that the rain gutters be cleaned prior to the raining season. They had not been cleaned for four years. This would prevent some roof leaks from occurring. Property manager Taylor DeLauder expressed that this was a great idea and he would look in to having it accomplished.
New Business
The Board discussed several proposals to improve the electronic gate entrances to the complex. They asked the Community Manager to consolidate the proposals with an overall plan for the replacement of the gate rollers, repair/replacement of the mechanics for the gates, painting of key kiosk and phone area.
This item was tabled and will be brought back at the next meeting for Board approval.
The Board approved the purchase and installation of a new pump for one of the streams on Grunion.
The purchase of a second pump for the Grunion streams was tabled so an evaluations of the one pump to be installed can be made.
A proposal from Tierra Verde (landscape company) for new plantings was discussed and will be further investigated with regard to pricing and selection of plants by the Board.
NOTE: HOA monthly meeting reports are made from notes that are taken by members who attend the meetings. This report is NOT the official/legal recorded minutes of the HOA that will be done and maintained by Action Property Management. However, this report has been checked for accuracy by the residents that were in attendance at the meeting.
Comments and Remarks: Any HarbourVista Resident or Board member is welcome to send an email response or comments about this article to the webmaster. They will be published unedited as long as an email address of the sender is provided and it contains no profanity. Send to mbarto@logiqwest.com
posted 30 September 2013
September HOA Meeting
New Plumbing Vendor Preliminary Reserve Study and
Draft Budget Presented by Michael Barto
The Harbour Vista Homeowners Association meeting for September 23, 2013 was a short and organized meeting with 16 members in attendance plus the Board Members. One Board member was not present due to vacation.
The Board announced a new plumbing vendor for the Association and the membership. The Board has approved the repair of the large pothole with standing water at the Grunion entrance. The preliminary reserve study was again dismal as it has been for more than ten years but is not worst. The budget proposal looks promising to pay back the reserves. The Land Lease/Purchase committee will continue to meet monthly but it does not look like there is going to be any progress in the near future.
Recommended Plumber
The Board has engaged Scott English Plumbing, Inc. for the HOA and also as a recommended plumber for the residents. Scott English Plumbing, Inc. is a local plumber, familiar with the HV property and can provide a quick response for emergencies. The company is available 24 hours seven days a week. See http://www.scottenglishplumbing.com.
The Board announced that volunteers received water-boiler shutoff training from the vendor.
Land Lease/Purchase Committee
The Land Lease/Purchase Committee will meet once a month. They have been evaluating options for the land lease, sub-lease or land purchase. See Land Lease Report. It has been slow progress. They are working on different solutions. There does not appear to be any magic solution. The Board President stated they could make no promises on the outcome of their efforts.
Reserve Study
The Reserve Study was presented to the Board. A board member highlighted that the Reserve Study shows the reserve fund is only 6% funded at this time. Community Manager, Taylor Delauder reminded the Board the Reserve Study is only a recommendation and tool for the Board to use as they develop the Budget for 2014. Reserve studies and what they mean are complicated and really something for another article. Right now the study is for the Board to review and use in making budget decisions for the 2014 budget.
Draft Budget
Community Manager, Taylor DeLauder, discussed the current progress in development of the proposed HOA budget for 2014. Some current allocations in this year's budget were too high and need to be revised. A proposal to allocate an additional $8K a month to the reserves in addition to the normal allocation would allow an additional $96K a year to be applied against the $634K reserve deficit. Action stated the HOA finances are improving due to reduction of expenditures, collection of delinquent HOA dues, monitoring costs and more income from monthly HOA dues.
Open Forum
At the Open Forum, a member asked the Board if they know what the ratio of investors (rental properties) versus owner occupied units. The Board answered that it was between 39% to 40% investor own.
Parking violations was a large topic of Open Forum. Car are being left unattended in front of garages and red and loading zones. Residents with multiple cars are moving their cars from one visitor parking space to another. This is a violation of the HOA rules. The Board stated that they are aware of this and that parking violation notices will be issued. The Board asked residents to report parking violations to Action Property. Management. The report should include Make, Model and License number of the vehicle. The first notice will be a warning. But if not complied with, the vehicle will be towed and impounded at the owner’s expense.
Other Things
In the Financial Update, Action stated that one account in the operating budget was over budget due to excessive plumbing expense from the previous month. It should be noted, that at the July Board Meeting, Action reported that they had a $50K budget surplus. See HOA Meeting.
The Board engaged the members present for their opinion on the color the new umbrellas for the tables in the two pool areas. The consensus was blue. Action was directed to obtain a quote for good quality non crank type blue umbrellas. Also a new table will also be purchased to replace a broken one.
Landscaping and Fencing
Tierra Verde Landscaping is asking for $1500 to distribute perennial grass seeds around the complex to keep the grounds green and lush during the winter. A decision was postponed till after a Board Member meets with Tierra Verde Landscaping.
Bill’s Fence Company provided a quote that was accepted by the Board for repair of the perimeter fencing in the complex.
Light Poles
Four or five outside light poles need to be replaced. The electrical components in these poles are broken beyond repair and the poles and supports are rusted out. One light pole has completely broken off. Two Board members complained this was reported more than three months ago and this was a safety issue that needed to be corrected as soon as possible. Quotes have been received from two electrical companies and the Board instructed the Action Property Manager to obtain another quote for replacement with solar lighting.
The next HOA Meeting is scheduled for Monday October 28th at 7:30pm at the Community Center. All residents, property owners and interested parties are welcome to attend. Agenda will be available four days prior to the meeting.■
Comments and Remarks: Any HarbourVista Resident is welcome to send an email response or comments about this article to the webmaster. They will be published unedited as long as an email address of the sender is provided and it contains no profanity. Send to mbarto@logiqwest.com
(posted 1 September 2013
August 2013 HOA Meeting
Meeting Was Polite and Orderly
Plumbing and Security Discussed
by Michael Barto
The August 26th HOA Board meeting was a huge improvement over the last meeting in July. Attendance was higher and there was a tone of politeness by all in attendance. The Homeowners Open Forum focused on security and plumbing issues. The Board Treasurer, Tim Jordanides, surveyed those Homeowners at the meeting for their opinion on HOA finances.
The Treasurer, Tim Jordanides, gave a summary of the Harbour Vista finances. He stated that “while we are not out of the woods yet, things are getting better”. Based on the June 30th summary, the operating accounts were $132,641. The Reserve account balance was $234,218 and the income from HOA dues for the month of June was $57,608. The recommended amount of shortfall for the Reserves remains at $634,737. The Board President stated that “the HOA is trying to save money everywhere it can.” Also, expenses have been reduced by new vendors and competitive procurement.
Straw Poll
In a brilliant move to engage the Homeowners at this HOA meeting, Tim Jordanides took a straw poll asking if they would want to defer maintenance expenses to avoid raising homeowner’s dues.
Those in attendance were overwhelmingly in favor of deferring maintenance. Tim Jordanides said he would make every effort not to raise the HOA dues.
Easy Exit Locks
The Board President Gayle Poynter announced the installation of the new easy exit locks on the pool gates and exit gates in the complex. Not all gate locks have been upgraded. Only the two pool gates and four exit gates were changed. Board member Ramy Esklander stated “when funds become available, the intent is to make all gate locks easy exit (no key required). See article “HOA Installs Easy Exit Locks”
Vendor Monitoring
The new landscape company is doing a reasonable job, but they do need to improve. Board Member Cheryl Boyd along with two volunteers and Action Property Manager are monitoring the landscape work. The Board is planning a meeting (date and time not set) with several vendors to review their work.
The Streams
Ramy Esklander provided details on the new stream maintenance. Water chemicals are being added more frequently than before. A young resident found his baseball that had been lost in the stream for over a year because the streams are clearer! Ramy stated “there is still mud in the bottom of the ponds and streams, but commercial removal would be too expensive—estimated at $50,000 or more”. Ramy is looking for volunteers to help him experiment with cleaning up the streams. One Homeowner present said she would help.
New Plantings
Ramy described the new climbing vines planted around the perimeter fences on Green by the Cabana pool to improve esthetics and add privacy.
Open Forum
Former HOA volunteer Brenda Richardson expressed concerns about the new Water Shutoff Policy. She stated that asking homeowners to schedule water shutoffs for repairs/upgrades for the first Monday of the month was causing extra expense to homeowners. One homeowner’s plumbing job might require more time than another homeowner. Because repairs and shutoffs are scheduled on the same day with multiple homeowners and plumbers, the same amounts of time will be charge to each homeowner waiting for water to be turned back on.. Further she said many plumbing issues in each unit do not wait for a monthly policy shutoff day. She requested the Board suspend this policy.
Shutoff Valves
Former HOA Board Member Michael Barto stated “whether you have a coordinated shutoff day or not, the problem really rests with the individual homeowner.” From thirty to forty units are impacted by a single homeowner each time the water needs to be shutoff. A guideline policy would be more appropriate where homeowners are encouraged to install individual shutoff valves for their showers/tubs and washer hookups.
All the water lines to the kitchen and bathroom sinks already have water shutoff valves under the cabinets. What remains are the showers, washer hookups and the ice maker line.
Homeowners should at least be encouraged to install at their own expense, shutoff valves for the showers/tubs and the washer hook ups. Typically this adds $200 to the plumbing job.
Overgrown Balcony Plants
A member complained about plants over growing balconies. She requested the HOA send letters to these offenders who are violating the HOA plants on patios and balconies rules.
Land Lease
A homeowner asked the Board if there was any update on the Land Lease Issue. The Board president said they were still researching the issue and there was nothing new to report at this time.
A member express her concern about possible transits who have sneaked into the complex and were seem around her bottom unit. She asked about installing security bars on her unit -- and would the HOA Board approve this? The HOA Board asked her to provide more details.
Pole Lights
After the Homeowners Forum, the Board meeting continued with a discussion of replacement of four broken pole lights. Bids had been received but seemed too high. Board member Ramy wants Solar Pole Lights. Community Property Manager Taylor DeLlauder said he would obtain additional proposals.
Salt Water Jacuzzis
The Board members discussed replacing the chlorine in the Jacuzzis with salt water which is less irritating to the skin. Besides the cost, salt may corrode the copper pipes and ruin the pumps. The pool vendor will be asked to advise the Board on this issue.
Other Items
New umbrellas need to be purchased for the pool areas. It was suggested they be blue or red.
Board member Cheryl Boyd discussed a proposal from Bill Spense Fencing for the repair of the perimeter fences around the complex.
The Board wants to buy additional water turn off keys for the water main lines.
Though on the meeting agenda, no lein information was provided at this Board Meeting.
Readers wishing to contact the Harbour Vista HOA Board to comment on the meeting or ask questions, simply send an email to hvboard@harbourvistahoa.com
Information for installing water shutoff valves in an individual unit was posted when this web site was only a sub directory under Logiqwest. For Harbour Vista News, See the Ideas-Individual Shutoffs section which contains example and photographs showing how homeowners can improve the unit's individual plumbing system and not have to impose their neighbors, again.
Comments and Remarks: Any HarbourVista Resident is welcome to send an email response or comments about this article to the author. They will be published unedited as long as an email address of the sender is provided and it contains no profanity. Send to mbarto@logiqwest.com
(posted 1 August 2013)
July 2013 HOA Meeting
Financials Looking Better
Vice President Confronts Member
by Michael Barto
The newly elected Harbour Vista HOA Board held their first public Board meeting on Monday July 22, 2013 in the Harbour Vista Community Club House at Cabana Circle. It was announced that Financials for the HOA had improved. The Board President announced that the Board had filed a “Hate Crime Report” with the Huntington Beach Police Department.
Attendance was down for this meeting to 13 people
New Board Members Assume the Helm
The newly elected HOA Board for 2013-2014 was introduced by Board President Gayle Poytner who was re-elected. Other re-elected members include Ron Rolewicz, remaining as Vice President and Ramy Eskander, remaining as Member at Large. Two new members elected to open positions on the HOA Board are Cheryl Boyd, as Secretary and Tim Jordanides as the new Treasurer.
Finances Better Than Expected
Action Property Management Company Representative Taylor DeLauder provided a very short and clear report of the current financial position of the HOA. He stated that this month the HOA has a budget surplus of $50K . This is due to the under estimation of the budget expenses. Vice President Ron Rolewicz added this was a significant and improving cash flow for the HOA.
Hate Crime Report Filed
The President, Gayle Poynter, announced that a campaign poster for the “Gayle Poynter Voter Block” in one of the elevators on Grunion on June 30,2013 had been defaced.
Defacing comments that were “racist, religious slurs” were written on the poster referring to three of the candidates. Gayle Poynter announced that the HOA will not tolerate “Hate Crimes”. As President of the HOA, she had filed a “Hate Crime” report with the Huntington Beach Police Department. During the filing, she was asked who might be the likely perpetrator. She named the only candidate running against her “ Voting Block “, Mary Williams. This in turn prompted the Police Department to contact Mary Williams and question her about the incident.
Terrorist Threat?
Mary Williams, who was in attendance at this meeting, told the Board about this accusation and the phone call from the Police Department. She also stated that the local newspaper “The Huntington Beach Wave” published a news summary of the incident with the heading “Terrorist Threat” and that it was suspected the “opposition campaign” was responsible for the act. Mary Williams stated she did not commit the act and knew nothing about who might have committed the act.
Vice President Confronts Member
In an unusual move, Vice President Ron Rolewicz left his seat at the board table and walked out to stand in front of Mary Williams. He informed the members present that he had concluded during his investigation it was obvious an older woman had defaced the campaign poster. His reasoning was the references to archaic slang/slur language used and the handwriting was too neat for it to be a male’s writing. Though he did not say this, this profile fit Mary Williams who he was standing in front of. Mary Williams stated again that she had nothing to do with this. The new Board as a whole ignored Mary’s concerns that she had been falsely accused. Michael Barto, a former Board Member, who was in the audience spoke up before things got out of hand and stated “is this beat up on Mary Williams time”? Ron Rolewicz returned to his seat. It should be noted this is the first time that attendees remember a Board Member leaving their seat to confront a member of the audience.
Open Forum
For the Open Forum, the President made an announcement that no maintenance issues were to be discussed during this time. She gave no explanation as to why.
A member complained about unauthorized people trespassing into the complex to use the pools. Discussion ensued as to how this could be curtailed. No resolution was reached. Ron Rolewicz said if any resident saw a problem they could call him immediately and he would investigate. Oddly, Ron’s phone number has not been posted at the mailboxes or on the web site as was the policy of the previous Board. It is assumed this will be corrected and his phone number posted in the near future.
Regular Session
After the open session concluded the Board continued with several financial approvals. New locks will be installed on some of the gates that will allow opening from the inside without requiring a key. New foliage is to be planted around the pool areas to hide the view of the pools from the streets. A recent pole light replacement was discussed. Member at Large, Ramy Eskander, asked the Management Company to investigation replacing the broken pole light with a solar one. HOA insurance is coming up for renewal. Three bids have been submitted – the lowest being approximately $39K. The Board asked the Management Company to review the other bids.
There was a short presentation by a potential vendor to the Board and those in attendance (vendor’s name and function withheld since this is in negotiation). Gayle Poynter announced that the Land Lease/Purchase committee is planning on holding a meeting in the near future. No date and time has yet been decided.
The racial, religious slurs used in the defacing of the campaign poster are known among the 20 somethings, hard core right wing beach crowd according to some young friends of mine in Huntington Beach. They have recently heard these terms. Also the defacing was "printed" not "written".
Comments and Remarks: Any HarbourVista Resident is welcome to send an email response or comments about this article to the webmaster. They will be published unedited as long as an email address of the sender is provided and it contains no profanity. Send to mbarto@logiqwest.com
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to editor@harbourvistanews.com