To keep the same functionality at a reasonable that almost matches the original Mixet valve, Delta Faucets has a series called Orleans. This is quick a popular brand and both the set and brand are carried by Home Depot, Lowels and BJ Discount Plumbing. BJ's off the set for $144 including tax. If you want the set the stop screws add $15 more.
The is a "Pressure Balance" valve shower/bath system. As compared to some other brands (e.g. Price Pfister), this system has both temperature and pressure controls. The stop valve version allows you to turn off the water supply in the valve (by removing the trim in the shower/bath) to change the cartridge if it ever gets clod or stops working properly. The rubberized shower head allows simple cleaning of calcium deposits.
To replace the Mixet valve requires a plumber to turn of the whole building. Siphon the water out of the system (time consuming) and then perform pipe solder work to replace the valve. I am not sure if this requires breaking a wall or they can work through the trim hole in the shower. Would like some input for those who have had this done.
If you elect to install the stop version, you do have some control over turning off the water yourself to perform only maintenance.
Non Stop Vale
Stop Version
But if you ever want to upgrade your shower valve, again the whole building will be shut off. Several owner have elected to have shutoff valves installed on the line to the shower and put in an access panel from either the Washroom and/or the Walk-in closet. When I had a new tub installed, my plumber insisted in putting them in to that he could quickly turn the water back on in my building for the other owners while he worked on installing a new tub. Sometimes the plumbers put in these valves, during remodeling, but after remodeling, there is no access panel. YOu might actually have valves behind your tub if there was expensive remodeling, but no way to access.
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